Modern Girls
Modern Girls
PG-13 | 07 November 1986 (USA)
Modern Girls Trailers

Margo, Kelly, and CeCe have three things in common: they're roommates, they're gorgeous, and they're hooked on the glamour and excitement of L.A.'s rock and roll night life. When they get mixed up with a rock star, an arrogant ex-boyfriend, a pseudo-sadist, and the nicest nerd in The City Of Angels, it's a full night to say the least!

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
ddfcmp8 You know what? I think the majority of people who never liked this film much, were most likely expecting it to be all the things it wasn't. Either they wanted it to be a John Hughes film, or some extravagant film of the like. Not all films will be like that, and not all films were like that back in 1986. This film has it's serious moments, but only at times when the necessary elements are needed. True, it's comic tactics are not as up to par with the potential it had, but when seen with a good sense of humor, this film is funny as it is. How can you resist Daphne Zuniga? She is a doll! She practically holds the film on her shoulders. Cynthia Gibb and Clayton Rhoner are good too, while Virginia Madsen is annoying. She might be an Oscar nominated actress now, but in this, she just stood around looking lost and drugged. Another charm to the film, besides Daphne Zuniga, is the setting, in the L.A. night scene. The locations are fun and appropriate, and at one point, we see a sign that says "Melrose Place". Pretty ironic huh? The musical soundtrack is also a must for me to mention. It features the most defining sounds of the mid 80's, and every fan of this magical decade should here it. This film is no masterpiece, but it is fun, and enjoyable. Just have fun with it, you'll see what I mean.
Totallyrad80 Yum. These girls were sensational in this movie. This was the first time I would know of Virginia Madsen and Daphne Zuniga because I know of Cynthia Gibb ("Search for Tomorrow" and "Fame") but I saw this flick and I liked it so much. When I did catch this movie on cable, I remember living this kind of lifestyle at the time, (19 years old, going out on Friday nights to trendy clubs, didn't know what I wanted to do in my life as yet except to live), I did relate to these girls and what they wanted to get out in their lives going out barhopping. I had a lot of fun enjoying this film and the characters was so much different from each other. You had Cece - the attractive, bubblehead, red hair, (which that was an attractive shade of red on Cynthia), Kelly - the one who couldn't figure out what made her attracted by this sleazeball, dj, but couldn't get him out of her head and Margo - who was definitely the force in there lives. Long lives that life and when I saw this movie I was at that stage at that lifetime. (Now 33 yrs old). But who could ever forget the part of the WonderBread bus and the passengers mistaken Cliff as the rock star Bruno X or the food fight at the club, or the fight that took place in the fountain. And I have to say that it was a good thing that none of them was actually selfish with what they wanted like such as Margo pointed out to Cece that they went through hell just for you to dump them for Bruno X. But Margo went through with helping out her friend and roommate to look for Bruno. And it was good when Cece realized that she didn't want this lifestyle that Bruno was going to provide and make sure she was taken care of. It was when she realized that she was going to miss her friends if she took off with him and she stopped and realized that Kelly, Margo and Cliff was more important in her life than being with a publicized rock star. But it was a great film that I loved and was always hoping for a sequel to come out and see where their lives has taken them now. And who could forget the part when Cliff had to go after a limo only to be a bunch of Arabs with machine guns to follow them.
timmauk This is a story about three single girls(Cynthia Gibb of "Jack's Back", Virginia Madsen and Daphne Zuniga of "Melrose Place") looking for a good time. Somehow a geek(Clayton Ruhner of "Just One Of The Guys") gets thrown into their night and things start to fall apart. It's a good movie about friendship and acceptance. I don't think it anywhere near a classic, but good fun just the same. It's always nice to see these actors when they were young and starting out. Also looking back at the '80s and seeing all the big hair, wild clothes, and the music.If you are looking for a fun film, look no futher than this one. Another fun film is "Just One Of The Guys". One of my favorites!
Nancy-40 This was a great film, funny, It follows a typical friday night for 3 room mates, except this friday night everything that can go wrong for them goes wrong for them, its very good, they are all immature in their own way but they are funny!!