| 23 April 2008 (USA)
Ca$h Trailers

A man meets up with two "good guys" to recover what is unlawfully his, taking them on his whirlwind ride, doing things they never would have imagined, just to survive.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
paul2001sw-1 Con-trick films are a well-worn genre: perhaps almost every one of them recalls 'The Sting', while the ending of 'Cash' brings to mind superior efforts like Mamet's 'House of Games' or my personal favourite, Fabian Bielinsky's 'Nine Queens'. But the particular story of a glamorous investigator on the trail of an equally glamorous criminal reminded me most of 'The Thomas Crown Affair', even before the use of split-screens, surely an act of intentional homage. The movie's glamorous portrayal of smoking also seemed like a gesture to another era. But unlike the best films of its type, there's no deep character study here. The film is entirely lightweight, and even has comedy music to underscore its critical moves. The result is fun and lavish, but also utterly shallow, and none of the developments really take you by surprise as nothing is really credible even before the under-layers are revealed. Even as a comedy-thriller, it's lacking substance and it's hard to care about any of the protagonists. It is mildly entertaining, but devoid of any deeper purpose, and there's really nothing here you won't have seen before.
carbuff When this began, I didn't give it much hope, but it turns out that first impressions can be really wrong.Initially this seems like a blatant Oceans rip-off, all of which in my book rate as slick but soulless wastes of digital celluloid. As the film went along, my opinion slowly improved, simply because this French copy had much more panache, not to mention better scenery. Now I don't want to give anything away, but the twists at the very end tied the preceding events up so neatly and unexpectedly (at least for me) that they elevated this movie from stylish but mediocre to truly surprising and superior.
kosmasp A french caper movie, with a stellar cast. Enjoyable and kinda light, despite the criminal background of the movie. Of course you might see where this is going way before it actually gets revealed, but as with other movies, but as a saying goes: "The journey is its own reward" and it is true with this film here too.The actors seemed to have great fun and you will have to, if you let yourself enjoy this crime caper, that has some of the finest contemporary and popular french actors in it. I did watch it at the Fantasy Filmfest in Stuttgart and was one of the few that liked it. Most thought it wasn't anything special or new, but that wasn't the point in my view. So just sit back, relax and enjoy (if you can and are able to)
gridoon2018 Although I'm a big fan of movies with plot twists, there are occasions where these can go too far, to the point of negating everything that went on before and telling you that everything you just watched was a big lie. The 2003 film "Basic" falls into that category, and "Ca$h" follows the same path. The good side of this is that the film is almost entirely unpredictable; the bad side is that the whole incredibly elaborate plan of the true mastermind(s) at the end relies on the victim(s) doing EXACTLY what they are expected to do - one "wrong" move, and the whole plan would go to ruins. If you can live with that, the film is good-looking fluff; Valeria Golino, with a new, sophisticated hairstyle, looks as if she hasn't aged a day since "Hot Shots" back in the early 90's, and Alice Taglioni is sexy & tricky. (**1/2)
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