City Hunter
City Hunter
| 01 January 1993 (USA)
City Hunter Trailers

A self-indulgent private investigator winds up on a cruise ship full of rich patrons, gorgeous women, murderous terrorists, and scarce food.

Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Leofwine_draca A very atypical kind of movie for Jackie, this ups the dumb Chinese humour level tenfold and the result is an amazingly stupid and inane movie with many annoying moments… and yet, it is saved thanks to some expert choreography and half a dozen genuinely funny action sequences which raise the bar for similar fare. Chan's character is based on an anime hero, but the simple plot seems to be a comic reprise of UNDER SIEGE, with plenty of cheeky nods to other Hollywood fare like DIE HARD (for instance, when the hostage is negotiating and starts laughing). The humour comes thick and fast but is very lowbrow and of the slapstick variety, with the typical clichéd Hong Kong supports: the cowardly guy with the thick hair; the screaming, clumsy damsels-in-distress; the extremely annoying sidekick who fancies Chan and, of course, the big, bulky foreign bad guys.My advice is to ignore the plot and inane scripting and concentrate on the great scenes intermingled with the bull. The opening skateboard chase is a little too cheesy for my liking, but once Chan gets onto the ship the action starts to roll – especially when he fights villainous henchmen and ship guards alike. There are plenty of great moments to choose from, but his first battle with British villain Gary Daniels is a must-see and the second, literally eye-popping. This involves the pair battling in a video arcade and turning into various characters from 'Streetfighter 2'; this is a perfect combination of cheese, costumes and amazing special effects and camera tricks that really makes you feel like you're watching the game. It's insanely funny, as is the bit where he fights two huge henchmen using Bruce Lee's GAME OF DEATH for inspiration. There are other good bits in the film – the gambler character with his deadly cards is great, as is Jackie's escape from the exploding corridor – but the final martial arts battle between Chan and Richard Norton is really phenomenal. It goes on for ages and never lets up, using props to their full extent, and one of the most painful fights I've watched! Chan goes over the top as the script requires and is pretty annoying in some places, but redeems himself with some of the most acrobatic moves I've seen him display. The female support is large, but only the backside-kicking policewoman, played by Chingamy Yau being much cop (no pun intended) – not forgetting her accomplice, whose breasts are always getting her into trouble!Bad guys include a brief appearance from Jackie's bodyguard Ken Lo and the aforementioned Gary Daniels. This is really Daniels' breakthrough role and what better way to introduce the formidable actor than in an intense training sequence with an incredible splits manoeuvre! Norton is a treat as the charismatic villain, and his performance here makes me determined to track down more of his movies. A very weird film, easy to dislike and hard to get into for the first half, which evens out to offer some classic action moments.
MisterWhiplash This is silly. This is ludicrous. This is like 80's-style Troma comedy here. Very stupid, a lot of juvenile sex jokes and oggling at breasts (which, at one point, turn into hamburgers for the starving Jackie Chan character, Ryu Saeba, the 'City Hunter'), and it finally reveals its plot about or more than halfway into the movie as a (intentionally?) lame die-hard ripoff only this time on a cruise ship and a casino where wacky musical numbers and James Bond-esque card games ensue.Yes, it's all of these things. Plus it's a Jackie Chan movie, a classic- style Chan flick. Which means all put together, it's a tall glass of guilty pleasure shake with a side of HOLY CRAP JACKIE CHAN CAN DO THAT?! The movie knows exactly what it is from the start as Ryo explains how he is taking care of a little girl that was left to him by a dying friend (already its silly as the dying man speaks normal one second, dying next), and then the girl grows up. Yeah, she's a character, but that's not the sorta story here. Loose as possible, and a lot of twists happen so that it gets to that cruise ship: Ryo is hired by a guy to bring his daughter back home. She sneaks on the ship, Ryo follows, and wackiness ensues with a bunch of terrorists (many of them in red jumpsuits not unlike the Foot from Ninja Turtles), and the main bad guy is not even a take on the Die Hard villain but rather the Die Hard II villain, complete with solo work-out in a bedroom. Holy biceps and pectoral muscles Batman!This whole thing with City Hunter, down to its name which does get a theme song and ala Black Dynamite, is a live action cartoon. But if you're in the mood for it, if you just wanna wind down with something that does not take itself seriously for a nano-second, this is where you can go. Oh, and while the Jackie Chan action isn't there completely from start to finish, when it finally gets into it in say the last twenty, twenty-five minutes, it's approximately what you'd hope for: daring, high-flying, magical really. What could this guy NOT do for his art?
Andrew_P This film is one of the funniest Jackie Chan films I have ever seen! It is full of comic action from start to finish, including a skateboard chase, quirky shopping-center mishaps, a nice tribute to Bruce Lee, and some HK pop song. The parody of the popular "Street Fighter" arcade game was particularly amusing. The whole movie is admittedly a little weird and I can't really describe it well. It has a bit of a Bollywood feel about it, but don't let that put you off. This film is in my opinion, one of the best pieces of Kung Foolery on the planet! If you do have broadband I would suggest that you check out the trailer on the IMDb database as it gives an accurate perception of the movie.
AwesomeWolf Version: Cantonese, English subtitles (by SBS).In City Hunter, Jackie goes away from his usual up-standing good-guy characters, to a seedy private eye, more interested in women and food than anything else. He is asked to find the run-away daughter of a media mogul. He just happens to end up on a cruise-ship, which is of course, hijacked by terrorists (white guys, naturally) - now its up to Jackie, and the legion of good guys he meets, to save the day.'City Hunter' is Jackie Chan in a live-action cartoon. Jackie gets hit with giant mallets (in true Warner Bros style), tries to upstage Bruce Lee, begs bad guys for food, dresses up in drag, and even does the Moonwalk. The Moonwalk! Supported by an eclectic range of good guys, Jackie takes on the nefarious white evil guys. Awesome.Plot? What plot? This movie is all about awesomeness, and how awesome Jackie Chan is. 'City Hunter' is so awesome. Some pretty cool, and very funny fights with Gary Daniels and Richard Norton. Richard Norton is also awesome.8/10 - My favourite movie. If you don't have a sense of awesomeness, then you probably won't like it.