| 15 August 1998 (USA)
Checkpoint Trailers

A group Russian soldiers is send to an outpost to guard the area. They pass the day patroulling the area, while being shot at from the forest. They never know if the civillions are hostile or friendly to them.

Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
mifunesamurai A squad of Soldiers find themselves in hot water and are sent to guard a checkpoint in remote bushland, where tensions are high with the locals. A snipper from the bushes keeps them on their toes, rattling their nerves daily. But with every occupational hazard comes insanity. The only way to survive is to be part of the madness and that they do, each soldier with their own eccentricity. The story never builds up to anything but shows the slow progression of their deterioration. And there is also too much of that boys-own-jokes that gets in the way of the inner demons that is creeping up on them all. Director Alexander Rogozhkin did better in LIFE WITH AN IDIOT (1993).
AlienByChoice The movie shows a few days in a life of a squad of Russian soldiers in a relatively quiet area of Chechnya. Apart from a lone sniper, nobody bothers the distant roadblock the soldiers are manning, and they even succeed to establish some sort of relationships with people of one of the local villages. The movie is very simple, and so is the acting. As someone has already mentioned, Aleksei Buldakov, playing the general, is probably the major casting mistake of this movie. I know people mentioned that this film is too predictable. However, I believe, that's it's power is in it's predictability. We know there is a sniper. We know the soldiers risk their lives daily to reach the roadblock and get back to the quarters. We know someone is going to die.We don't now who it is going to be, AND SO DON'T THE SOLDIERS. This gives the watcher an opportunity to feel what the soldiers feel day after day. The sniper is there. He is going to kill. Who will it be? Anyone, who has been in a situation even distantly related to this, will understand what it is all about. Another wonderful thing about this film, unlike many other recent Russian films I have seen, is that there is no right or wrong. Nothing is black or white. It's all covered by gray fog, and if there is no fog, it's all covered by smoke grenades. There are no heroes and no bad guys for a change. A solid 8/10.
grendel-28 Blokpost stands out among recent features from Russia bridging the gap between the few artsies and an overflow of low-end thrillers. The script is decent as is the acting (apart from Buldakov's). Mebby I had too much of Bodrov Jr. lately but it's a pleasure to find that there are young Russian actors who can sound differently on different occasions throughout the movie. The movie is a story of a platoon of Russian Army, stationed in an unnamed but recognizeable rebel province, where it is to emulate peacekeepers and to provide military presence for "Moscow" at the same time. The storyline spans less than a couple of weeks spent on a remote outpost (blokpost) where the soldiers are given the task of checking locals for weapons. Platoon is largely forgotten apart from the investigation for the shooting of a civilian and a rebel sniper nearby. The story is somewhat wittingly narrated by one of the soldiers, the Bones (Skelet) but is filmed as a third-person view. As was noted by some the ending is quite predictable, and the not very cunningly hang rifle (an SVU in this case) shoots right where it's supposed to in full compliance with Chekhov's formula. But overall the movie is definitely worth a look.
grob248 You can call "Blokpost" a Russian "Full Metal Jacket." It takes place in the Caucasus, presumably in Chechnya where a platoon of Russian soldiers is sent to a distant checkpoint after an accident in which a civilian has been shot. The film is a drama, but it also carries some comedic touches, which primarily focus on the soldiers' day to day interactions with each other. Otherwise, the platoon is simply trying to survive while dealing with the hostile attitude of the locals, averting an unseen sniper who constantly takes shots at them, and facing the Russian investigation committee. In fact, it seems that the investigation office at times poses more threat to the soldiers than the enemy they are supposed to fight with, especially when the general basically betrays the whole platoon. The film's ending is tragic and somewhat abrupt, which was probably done purposefully in order to heighten the unsettling feel and a bitter aftertaste. Overall, quite a good movie, though far from a masterpiece. However, it's surely worth seeing if you are interested in the subject this movie deals with.