Bride Flight
Bride Flight
R | 10 June 2011 (USA)
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A romantic drama that charts the lives of three women from different backgrounds, forever changed when they emigrate to New Zealand as war brides.

Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
WilliamCKH Although it took me two nights to view this film, I must say I was very satisfied with it at the end. The arc of the story, spanning over 50 years or so really was truly grand. The film touches on the many personal issues and emotions of its central characters, yet maintains a certain distance, careful not to have us rooting for or against certain characters, while showing sweeping historical changes take place in the background.The cast is top-notch, especially Karina Smulders, who plays Ada Van Holland, a young, unwordly bride-to-be traveling, for the first time, from Holland to New Zealand. There is a natural, non self-consciousness about her performance that is very appealing. The other members of the cast are also very wonderful. Many flawed characters occupy the screen, but no one beyond redemption and forgiveness. The cumulative affect of the storytelling, between flashback and modern day, was, in the end, deeply personal, and awe-inspiring.
nahum24-765-841464 This is an absolute GEM of a movie that tells the story of 3 women and 1 man who meet on a flight as they are emigrating in the early 50's from the Netherlands to New Zealand, leaving behind floods and terrible economic conditions. Many of the women on this flight(like our protagonists) have already accepted proposals of marriage from New Zealand men whom they have not even met. These 4 actors embark on a new life; but as things work out ,their lives become intertwined in unusual and unimagined ways.As events unfold, we see the consequences of decisions, some of which should have been reconsidered and were not,some which could be renounced and were, and some which were allowed to play out with tumultuous results.This intriguing saga is at times agonizing,at times uplifting, at times poignant but always compelling. The actors are excellent and fully photogenic! If you are interested in a superb,engrossing and captivating drama, get on board,buckle up and enjoy the flight.
grodemann When I first saw this movie, I didn't come in with any expectations other than what a title like "Bride Flight" elicits. Which in as many words probably equates to Love Story On or around a plane. Which is true enough, I was actually surprised how short the time they spent on the plane actually was. Early on the inclusion of some actual footage of the time period explains purposely the concept of the movie, a small exodus of brides-to-be to new Zealand in a race to break a previous flight record. This movie takes that premise and turns it into so much more, the characters are so fleshed out. They each have their own past and views about what they want for the future, a future that we get to see at the beginning of the movie and intermittently throughout. I don't want to ruin the movie by going into detail about all the plot twists and turns you'll just have to go see it, but you won't be disappointed when you realize not everything is as it seems in the past or present.
courtesyflushblush Remember the old lady in Atonement? What if she led her life without regrets? What if she laid it all on the line before it was too late, before her sister died, before she grew old? Like the Oscar winning film, Bride Flight is about elders (we get three here) reflecting on their past when they reconvene at a funeral. The central elder, Ada, had a choice to make in her youth to either follow Frank (an Adonis of men, perhaps too good to be true, every woman's fantasy) or follow her husband Derk (essentially a Jerk, but represents stability, religion, and order). Ada chose to go with Derk, but in the third act of the movie she had an opportunity to undo her mistake. Where Atonement was about living with regret and sadness, Bride Flight is about living with regret, and then doing something about it. Ada runs off with Frank and puts it all on the line. This film should not go underneath the radar because it's not only a case study of human potential, but also a true cinematic feat.