Doctor Who: The Runaway Bride
Doctor Who: The Runaway Bride
| 25 December 2006 (USA)
Doctor Who: The Runaway Bride Trailers

A young bride in the midst of her wedding finds herself mysteriously transported to the TARDIS. The Doctor must discover what her connection is with the Empress of the Racnoss's plan to destroy the world.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Theo Robertson After Catherine Tate appeared in the final episode of Doomsday fandom went in to meltdown as to her casting and led to the first murmurings that Russell T Davies should step down as executive producer . These rumblings were ridiculous and I was going to wait until after I saw her in the role of Donna Noble before passing judgment . After seeing her I thought Tate was okay in the role but The Runaway Bride was slightly less than an okay story One weakness is the rather univolving plot . It's one of those stories in which there's a lot of running around but not much else . There's also bits that didn't seem thought through very well such as the return of the killer santas ( Were they included just to show that it was a Christmas special ? ) or having the villain washed down a plug hole . As for the villain herself Sarah Parish was absolutely terrible and her performance ranks alongside those seen in the Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy eras . Why do normally capable thespians snarl and cackle like some pantomime dames in these type of roles ? Hopefully the little ones enjoyed this story than more critical adult fans of the show
movieman_kev Catherine Tate showed up in the last few moments of the second series finale of Doctor Who as a woman on her wedding day who inexplicably pops up in the TARDIS, much to the perplexment of the Doctor. Which served to carry on into the Christmas special where we learn her name, Donna, and back story. Perhaps this is because the character of Rose was such an integral part of Doctor Who since the latest incarnation, perhaps it's because I found Donna to be quite annoying for the first 20 or so minutes of this special, perhaps because the first half seemed to be a bit of fun, but insubstantial fluff. In all probability a combination of the three aforementioned gripes, but I couldn't help but feel that this wasn't as good as last year's special. Not to say it was bad at all, on the contrary it DID pick up steam greatly after the first 20 minutes and I ended up enjoying it overall. Still I'm glad that Tate isn't going to be the next companion. I can't wait for the new series!! My Grade: B-
Claire Robson First aired on Christmas Day 2006, I really enjoyed this episode.Tennant plays the Doctor with his tongue so firmly in his cheek he's almost blowing raspberries at the "die hard" fans who cannot enjoy an episode unless they can find fault with it and prove their devoted fanaticism.I wasn't sure about Catherine Tate as The Bride at first. However, once I got past the "Am I bovvered?" voice in my head I really enjoyed her performance as a sharp-tongued nice-but-dim Essex girl trying to make it to the alter on time.Doctor Who is quite formulaeic (each episode is a variation of the same theme) - aliens attack, Earth is under threat, the Doctor saves the world, girl in tow to give him simpering look and viewers feel the air of melancholy as we all know the Doctor must remain a solitary being... This episode is no different (hope I haven't ruined the plot!!) but Tennant and Tate spark together very effectively - there are some laugh out loud moments in this episode, some great special effects and I felt the previous reviewers judgement was narrow-mindedly harsh. TV like this is made to entertain, and this episode certainly does!
little_woman86 The run away bride as a Christmas special was fantastic, with all the sadness of eastenders Doctor who brought back that little piece of fun. Catherine Tate was superb and David Tennant was brilliant as always (and as tasty as always too) After doomsday I wasn't sure if I could laugh again knowing that Rose had gone and the doctor was grieving, however, I was chuckling all the way through and it was nice to see that even through all that chaos the doctor still had time to remember his now lost friend. The episode was full of wit and their transport devises had me in stitches and the spider monster was great I really have nothing bad to say about this episode.I did notice and maybe others did too, but did anyone else notice how in that episode so many of the settings were similar to ones we've seen before. For example, when they are climbing that ladder (new earth) the whole underground layer (new earth) when Donna is walking around the outside of the tardis( first episode ever). There almost seem to be and under layer of episodes put together in a memory of Rose, but it was very subtle to see.I recommend that people see this, if they haven't already.