Brenda Starr
Brenda Starr
PG | 15 April 1992 (USA)
Brenda Starr Trailers

Fearless reporter Brenda Starr needs a big scoop if she wishes to retain her lofty status within the world of journalism, so she ventures deep into the Amazon to investigate a story involving a mad scientist's plot to blow the planet to smithereens. Her investigation pits her against a collection of dastardly villains and the myriad dangers of the jungle.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
ShangLuda Admirable film.
cnycitylady Brenda Starr is a wonky, wacky, campy good time at the movies. Based on the classic comic strip, this movie captures all of the fun and innocence that saturated the childhoods of the seventies. Brenda Starr, brilliantly portrayed by the effervescent Brooke Shields, is a reporter who goes that extra mile for a good story, and when she gets fed up with the artist who draws her, he jumps into her comic strip world of instant outfit changes and convenient plot segues and helps her on her newest search for a scoop.This movie blends real story with caricature quirk and you will not be able to stop smiling from start to finish. The movie is aware of how ridiculous some of the misadventures are and instead of looking the other way it playfully points it out. Brenda Starr is a hidden gem that should be viewed by children and adults everywhere. It is reminiscent of The Goonies and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Both silly and over the top and completely lovable. 8.5/10
Kraig Simpson Let me start off first by saying that this movie is not very good but I would put it against other movies of the same era and say that it is better than average.It certainly doesn't deserve the bad rap that it has gotten over the years and isn't a terrible movie either, however. I'm not sure why so many people hate this film. The direction, writing and acting are all just fine.Brooke Shields looks great and does a fair enough job of playing the main character.The story is also very unique and fun with her literally coming out of the comic strip as a real life character. Maybe the strangeness of that turns some people off.But it's a fun movie and worth seeing... if you can find it that is, it's not super well known or loved!
Wizard-8 The most that people know about this movie was that it was filmed in 1986, then spent six years on the shelf before being (barely) released to theaters. Was it deserving of its fate? For that most part, yes. Though obviously not a big budget exercise, the movie does boast (for the most part) passable production values. However, the rest of the movie falls flat. Brooke Shields looks the part of Brenda Starr, but her performance simply isn't very good. In fairness to Shields, her role is strangely not written to be a smart and resourceful woman, but kind of a bubblehead - such a demeaning role would make anyone reluctant to give a good performance. In fact, just about every character is written to be kind of stupid. The movie seems to think that the whole thing should be some kind of joke, when in fact this kind of movie needs a SERIOUS treatment. It doesn't help that there are several instances where key linking footage or entire scenes seem to be missing, leading to some very confusing moments. I'm willing to be that Dale Messick, the original cartoonist of the "Brenda Starr" comic strip, wasn't very pleased by this cinematic adaptation of her work.
ccarhart I searched for this for years, sniffing after it's bad reputation. Surprize-it's not that bad. The scenes with the comic strip artist are painful but brief. Most of the action is period 40's and the costumes are fun (Bob Mackie?). Brooke is just gorgeous, of course, and makes a plucky Brenda. Diana Scarwid is her nasty rival and Timothy Dalton her sexy love interest. If this had been done for TV (which it looks like) I think the critics would have been far kinder. If I recall, no one crucified Jill St. John for the 1976 version. This movie is strictly for comic book buffs or Brooke Sheilds fans.CC