Arrest Bulldog Drummond
Arrest Bulldog Drummond
NR | 25 November 1938 (USA)
Arrest Bulldog Drummond Trailers

The invention of a machine that can cause remote explosions brings the attention of Scotland Yard and Bulldog Drummond.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
JohnHowardReid Director: JAMES HOGAN. Screenplay: Stuart Palmer. Based on the 1926 novel The Final Count by H.C. ("Sapper") McNeile. Photography: Ted Tetzlaff. Film editor: Stuart Gilmore. Art directors: Hans Dreier, Franz Bachelin. Set decorations: A.E. Freudeman. Music director: Boris Morros. Assistant director: Evan Thomas. Sound recording: Hugo Grenzbach, Richard Olson. Western Electric Sound System. Producer: Stuart Walker.Copyright 25 November 1938 by Paramount Pictures Inc. Presented by Adolph Zukor. New York opening at the Criterion: 11 January 1939. U.S. release: 25 November 1938. Australian release: 12 January 1939. 6 reels. 60 minutes. SYNOPSIS: Drummond and his friends travel to a British-held tropical island to corner a villain who has transported a powerful death ray there from London, after killing its inventor.NOTES: Number 14 of the 24-picture "Bulldog Drummond" series.COMMENTS: There's plenty of explosive action in this one (after a slow start) and the support cast is interesting too. Unfortunately, the script re-introduces Nielson's tiresome "Don't call me Inspector!" joke, though Reginald Denny is less boobish than usual and Nydia Westman is mercifully not present. Hogan keeps the film moving at a crackling pace and production values, headed by Ted Tetzlaff's cinematography, are good.
utgard14 Bulldog Drummond's wedding plans must be put on hold once again while he tries to stop a madman (George Zucco) with a stolen death ray. A good entry in the Bulldog Drummond series. One of my favorites, actually. John Howard and the cast of regulars are enjoyable. Heather Angel continues to be the best Phyllis -- clever, brave, spunky. H.B. Warner yells a lot this time around. It's annoying. Leonard Mudie is terrific in his brief part as the inventor of the ray. George Zucco and Jean Fenwick are loads of fun as the villains. The science fiction elements are wonderful. Drummond has a cool fight scene on the pier. It moves along at a brisk pace and keeps your interest throughout. It's got George Zucco and a death ray -- how can you not like that?
blanche-2 Lots of familiar British faces in this lousy print of "Arrest Bulldog Drummond," from 1939.This is my first Bulldog Drummond, and I found it delightful. Bulldog is about to marry Phyllis (Heather Angel) when he's delayed by murder. The inventor of a disaster machine, one that blows up things at fairly close range, is murdered, and his machine stolen. Bulldog is drawn into the investigation -- who murdered this man, took his machine, and what are they going to use it on? John Howard is the man himself, and he's handsome and energetic, with a great speaking voice -- he was Tracy Lord's stuffy fiancé in "The Philadelphia Story." Reginald Denny, familiar from "Rebecca," is one of Bulldog's Marx Brothers type friends, who tries to help. E. E. Clive, who looks like he's about 80 here, is Bulldog's butler Tenny. He died a year later at 60! George Zucco plays the villain, who uses a stingray stinger to kill.Short, but very good and entertaining. I look forward to seeing more Bulldog Drummond films.
robert-temple-1 This is the fourteenth Bulldog Drummond film, and it is highly watchable. The performances are very good, and one wishes the plot were less implausible and the 'secret weapon' were not a mere tin contraption which any schoolboy could have put together in an hour from scraps in a school workshop. But then, we are not meant to take the plot at all seriously, we are merely meant to sit back and enjoy seeing John Howard and Heather Angel almost get married again, H. B. Warner as Colonel Nielson grumble and demand not to be called 'Inspector', E. E. Clive as Tenny the Butler say 'I rather thought so, sir' in his own inimitable way, and Reginald Denny as Algy Longworth be an endearing bumbling fool as usual: 'You mean you're not dead, Hugh?' 'Not even a bit dead, Algy.' George Zucco is a wonderfully convincing and menacing villain, as he was to be so many more times. One surprising development is that Claud Allister, the original Algy Longworth as far back as Ronald Colman days, who in his time had seen many a Drummond come and go, appears in a serious straight role as a distinguished friend of the Commissioner, which he does very well. Perhaps they were giving a part to an old pal, or Allister wanted to show that he could be a jolly good straight actor, have a deep voice rather than a high-pitched effete whinny, and look as if he were not a dolt, - at all of which he succeeds admirably. Heather Angel is delightful, the diametrical opposite to the cringeing, whimpering and helpless Joan Bennett who in earlier times draped herself in Colman's arms like a water hose which has just squirted its last. The clouds of war are gathering in this 1939 film. There are secret agents of foreign powers willing to pay a million pounds for a ray which detonates guns at a range of half a mile. One senses the danger in the air, despite all the silliness. One wonderful touch in this film is the presence of a trained talking raven. He has a role in the plot, and even shares the last frame. We could have done with more of that raven.