Haunted Forest
Haunted Forest
R | 27 June 2007 (USA)
Haunted Forest Trailers

The Indian descendent Sean comes to a forest with his friends Josh and Flipp trying to find the track to a mysterious cursed tree and a secret burial ground.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Estêvão Soares **Maybe Spoiler**Wow man, thats that kind of movie that o starts and get excited about. A promising start, a plot that is interesting, some interesting act at the beginning... but hey, don't get yourself enjoying yet. This movie could be very, very scary and hypnotic but instead, the movie lost itself on the half way and never find the way home. When I finished watching this and saw my girlfriend's face, well, needless to say, crap movie at all. A freak bad ending, boring story about a tale of an Tree that was in some level, connected to the family. Sevy Di Cione really tried to get into it but the hole story didn't help him. Kiralle Hayashi saved the "Horror" category of this movie, her appearances was scary most of the time and she has that look, that side look that makes you really think about if your alone or not in the room. I can't say much of this movie anymore, when it try to connect past/future in real life and kind of strange connection by dream/reality well, thats where it messed every thing up.But, I always think that movie is moment, maybe you like it. Give it try.
Claudio Carvalho The Indian descendant Sean comes to a forest with his friends Josh and Flipp trying to find the track to a mysterious cursed tree and a secret burial ground. His grandfather wrote a journal about the love of the Indian Satinka and the son of the medicine man of their tribe one hundred and twenty years ago, and how Satinka was trapped in a tree by an evil spirit. Meanwhile, the girlfriends Jennifer and Kiyomi are searching for flowers in the same woods. When Flipp and Kiyomi vanish, their friends meet each other and stay together while a deranged hunter chases new victims for the vengeful spirit of the tree."Haunted Tree" has a reasonable premise, but a very poor and flawed execution. There are many low budget horror movies that work, usually based on solid screenplays and great performances. Unfortunately this flick has a terrible and messed screenplay, and the story begins without any previous development of the characters, probably because of the restraint in the budget. Therefore, the viewer sees Sean, Josh, Flipp, Jennifer and Kiyomi, and even the forest, without any reference or explanations about their motives for being in the dark and distant place. When Josh shots his gun, surprisingly neither Jennifer nor Kiyomi listen to the noise. The girls lose their car (is it possible?) and there is no explanation why they have come to such a distant place without tent or appropriate outfits. Nobody eats in this film, and the day is extremely short. Satinka is a rip-off of typical ghosts of Asian movies, and recalls Sadako of "Ringu" franchise. There are so many flaws that I could extent my review, but I believe this is enough to give a hint about this film. My vote is four.Title (Brazil): Not Available
khunia The beginning of this movie had me in tears of laughter the guy who opens who tries so hard to look scared just had me doubled over in fits of amusement I honestly thought "What The ?" this guy is confused maybe he got stuck in the wrong movie.There are a few scares in this movie but all of which are of the cheap variety for example "ghostly shadow walks past in background" "deathly face in mirror" "hand coming out of the ground" the list really does go on and that is where all the scares come from seriously. The acting is very flawed and quite comical although I am sure that was not their intention.You cant really take this movie seriously and it is quite unbelievable that movies such as this are made but even more weird they are unleashed on the unsuspecting public.So unless you like the thought of a cheap chill and a laugh or too then you should most definitely stay away from this movie.
amywade This movie took me on a ride! It is breathtaking and beautiful as much as it is SHOCKING and HORRIFYING. The acting is FANTASTIC- all of the characters are likable and REAL, totally engaging to watch. Sevy Di Cione is AWESOME. He is a natural. Visually, the movie is hypnotizing- I felt like I was RIGHT THERE, in the forest, with them... the camera takes you into the picture... it is eerie and irresistible and totally frightening. Great SPECIAL EFFECTS, SOUND, and the MUSIC is ENCHANTING... Mauro Borelli knows how to captivate an audience! It was one of SCARIEST movies I have ever seen- felt like I ran a marathon when it was over! (also had to check my pulse a few times during the film, no kidding) LOVED it, thank you, AW