R | 11 June 2005 (USA)
Childstar Trailers

An experimental filmmaker takes a job as a driver for a foul-mouthed child actor and his ambitious stage mother.

Micitype Pretty Good
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
madunclehugh ***CONTAINS Spoilers*** This film was very disappointing; it started of with a bratty 12-year old boy and his brattiness is completely explained by all those who surround him. One hopes that he will be redeemed by the end of the film somehow - but this does not happen and neither he nor anyone else comes out with nicely at all. It concerns me that neither his mother or anyone else was worried to see a 12-year old lose his virginity to a "purchased" bimbo and then moving on to alcohol and drugs (well he was smoking what looked to be a joint near the end). It didn't help that the boy star was obviously not 12 but probably more like 15 or 16 and was far more aware of things than a 12-year old should have been. It would have been better if there had been a good resolution at the end with Taylor becoming more personable and NOT still on the downward track to self destruction which he obviously was....
rbfetterolf How could anyone even remotely think this was any good? How could anyone call this pretentious art-house anything? I like art-house stuff and this came nowhere close to anything resembling art.I imagine that only friends of the film makers have commented here. The comments that compare the director/star to Wooody Allen are absurd and laughable. The only funny aspect to this DVD was watching the Making of Child Star and seeing people praise this guy. It looked like Alan Thicke was doing what someone else told/paid him to say when he commented on how Don reminded him of Woody Allen.I thought the whole thing was supposed to be a farce, but then it appeared like the film was really earnestly serious about preaching how child stars have such a tough life. I am not kidding . . . this movie became didactic about this point.One of the finer points of the movie was when an adult model has sex with the twelve-year-old star and nobody calls the police. The statutory rapist is portrayed as a hero in a non-ironic way and becomes the open girlfriend of the child star.I don't usually care too much about plot, but this plot was disjointed (not that this is always a bad thing, but here it is) and retarded.
tantilion This movie is pretty funny. It's absurd in many ways, but also very funny. It dosn't do anything that new, but the jokes are all good and the characters make me chuckle (aside from when I want to slap them).The plot of the movie they are making within the film should be noted, that is, the (fictional) president getting captured by terrorists and his little rascal son taking over and rescuing his dad made me roll on the floor laughing. At least until I realized that someone probably was going to actually make a movie like that, which is BAD.The characters are all funny, though as I said before, I often wanted to slap them. The bratty child-star is annoying, and the apparent sympathy towards them gets annoying.Also, the characters act ridiculously. Why would the actress-model actually want a long term relationship with that little idiot....I mean the kid was 12 for crying out loud! This bugged me a lot. Oh, and the artsy director-legal guardian actually putting up with the child-star and his mom.
federovsky I just couldn't get into this. Don McKellar, who I've never heard of before, just looked like he was doing an impersonation of Peter Sellers. His deadpan approach was a leaden hand over the whole film. Every line he delivered fell flat on the ground, as in a vacuum. There was something eerily compelling about him though, I couldn't take my eyes off him - or maybe it was just that cardigan he wore under his jacket the whole time.The storyline might have not invited criticism were it not for the fact that we were subjected to two excruciating moral lessons at the end (on parentalism and on the childstar issue). Mmm, thanks, I so need to be preached at - NOT.Unfortunately, Taylor Brandon Burns wasdislikable even when he wasn't supposed to be, and his blonde girlfriend character was just a cardboard cut-out. How were we supposed to care? Well, we were all probably there looking for laughs, not philosophy. Problem is the laughs just weren't there. It was all vaguely depressing.