Cathy's Curse
Cathy's Curse
R | 01 July 1980 (USA)
Cathy's Curse Trailers

A young girl is possessed by the spirit of her dead aunt, who died in a car accident. Soon members of her family begin to mysteriously die off.

Flyerplesys Perfectly adorable
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
tavm This movie, called Cathy's Curse here in the U.S., was one I was long curious about since the early '80s when I saw a commercial of it on TV. The version I got was on VHS from Continental Video that I bought from a used video store called Grand Cinema Station. Unlike the shoddy prints I attempted to watch on various internet sites, the one I finally saw looked decent enough. The movie itself had some effective scenes involving rats, snakes, and a tarantula for an elderly babysitter that gets drunk and another involving the title character's mother as she's sitting in a watered bathtub with blood suddenly spurting from the faucet. But those would usually be followed by a lethargic pace where everything is temporarily normal again and one fights some sleep during those sequences. So in summation, Cauchemares has some pretty good scares but don't expect a logical story when viewing...
Red-Barracuda Cathy's Curse is a bargain basement version of The Omen meets Carrie, which were contemporary horror hits at the time. It's a truly terrible film that has the added disadvantage of seemingly being only available in prints that are in an atrocious state (in the one I saw, the colours were so bad that the blood was purple). But even if this movie was released on high definition it wouldn't change the fact that it's abysmal.The story is senseless. A mother takes her son George away from the family home, leaving the father and daughter. The dad isn't too pleased about this, so he jumps in his car with his little girl Laura. They swerve off the road to avoid a rabbit and the car blows up. Thirty years later, the son returns to the family home with his wife and daughter, Cathy. Pretty much right away Cathy becomes possessed by George's sister Laura's old doll and becomes homicidal, killing various people. Laura seems to be an embittered soul, angered by her early death and wrecks havoc via her brother's offspring.From the above synopsis, I think it's only fair to say that the film, strictly speaking should have been called Laura's Curse. But this is only a glaring detail and this film quite frankly doesn't concern itself with such trivialities. There are many moments of WTF in this film. At one point Cathy teleports from the bottom of the stairs to the top and vice-versa, and her mother, witnessing this, just gets annoyed; she doesn't actually seem to be, well, a little surprised that her daughter has developed the ability to teleport at will, she is merely irritated with her misbehaving child. In another scene Cathy sits down for breakfast and throws her plate across the room at the opposite wall, smashing it to bits, and the housekeeper simply picks it up and seems to imply that she just dropped it, rather than launched it 3 metres over the other side of the room. In other words, people in this movie do not act like Earthlings. A further example of utter madness, is where the medium takes hold of an old family picture then starts talking in creepy voices, getting progressively more and more demented until she smashes the picture on the floor while screaming; she then turns around and says that she's really had a marvellous time and would simply love to pop over again. It's just weird. What perhaps makes these people all the stranger is that absolutely no one can act. The performances are universally atrocious. The handyman is abysmal too, although it's maybe not surprising seeing as he appears to be Mick Fleetwood from Fleetwood Mac in a rare acting appearance.There are one or two occasions when Cathy's Curse is almost effective. And it can't be argued that it's pretty bizarre throughout. But despite all this, it drags. The unintentional hilarity is something to behold but you really need some buddies and beer to enjoy this one.
sol ***SPOILERS*** When George Gimble moved back to his childhood home in Montreal Canada his eight year old daughter Cathy ends up getting possessed by George's dead sister Laura. Laura was killed along with George's father in a car smash up on a cold December evening when George was five years old.In no time at all the sweet and innocent Cathy develops an attitude and foul language that would make even a drunken sailor blush. While at the Gimble house Cathy also develops amazing telekinesis powers were she can makes things move and explode at will by only using her mind. This results in the housekeeper Mary ending up killing herself by Cathy making her jump out of a second floor window.For some strange reason Cathy also has it in for her mom Vivian who's recovering from a serious nervous breakdown. Battered and beaten all throughout the film Vivian ends up institutionalized by being both mentally and physically destroyed by her extremely hateful, for reasons never explained, and malicious daughter Cathy.In what's obviously another "Exorcist" clone the film "Cathy's Curse" has some of the worst, like the "Exorcist", and at the same time hilariously funny dubbing of voices in motion picture history. We get to see the local medium Agatha do her thing by examining an old photo of George's dad in the Gimble's living room. Agatha become so excited in picking up vibrations from the photo that she goes into a wild and insane trance, screaming and yelling hysterically, that the noise level of the movie must have jump up at least 50 decibels points!Later Agatha after being kicked out of the Gimble House by Cathy pays it a second visit only to again be confronted by Cathy and this crazy lady who pops out of nowhere, holding the dead Laura's doll,in the house's attic! In a panic Agatha runs for her life out of the house never to be heard or seen from again in the movie! Making you wonder if she ever was in the movie in the first place?It's then that the house's handyman Paul, who was quite normal up until that time, gets his chance to go crazy by babysitting Cathy while the parents, George & Vivian, are away. Cathy gets the old rummy to almost drink himself to death on schnapps that she, a minor, seems to be shearing with him. Working on, or downing, his second bottle Paul starts to get a violent attack of the DT's where he completely loses it. It's then when the almost dead drunk Paul starts to see, besides pink elephants, snakes rats and spiders materializing out of his schnapps bottles right in front of his very bloodshot eyes! It's later in the movie that Paul again, he still didn't learn his lesson, babysits Cathy with him this time ending up dead by having his skull smashed in. We last get to see Paul on the floor dead as a doornail with his head looking like it was hit by a flying bottle of Hinze's Ketchup!The movie "Cathy's Curse" never seems to be able to get its act together in what its trying to tell its audience. It instead leaves its audience hanging in trying to figure out just what exactly is going on with Cathy her parents and the strange doll that she's so fascinated with!***SPOILER ALERT" The movie's ending just cops out in not explaining what "Cathy's Curse" is really all about? Did it have something to do with her father George being taken away by his mother Joanne Gimble at a very young age that lead to both his father and sister's Laura's untimely deaths? And what exactly did Cathy's mother Vivian have do with all that in that she became the object of Cathy's unrelenting and vindictive attacks! For all we know Vivian wasn't even born, much less responsible, for what happened to both Laura and her dad some 30 years ago!
Emperor_Torgo Ugh. I can't believe it's my duty to humanity to review this piece of crap. I suppose I should begin.This...wasn't a thing to watch whilst staying home sick. I managed to crawl weakly over to my 50 Chilling Classics Collection and pick it up, stick in my DVD player, and stumble back to couch to watch what appeared to be a really poorly done b-movie.I was way off.This was the most horrible b-movie imaginable! The movie opens with the title "Cathy's Curse". I take a look at it and think, "Eh, crappy title, worse camera. Colors too bad. Must be made in 1960's." I look at the box...1979. I was thinking this was from '66 at the latest! Seriously, the camera is worse than that of Manos! I sit through the intro as a man walks into a house, proclaiming, "Your mother's a b*tch! She'll pay for what she's done!" I giggle a little, then immediately stop as the retarded dad, instead of *stopping* for a bunny, swerves off the road, killing them both in a fire.Fast forward a couple decades, and look, there's the house again! The new retarded family moves in and paranormal things happen. Uh...let's see...the couple makes love...something about an old lady...most of the cast dies...some kind of exorcism by ripping off the stitches of a doll's eyes...really ugly African-American kid...Am I being too crude? Anyway, you have to see it to believe it. Why two stars instead of one, you ask? 'Cause the swearing made me laugh.