CLONED: The Recreator Chronicles
CLONED: The Recreator Chronicles
NR | 17 February 2012 (USA)
CLONED: The Recreator Chronicles Trailers

When a group of teenagers stumble upon a secret lab, they become part of a deadly experiment - The Recreator - evil human clones. Craig, Tracy and Derek come face to face with exact copies of themselves that have only one purpose; to find and kill their originals. With time running out it's up to the original group to destroy the lab and save themselves before they are replaced. Gregory Orr's exciting thriller brings science fiction to life with a sexy edge.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Leofwine_draca RECREATOR has potential but turns into a general mish-mash of ideas with way too much of the "teenagers running in the woods" type scenes to recommend it. It's a dimly lit adventure in which a trio of teenagers visit a remote island and take shelter in a mysterious installation when a storm beckons. Pretty soon they find themselves at the mercy of their own clones, which are set to destroy them.Cloning has always been an intriguing idea in cinema but the idea here is workable at best. Indeed so little is made of the originality of the premise that any random monster or human villain could have been the antagonist. Too much of it feels like a teen horror flick while the thought-provoking sci-fi angle of the story is swept aside.It doesn't help that the production values have led to a dim and gloomy looking movie with non-existent special effects. The thinly-written characters are rather trying and despite the best efforts of the actors involved none of them are remotely likable, so you end up having no interest in what happens come the end. It's a pity.
nburgos002 *regarding clones*Cloned Craig: You're here, we're here. I have to rely on faith there's a reason. Original Tracy: But aren't you even curious? I mean, it's not like this happens every day. Cloned Craig: I should hope not. Otherwise, things would get pretty dicey down at the DMV.Cloned: The Recreator Chronicles begins on an island with Frank Miller (John de Lancie, Star Trek: The Next Generation) and his wife Elizabeth (Laura Moss) fixing to call it a night in their beautiful woodland cabin. The raging, midnight thunderstorm in the Adirondack Mountains produces a lightning bolt which strikes the home's septic tank outside. This reignites an old experiment by a scientist who used to live there. We reach the opening titles and are introduced to Tracy (Stella Maeve, The Runaways, Accused at 17), Craig (Alexander Nifong, Pretty Little Liars, Glee), and Derek (J. Mallory McCree, We Need to Talk about Kevin) on their way to the island for a hiking and camping trip the next day. Tracy has to use the bathroom after the long canoe ride to the island and has issues with letting loose outside. Naturally, she finds Mr. and Mrs. Miller's house. What happened the previous night (clones of Mr. and Mrs. Miller killing their originals) is intercut with Tracy making her way inside the empty house.Eventually, Tracy, Craig, and Derek all go to the house to use the bathroom, shower, and hang out, since the Millers seem to be gone. The Millers' clones return, the three teenagers flee, and a chase ensues in the woods. It's there where we learn of the teenagers' clones, which save them during all the madness.Shot in the beautiful Adirondack Mountains, Cloned: The Recreator Chronicles is an independent film with spectacular production quality (you'd think they had Hollywood's vast resources). According to director Gregory Orr, the idea began with the concept of three kids going into the woods and six of them coming out. Where does one take it from there? Any number of directions; and a director of less experience and talent may have failed where Orr succeeded.Where do Orr and his cast and crew succeed? In taking a well-written script and translating it to an interesting movie. It's as simple as that. Yes, the concept of cloning isn't exactly an original one, but it's used effectively here to drive home the movie's underlying theme of "replacement." Like most good sci-fi, it uses a scientific concept (one of which may be completely viable in the future) to assist in telling a story relevant to today's society. While we're not yet being replaced by clones of ourselves (or genetically altered, superior humans in general), you don't have to look far and wide to see people losing their jobs because of faster computers and automated systems. Cloned looks at this from more of a bio-tech perspective than a completely technological one, but its message isn't lost.Stella Maeve, Alexander Nifong, and J. Mallory McCree make for a great ensemble. They also demonstrate good range. It is a pleasure to see John de Lancie again, as well, since I imagine a portion of this movie's fan base will remember him from his iconic role on the various incarnations of Star Trek.Overall, I'd highly recommend the movie, not just for its concept and message, but more importantly because of its entertainment value.
Psy-Ko When compared to the big budget Hollywood stuff indies just can't compete, they don't have the budget or the names. But it all depends what you're looking for. For me this was a fun movie. Compared to other indies I think the movie is very well done. The actors were good, maybe not award winning but good enough that it was easy to watch. God I've seen some horrible acting in indies and compared to those these guys were Oscar winners! The story was original and so what if things were unbelievable, that's why it's called fiction right? The main thing I will say is it was an enjoyable movie, kept me interested to the end and got me involved in both the story and characters. I think that's pretty good! I give it a 7/10 easily.
Paul Andrews Recreator is set on Brewster Island in New York State & starts as three teenage friends arrive by canoe, boyfriend & girlfriend Craig Carlson (Alexander Nifong) & Tracy Bernstein (Stella Maeve) along with Derek Johnson (J. Mallory-McCree) intend to spend the weekend camping on the island away from the stresses of the big city. Once they reach Brewster Island they see a huge house in the distance & decide to check it out, Tracy manages to find the key to the front door & lets herself in, the house seems deserted & the three take the opportunity to use the facilities. However they soon see the owners of the house returning, they try to hide in the basement but find two dead bodies down there when they do, they are then caught & made to dig holes on the beach to bury the bodies. Suddenly out of nowhere three naked people who look exactly like them save the trio, things turn weird when the Tracy, Craig & Derek come face to face with exact clones of themselves who have a sinister plan to leave the Island & take over their originals life...Written, co-produced & directed by Gregory Orr this low budget film seems to have some sort of identity crisis, to my mind I just can't see what it's trying to be or trying to do. The script has aspects from various genres such as sci-fi with the cloning angle, there's some horror with the teen slasher feel that it descends into along with a thriller feel as the clones play their originals off each other & try to manipulate the situation & there's even some mystery here as the script tries to keep you guessing about everyone's motives & who is who. Unfortunately none of it works or gels together, the script is pretty slow & there's little in the way of explanation but what I could gather from it is that these kids were cloned from their bodily wastes after going to the toilet, that a lightening storm activated the cloning & that these clones are largely quite polite until they try to kill you. People being cloned from their poop does seem like it's come from a comedy but Recreator takes itself deadly seriously but it's rather pedestrian & I was never drawn into the story. Ideas & themes are introduced, like the original experiments from the late 50's to a soldiers possible homosexual tendencies (he actually kisses his own reflection in a mirror) but are quickly forgotten & never lead anywhere interesting. At 90 minutes long Recreator tries to be different but it's dull, silly & makes no great sense, why did the clones wait to kill their originals? Why did the original teens react so well to be confronted with exact clones of themselves? Most of us might have been totally freaked out but not these three, they invite them in & dress them!Another aspect of Recreator I didn't like was just how uneventful it was, hardly anything of any note happens. All the cloning is off screen, there's no blood or gore apart from one brief shot of a guy with shovel stuck in his head & there's no action to speak of either. It's set entirely inside or around one house which helps keep the budget down but becomes repetitive for the audience. There's probably more CGI then you think, all the actor's play both themselves & their clones so whenever they are seen in the same scene it's CGI & the effects to that end are good. The character's look identical so it's often hard to tell which is the original & which is the clone which I assume was intentional but it's not used to any great effect, there's no real suspense or tension & the sci-fi aspects are never given more than the occasional few lines of dialogue.Probably shot on a low budget Recreator looks alright for what it is & is well made but hardly anything happens. The acting is decent enough from a small cast.Recreator is a sci-fi horror thriller than disappoints in all areas, it just can't make it's mind up what it wants to be & ends up being an uneven mess. I saw this on telly over here in the UK so I didn't spend money seeing it but I know I would have been even more annoyed if I had. There are much better films out there.