The Land That Time Forgot
The Land That Time Forgot
| 28 July 2009 (USA)
The Land That Time Forgot Trailers

Shipwrecked castaways stumble upon the mysterious island of Caprona in the Bermuda Triangle, confronting man-eating dinosaurs and a stranded German U-Boat crew while trying to escape.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
PodBill Just what I expected
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
felipemandarino When is this kind of cheap sailers stop being made :$
Wuchak The 1975 version of Edgar Rice Burroughs' "The Land that Time Forgot" with Doug McClure featured lame puppet-type dinosaurs, but made up for it with well-developed characters and a huge subtext, which was surprising for such a seemingly simple story.This made-for-TV 2009 version changes everything and I'm sort of glad because we already have the original that followed Burroughs' book pretty faithfully. The only similarity between this version and Burroughs' story is that there's an uncharted island, castaways, Germans, a U-boat and dinosaurs. That's it. This version features some sort of dimensional gateway where modern people and others from the last century meet on Caprona, the island. They try to figure out how to escape, how to get along and how to contend with dinosaurs, mostly a T-rex. Speaking of which, the T-rex doesn't look too bad for this type of micro-budget sci-fi, just don't expect "Jurassic Park" quality (although the story's arguably better and this version definitely has better women).C. Thomas Howell directed the film and is also a member of the likable cast. I appreciate the camaraderie that develops between the Americans and the Germans. Speaking of which, the WWI Germans are pretty convincing.As far as women go, Lindsey McKeon is the highlight as a shapely brunette, but there's also a good-looking blond (Anya Benton).FINAL WORD: Although it doesn't follow Burroughs' book at all, this 2009 TV version of "The Land that Time Forgot" is a worthwhile lost-on-a-deserted-island flick in the tradition of "Mysterious Island" and others, like "Planet of the Dinosaurs". If you enjoy movies of this ilk, you'll probably appreciate this one.The film runs 90 minutes and was shot in Griffith Park, Los Angeles, Long Beach and Malibu, CA.GRADE: B-
dougdoepke A boatload of castaways enter a time warp on an uncharted island.I'm curious whether the screenplay was put together in a dark room or by committee, because the narrative is about that coherent. Why bother with segues or motivation or even exposition. The story, such as it is, simply lurches from one occurrence to the next and you get to fill in the blanks. Other reviewers have cleverly detailed the carload of minor missteps, but the narrative itself is about as woeful as guys who don't bleed even when bitten in two. Then again, what can you expect from a production outfit that dubs itself "The Asylum". I've got to admit the best— and maybe only—good part are the two girls traipsing around in their shorts. At least, they got that right.
ctomvelu1 What has happened to C. Thomas Howell that he appears in dreck like this, a remake or a low-budget 1975 British flick? He even directed this thing! A group of castaways on an island in the Bernmuda Triangle must contend with a constantly hungry and angry T-Rex and a bunch of lost Germans and their broken U-boat. The T-Rex is a typical SyFy Channel creation, which means it is very bad CGI. The acting, with the exception of Tim Bottoms as a crusty captain, is second-rate. As bad as the 1975 version is, and it is truly awful, this makes that one look downright Shakespearean. "Land" author ER Burroughs must be spinning in his grave whenever this plays. His last name is even misspelled on the poster/video cover!