PG-13 | 26 August 2005 (USA)
Undiscovered Trailers

A group of aspiring entertainers try to establish careers for themselves in the city of Los Angeles.

TinsHeadline Touches You
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Derek Williams If you are one day past your thirtieth birthday, then this movie about a group of self-absorbed twenty somethings seeking fame and fortune in Los Angeles is going to annoy you tremendously. "Undiscovered" is about forty minutes too long. It just goes on and one. I do not recommend this pretentious "trendy" nonsense at all. Well, except for one person who is actually the only highlight in this whole mess--- Ashlee Simpson! Ashlee Simpson was a pleasant surprise in an otherwise exasperating cinema experience. She has an abundance of charisma and will be looking out for other projects she is in . And if that was her actual singing voice then she is a talented musical performer as well!The movie takes place in Los Angeles which is one of the main reasons I decided to view this. I just love movies that take place in Los Angeles and especially movies about entertainers seeking fame and fortune in Los Angeles. Unfortunately, in "Undiscovered", the Los Angeles scenery is very "guide bookish". Worse, the director of photography moved the camera so much I couldn't even enjoy the scenery that was shot. the director of photography who couldn't keep the camera still for a moment. What a sickening movie experience! (By the way, whats with the vomit inducing camera movement that seems to be the trend lately?)I would suggest you pass on this one. All the correct ingredients are there but some how they weren't put together correctly and it makes for a tedious movie viewing experience.
wordweb-1 Thought the plot, the characters, the setting, and especially the music fit in every way the tunes, especially "Smart In A Stupid Way" and "Boomerang". Undiscovered has a musician's feel that non-musician's could easily miss. Life of musicians is hectic enough, as in all areas of performing arts. Add to that formula an attempt at true romance while trying to pull it all off with an artist's feel, even by actors playing musicians, and that's quite a feat. This movie was obviously not meant to be some chromed rich kid glamor story about rock musicians. It's a picture of real life in the quest for fame and musical discovery, which in final leans more to the side of musical creation than performing. Thus its setting has that raw quality of down to earth smelly club carpet intermixed with a glamor chase, eventually resulting in neither, but instead a down home one on one relationship with one's music and one's lover.The soundtrack is excellent, the pop song composition is rich, and the musical performers are 'tight'. Some of the AR record scouts are slimy, which is not totally accurate in the real world, but enough to get the point across in the movie that songwriting carries many more benefits than performing.
hogsmeadeweb I saw this movie and there was no one else in the entire theater.When it was over, I learned why.This movie was terrible. I was disinterested throughout the entire movie, and my friends and I talked the entire time. It was the worst movie. I guess that maybe its my taste that drove me away from this movie, but I thought that the acting was not that great, and Ashlee Simpson just didn't seem to fit for some reason. I found this movie boring mostly because the main character was just an average guy. A nice guy, in fact. It was just like watching someone that I knew. Terrible. When I watch movies, I want action, horror, fantasy, things that don't happen every day.
Anonymous192 After reading a review on this film, which described the plot and acting as mediocre, and the cinematography poor, I must agree in part and disagree in part. While the movie was definitely not Shakespeare, it was definitely competitive with other films of its genre. In fact, as the plot dealt with a different side of fame, one that I don't think has been done before, it was therefore not a derivative, a common complaint of films. To the contrary, the plot was different, the acting very good especially from young and inexperienced actors, and the characters sympathetic. The story also provided some wisdom: messages, if you will, to be gleaned by more scrutinizing viewers. My sole problem with the film, and this can be remedied if one were to rent the full-screen version of the DVD, is the abysmal cinematography! I rent many movies and have never seen such a poorly edited film. The heads of the characters in almost every scene were cut off, the close-ups only got half of one character at times, and as far as background was concerned, that was nearly never included. This is particularly regretful as every actor in the film is remarkably attractive and it was almost impossible to see him or her! Thus, my recommendation is to see this film: enjoy the story, acting, and good-looking actors, but if you rent the DVD and not the VHS, make sure you get the full-screen version.