Bulldog Drummond in Africa
Bulldog Drummond in Africa
NR | 05 August 1938 (USA)
Bulldog Drummond in Africa Trailers

Drummond has to leave for Morocco on his wedding day with his fiancee and trusted friends to rescue his friend Nielsen who is kidnapped by an international criminal.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Hitchcoc There is a lot of funny stuff, from two men being locked in a room without any pants, so that Drummond won't get involved and miss his wedding, to them cutting the phone cord and dancing a highland fling in a home-made kilt. As it turns out, the one who wanted the wedding to go one is the one responsible for getting them into another adventure. As usual, it's a secret that could turn the face of the war. The one who knows the most is kidnapped and may be fed to the lions that the villain has in his courtyard if he doesn't reveal the secret code. There is a long standoff. Meanwhile, Drummond and the gang have arrived without proper papers to stay in Morocco. They become targets of the people they are pursuing and nearly get blown out of the sky. There are a whole series of wonderful things between Drummond and Tenny. A very young Anthony Quinn makes an appearance as a cold blooded assistant to the bad guys. This one is much more watchable than some of the others and moves to a nice boil.
classicsoncall The movie opens with a trouser-less Drummond (John Howard) and his butler Tenny (E.E. Clive), confined to Rockingham Lodge on the eve of the Captain's wedding to Miss Phyllis Clavering (Heather Angel). Drummond's sidekick Algy (Reginald Denny) is holding their pants hostage to prevent his boss from getting caught up in a distraction that would disrupt the ceremony. Is it possible that they only had one pair of pants each?Scotland Yard's Colonel Nielson (H.B. Warner) meanwhile, is about to be taken hostage himself by an old nemesis, Richard Lane (J. Carrol Naish). Lane hopes to secure information about a newly developed radio-wave disintegrator, but when Nielson becomes uncooperative, Lane hustles him aboard a plane bound for Morocco where he'll have time to work him over for the secret. The early going is marked by a frantic effort to catch Lane and Nielson, as Algy valiantly tries to deliver the pants along the way.The ever patient and ever single Miss Clavering stows away aboard Drummond's plane as the good guys take flight to Africa. The final confrontation there involves a lion, strategically tethered to an uncertain stake with Colonel Nielson the prize should it give way."Bulldog Drummond in Africa" offers it's share of characteristic good humor and camaraderie between Drummond and his cohorts, though this time around some troubling elements are included as well. Nielson's butler Phillips is dispatched by Lane, and Algy takes a bullet in the arm during the finale at Lane's estate.For J.Carrol Naish, this was his second unsuccessful attempt to outwit hero Drummond. He previously vied with John Howard in "Bulldog Drummond Comes Back", though portraying a different character. Heather Angel reprises her role as Phyllis Clavering from "Bulldog Drummond Escapes", the only film in the series with Ray Milland in the role of the title character. Howard and Angel would team up a total of four times, culminating in the 1939 entry "Bulldog Drummond's Bride". Not having seen it yet, I've got my fingers crossed for an invitation to a wedding.
wrbtu Public Media Inc. has released a neat two film set of Bulldog Drummond films on one tape. The other film paired with "Bulldog Drummond in Africa" is "Arrest Bulldog Drummond." If you like The Thin Man series, you may like this as well. If you absolutely love The Thin Man series, you'll probably be disappointed with Bulldog Drummond. John Howard plays "Bulldog," which is something of a misnomer as played here because he's rather quiet, handsome & shy, not what one would expect from a "bulldog." Heather Angel matches well with Howard as his Fiancee in Perpetuity. The movies have charm, wit, a bit of mystery, & solid acting. If you're not expecting William Powell & Myrna Loy, you should be pleased. Anthony Quinn fans note: a very young Quinn has a neat little part in "...Africa." George Zucco fans note: he has a good part in "Arrest...." I rate "Bulldog Drummond in Africa" 7/10, & I rate "Arrest Bulldog Drummond" 6/10.
boblipton ...and they're excellent actors too, yet somehow, this mish-mosh of wasted talent manages to stumble the way through this lifeless second feature without any more than occasional signs of interest. There is a lion which roars with some energy and plays pat-a-cake with a dummy with some evident hope of making it as Leo's replacement at MGM. I wonder what happened to that lion.