Bulldog Drummond's Revenge
Bulldog Drummond's Revenge
| 16 December 1937 (USA)
Bulldog Drummond's Revenge Trailers

Captain Drummond is travelling to Switzerland to marry his girlfriend. However, when a cargo containing dangerous explosives goes missing from its place, Drummond is forced to delay his plans.

Titreenp SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
Nonureva Really Surprised!
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Teddie Blake The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Rainey Dawn One of the better Bulldog Drummond films. There is plenty of action in this one. While I do not consider the film anything above an average crime film of the time era, I can say out of all the Bulldog Drummond films this is one of the better ones.In this "episode", Bulldog is on his way to Switzerland to marry his girlfriend when he is stopped by a cargo of explosives disappearing. There is a stolen formula for a new bomb involved.It's OK. Not a great movie but it has it's moments of excitement. So many crime films of the time era that were pumped out to audiences in a hurry but they took a little bit more time to pump out this "episode" of Bulldog Drummond. 4/10
wes-connors British adventurer John Howard (as Hugh "Bulldog" Drummond) is all set to marry girlfriend Louise Campbell (as Phyllis Clavering), but a strange plot to steal the explosive "Haxtonite" from a plane sidetracks their nuptials. For this film series, that's par for the course. Scotland Yard investigator John Barrymore (as Colonel Nielson) is first informed about the explosive plot. He hopes his friend Drummond will get on with his marriage, after several cancellations. Driving with his pal Reginald Denny (as Algy Longworth) and manservant E.E. Clive (as Tenny), Drummond witnesses the plane crash and finds a dismembered hand and suitcase in the wreckage. When the plot thickens, Drummond must solve the mystery. Directed by Louis King, "Bulldog Drummond's Revenge" is fast, confusing and lacks the "Revenge" suggested by its title.**** Bulldog Drummond's Revenge (1937-12-16) Louis King ~ John Howard, John Barrymore, E.E. Clive, Louise Campbell
Hitchcoc I had never seen one of these before, so I wasn't aware of the dynamics of Drummond, his fiancée, the butler, and the scatterbrained friend, Algie. Obviously, the play for humor often trumps the seriousness of the events unfolding. In this one, a secret explosive is concealed in a suitcase that finds its way from person to person, with most not knowing that even a small amount of the junk could send everyone up in smoke. The suitcase is jarred, thrown, kicked, run with, but, of course, remains inert. The byplay with the regular characters is okay, once you get used to the fact that 1937's humor is a bit different than 2006. The one character that I couldn't tolerate was Algie's significant other who cackles and squawks and runs off at the mouth. Once we get into the intrigue and figure out who is who, it is a nice little spy story. Drummond, of course, is the playboy type never becomes flustered and treats things that are deadly serious as a joke. One thing that has bothered me in the three I have watched is how seldom the character listen to each other.
djensen1 John Howard settled into the role of adventurer Hugh "Bulldog" Drummond with this better-than-average entry. The dialog is quick and witty, and the plot is faster and more complicated than usual, with plane crashes, explosions, and scenes aboard trains and ships. Drummond gets mixed up with foreign agents smuggling some secret explosives in a suitcase and who just happen to be going Drummond's way. Barrymore has less to do as Colonel "Don't call me inspector" Nielson, but Phyllis is more helpful, and pal Algy and valet Tenny are never far behind. For those keeping score, in this one, Drummond and Phyllis are planning a European voyage to be married, and Algy is worried that his wife thinks he's left her (well, he has, but not on purpose).