The Three Stooges Meet Hercules
The Three Stooges Meet Hercules
| 15 February 1962 (USA)
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The Three Stooges manage to crash through the time barrier with their slap-happy antics in this classic feature-length comedy. Larry, Moe, and Curly-Joe are friends of a young scientist, Schuyler Davis, who has created a time machine. Together with Schuyler's girlfriend, Diane, they are all transported back to ancient Ithaca which is ruled by the tyrannical King Odius. The lecherous king promptly takes a liking to Diane and banishes Schuyler and The Stooges to the galleys. When they manage to escape, they begin promoting Schuyler as "Hercules" at local gladiatorial combats - until the real Hercules shows up. But, with their unique "charm," The Stooges convince Hercules to help them rescue Diane. Written by Robert Lynch

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
ThiefHott Too much of everything
Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Michael_Elliott The Three Stooges Meet Hercules (1962) ** (out of 4)Moe, Larry and Curly Joe are drug store workers who find themselves in a mess when they mess around with their friends scientific machine. Pretty soon they're all taken back to 900 B.C. where they end up in a Roman battle going up against Hercules (Samson Burke).THE THREE STOOGES MEET HERCULES is obviously far from a classic film or even a good film for that matter. With that said, as was the case with a lot of the features from this era, they were made for kids and I think most young fans will enjoy it. It's obvious that one shouldn't be expecting the early Stooges because, well, these guys here are much older and the material isn't nearly as good either.With that said, I did think there were some excellent moments scattered throughout the picture. The highlight has to be early on after the Stooges are mistaken for Gods and taken to the King's palace where they have feast. There's some truly hilarious moments between Curly Joe and Hercules as well as an escape plan that also gets some huge laughs. The slave ship sequence was also pretty good but after these moments is when the film really fell apart and there just weren't enough laughs to make it worth sitting through.Moe Howard, Larry Fine and Joe DeRita were all in good form here and Vicki Trickett made for a great looking lead. I thought Burke was pretty good in the role of Hercules as well and I really liked some of his comic timing when he was getting beaten or having accidents happen around him.
fung0 This was one of my favorite movies when I was a kid, and I find it still holds up today. I think the important thing is to judge these latter feature films very differently than the old Curly/Shemp shorts. The old 'classic' Stooges were about all-out zaniness, at an energy level that simply isn't sustainable at feature length. It's no accident that those old shorts were never extended; they couldn't be, even in theory.The beauty of the Stooges' feature films, like Meet Hercules, In Orbit and The Outlaws is Coming, is precisely in the fact that they don't try to be 90-minute 'shorts.' Instead, they're much more about story. And Meet Hercules has a great story. The whole idea of making Hercules a 'real' person is intriguing... apart from anything else, this is a great time-travel yarn. It's also a great fantasy... I see echoes of this film in Terry Gilliam's work, especially the fight with the 'bi-cyclops.' ("Even though ya got two heads, ya only got a half a brain!") This is even a pretty good spoof of sword-and-sandal epics, that were incredibly popular at the time.Of course, the true genius of the Stooges remains their total commitment to their own weird reality. While the Marx Brothers are lampooning the real world... and even lampooning themselves lampooning the real world... the Stooges never admit that any other world exists but their own, a world where a pie-fight or a poke in the eye are the correct responses to most problems. I think it's probably a glimpse of what vaudeville must have been at its finest... the ability of some performers to transport an audience by sheer will-power to a lighter, less-serious plane of existence. (Where a conk on the cranium with a mallet DOESN'T result in concussion and life-threatening skull fractures.)The gags are more subdued, more verbal, more drawn-out in these feature films. But my faith in those three lunkheads is undiminished. These may be lesser works, but they are the works of true cinematic geniuses, who remained true to their vision... no matter how silly it might have been. I miss these guys a lot... we'll never see their like again.
Wizard-8 I've never been a fan of the Stooges, so I guess maybe it was inevitable that I didn't think much of this movie or the Stooges' kind of humor. Still, I'll admit it was fairly tolerable to watch, and there were indeed a few moments I found amusing.
barry-28 When the Three Stooges are accidentally sent to ancient Greece in a time machine they accidentally change history. Changing it back includes encounters with Cyclops, Hercules (the real one and a ring in) and, of course, custard pies.
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