R | 21 May 1993 (USA)
Carnosaur Trailers

After being driven to extinction, great bloodthirsty dinosaurs come back to life with the assistance of a demented genetic scientist. She plans to replace the human race with a super-race of dinosaurs who will not pollute the planet.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
GazerRise Fantastic!
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
MisterWhiplash What can I say except that I'm a sucker for a cute dinosaur puppet that is supposed to strike fear into the hearts of *adult* audiences watching this(?) Through a series of unlikely but, of course, since it's a Corman-produced cash-in on Jurassic Park (which had the wherewithal to be released a month *before* that movie came out) we have to buy into it events, a scientist who has been tasked with looking into gene experiments involving chickens somehow (ahem, fixes tie) hatches a plan to... capture a whole lot of local women, inseminate them, and one thing will lead to another through some mumbo jumbo involving gene changes and development and the women will "birth" eggs that have tiny dinosaurs that will rid take back the planet. Simple, right?Why is the dinosaur so cute? It's really about the scale of it, and how Corman's director, Adam Simon, has so little to work with and has to try to make the best of it. According to the IMDb trivia, they didn't have enough money to make a good giant robotic dinosaur (only for a few shots which, I assume, are near the end for that thrilling fight with the construction crane machine), so they mostly used a smaller model and even hand puppets. This is charmingly low- budget, though it does, here and there, try to be a real movie with a plot, which is really silly and at times nonsensical; the main male character starts off as a drunk who tries to ward off protesters trying to stop construction of... something, I don't remember now, and then halfway through the movie he becomes the noble hero who will save everyone from the dinosaurs with the use of his construction cranes.There are some stretches where we're watching dull scenes where the military are trying to figure out what to do - Ned Bellamy, who one might remember from Shawshank Redemption, is the main guy leading that charge which, eventually, will be like scenes from The Crazies on steroids - but when it gets back to the dinosaurs, or Diane Ladd who is acting as if she is in a legitimate movie (that is until near the end which... wow, just, that's amazing), it's a wonderful piece of schlock, full of bloody scenes of carnage that, with a little creative editing, come close to being real action set pieces, and it even goes for a dark ending that whether the movie fully earns it or not it shows chutzpah in not going for the predictable way out. I don't know whether or not Siskel was being tongue-in-cheek with his sincere 'Thumbs up' (really, how many Corman movies, much less those released during the Concorde years, did he praise like that so it could get on the damn box cover), but I know I was laughing nearly until tears during any scene with a dinosaur in it.It's also apparently based on a book which I'd have to assume makes Crichton look like HG Wells.
TheLittleSongbird Reading about Carnosaur, I was expecting a terribly cheap movie and for it to be blatantly derivative of the Steven Spielberg classic Jurassic Park. While far from a good movie, and certainly nowhere near as fun, thrilling or intense as Jurassic Park, I was expecting far worse than what I saw. Diane Ladd relishes her mad scientist, and this is one totally bonkers mad scientist, and the baby carnosaur is genuinely scary. Carnosaur is also gorier and bloodier than JP, and the gore is actually quite good and has moments where it is used inventively to the extent that you may be put off eating for some time after. Carnosaur is a very cheap-looking movie though, the sets lack colour and the camera work and editing lack finesse and cohesion. But I agree about the special effects and the animatronics on the dinosaurs faring worst in this regard, they are truly dreadful and definitely some of the worst dinosaur effects I've seen for any movie in my life. The score is not particularly rousing and has nothing that leaps out as memorable. It doesn't distract from what's going on as such but it just doesn't add anything either, it's just there and fails to make much of an impact. The script doesn't work either, nor does the story. The dialogue is stodgy, cheesy and overly-talky, while the story- not doing much with a decent if rather silly concept- apart from some inventive gory scenes is stripped of suspense, scenes that should scare can be unintentionally funny instead, the romantic plot line is mawkish and slows things down in the middle and the prehistoric rampage antics do get predictable quickly. The characters read of every cliché the writers could find and are poorly developed, no scratch that, the movie certainly knows what it tries to be which is good but while it does strive for some fun and scares(though not really succeeding) the characters are almost completely forgotten in the process. Of the acting only Ladd makes any kind of impression, the rest just sleepwalk through their roles and don't seem to care less about their characters' situations. Overall, could have been worse, especially considering what I'd read, but not a good movie. I recommend it partially for those who want a bit of silly fun without having to think too much, but for those who does know what to expect but still want to see some kind of quality put into it they may want to look elsewhere. 4/10 Bethany Cox
GL84 After a series of strange deaths rock their small desert town, a group of friends tie the incidents to a scientist's genetically-engineered dinosaurs running amok in an attempt to pave over society and race to stop them.This here turned out to be quite an enjoyable and cheesy rip-off at times. One of its better aspects is that the film's actually quite bloody and gory, much more so than expected which is a great factor. With the shower of blood on display, we also get plenty of limbs ripped off, dismemberments and decapitations, which is found in the movie's highlight sequence where it attacks a group of protesters chained to a series of trees and it swoops down to chomp on them in quite vicious manners, leading to a big action chase but with all the gore on display, even coming up with a realistic manner of doing so with muscle and tissue visibly shown to be pulled away from the victim makes for an impressive visual. While this does have a slew of problems with regards to its special effects being obviously a man's hand in a puppet being whisked through the scenery to simulate it's advancement through the area, these moments of utter cheese work to create a sense of charm with the film that's almost impossible to top, even though the story has a ton of continuity problems, a downer of an ending and several other problems. It's good points outweigh the flaws, only if they appeal to you though.Rated R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
Boba_Fett1138 Well, OK so this movie was bad but at least not in the way I expected it to be. I was expecting one big "Jurassic Park" ripoff but the movie really isn't being one. It's a movie that just also happens to feature a dinosaur in it but other than that, there are very little similarities between these both movies.But having said that, this still is a pretty bad movie to watch. The one thing that bugged me the most was that it didn't really seemed to have a main character in it. Instead the movie follows a whole bunch of different characters, that we just never really get to know and the movie keeps on introducing new characters, pretty much till half way through the movie. It also definitely prevents you from ever getting into this movie and it even makes the story somewhat confusing, though for these sort of the movies the stories of course aren't exactly the best written ones to begin with already and often are completely secondary to the movie.The best thing I can say about this movie is that it at least knows what it is and doesn't pretend to be anything good or clever. You can tell that most people simply had fun while making this movie and didn't took it very serious at all.Also I must say that I very much prefer the old fashioned special effects, complete with fake looking puppets and a guy in a suit, over some incredibly fake looking CGI effects, that you are likely to see in movies of this sort now days.Don't expect much gore or other great horror elements though. It's all pretty tame, especially by todays standards. It also really doesn't ever manage to create a good atmosphere and tension for the movie, though the movie itself is not all that bad looking, also especially when considering its budget.I honestly did not hated watching this movie and actually thought it was quite entertainment at parts and in some ways but I just can't rate it as a good movie though, since it does a lot of stuff so incredible bad!3/10