R | 27 August 2010 (USA)
Centurion Trailers

Britain, A.D. 117. Quintus Dias, the sole survivor of a Pictish raid on a Roman frontier fort, marches north with General Virilus' legendary Ninth Legion, under orders to wipe the Picts from the face of the Earth and destroy their leader, Gorlacon.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
bombersflyup Despite Neil Marshall at the helm and a quality cast, Centurion was quite poor. There was no character development, quality dialogue, heart, story, you name it. Basically it's lots of fighting and blood and not much else. A group of men I didn't care about, on the run through the mountains chased by a savage mute woman.
vandelour There is nothing special about this movie at all. Zip. Average everything.. acting, direction, sets, cinematography, dialog… plot too. Its just a too-long story. I can't even call it confused as there isn't that much to it. Long, really long scenes of guys running through the mountains. Up the mountains. Down the mountains. Across the streams, around the trees. Some very bloody fighting filmed in such a way as to make it impossible to tell who was killing and who wasn't. Witches, mutes, little princes, Roman governors, bar fights… where is Kirk Douglas when he's really needed to give a movie some pizazz.
bradencn Listen, I'm a big fan of Michael Fassbender, a big fan of war movies, and a big fan of historical films. This, however, didn't hit the depth that I was hoping. It had nice historical significance, showed a side of the Roman Empire I hadn't seen before, but I was lost wondering who I was supposed to be rooting for, I couldn't feel the emotion that the characters were trying to portray on screen, and I was distracted by heavy violence that felt was put in the movie "just because." They tried to make this an impactful film, with emotion that you would find in Braveheart, Saving Private Ryan, and We Were Soldiers, it just didn't hit it. It's worth seeing if you enjoy these type of war films, just don't expect to be blown away or to have your life changed.
Jackson Booth-Millard I knew this film was set during a time period full of men in armour with swords, I think that's about it really, I was up for giving it a go, directed by Neil Marshall (Dog Soldiers, The Descent). Basically in Roman Britain in the year AD 117, five years before the construction of Hadrian's Wall, Roman centurion Quintus Dias (Michael Fassbender) is the son of a legendary gladiator, and the sole survivor of a Pictish raid on a Roman frontier fort. Gnaeus Julius Agricola (Raiders of the Lost Ark's Paul Freeman), the Roman governor of Britannia, dispatches the Ninth Legion, legendary army of General Titus Flavius Virilus (Dominic West), to eradicate the Pictish threat and destroy their leader Gorlacon (Festen's Ulrich Thomsen), the legion marches north, they encounter and rescue Dias. The legion are ambushed on unfamiliar ground, Virilus is taken captive, Quintus and his small platoon face a desperate struggle to stay alive behind enemy lines, rescue the general and reach the safety of the Roman frontier. They are forced to endure harsh terrain and evade their remorseless Pict pursuers led by revenge- hungry Pict warrior Etain (Quantum of Solace's Olga Kurylenko), one by one the soldiers fall victim to the savagery of their enemy. In the end, to avoid criticism and other consequences, all records of the Ninth Legion are destroyed, so to this day nobody knows the full truth of what happened to them when they disappeared. Also starring Noel Clarke as Macros, Game of Thrones' Liam Cunningham as Brick, David Morrissey as Bothos, Four Lions' Rizwan Ahmed as Tarak, Imogen Poots as Arianne, JJ Feild as Thax, Dave Legeno as Vortix, Lee Ross as Septus, Ryan Atkinson as Gorlacon's Son and The Living Daylights' Andreas Wisniewski as Commander Gratus. I agree with critics that not a lot of effort went into making a really engrossing story and the characters are not that developed, so there is a slight lack of suspense and emotional involvement, but to be honest, I was paying much more attention to the fight and chase sequences, full of many violent and blood soaked deaths, overall it's an alright historical action thriller. Okay!