Bon Cop Bad Cop
Bon Cop Bad Cop
PG-13 | 15 March 2013 (USA)
Bon Cop Bad Cop Trailers

When the body of the executive of hockey Benoit Brisset is found on the billboard of the border of Quebec and Ontario, the jurisdiction of the crime is shared between the two police forces and detectives David Bouchard from Montreal and Martin Ward from Toronto are assigned to work together. With totally different styles, attitudes and languages.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
kosmasp A movie with two languages ... french and english. And it's mixed, so different/multiple characters speak both languages. So you have to focus on what they say if you know both languages or on the subtitles if you have issues with at least one of those. But it's ok and it works, because it does feel more alive for being that way.Speaking of more alive: we do get treated on some personal stuff of both protagonists. Some is not really necessary for the story, but it's there. And because it didn't have to be made for general audiences (it has an R rating in America), it does contain blood, profanity and even nudity. The latter is cut together in a very funny, yet sexy way. There are some bumps when it comes to the story, but the actors had so much fun with their roles, it really shines through to the audience. Enjoy this crazy ride ...
Ornlu Wolfjarl This film is such an amateurish attempt at film-making. The acting is bad, and not because of the actors but because of the script and the direction. The editing is shoddy at best. The film keeps going off to tangents that end up being irrelevant. The script is filled with clichés, but instead of making an exploitation out of them, they are just presented dried and predictable. There's too many pointless fist fights and not enough plot. It's a flick centering on catching a serial killer. We are never shown clearly what the serial killer wants, beyond a generic "he just hates this people". It's supposed to be a comedy but it rarely makes any sort of joke beyond some childish slapstick or ironic twist (e.g. this character only swears in french, but at then end he swears in English).It's like the people who made this agreed on an idea, but never agreed on what kind of film it was supposed to be. Or they sat around a table writing down what they thought would be cool scenes and just mixed them all together in a mess. It's disjointed and without hardly any satisfying conclusions to all the story lines it's trying to follow.You'll have some fun, it's not the worst thing ever made, but you'll likely get bored halfway. If you do get bored but want to stick through to the end, my advice is don't. Just forget you ever saw it and go watch something more worthwhile.
Stefano Fiore This is a French Canadian production which certainly can't match the best Hollywood ones. The photography of this movie is horrible along with the colors. Everything is sort of green. Some situations are brought to the extreme where the actors overact. Despite these premises the movie works fine! Entertaining! We have a French cop and an English one. Each one speaks his own language giving the movie a colorful tone. The dualism works fine along with the charisma the actors have. The action is good, the suspense also. Everything is very ironic. When the action stops the excellent chemistry between the actors kicks in and the movie is really fun. We are ready for a sequel.
girlocelot Great, funny, buddy movie!Excellent action, funny jokes, off-beat, fresh morbid humor (hang around after the first shocker - it gets funnier but no grosser).The 2 leads are perfectly matched, & their characters develop to show the depth of the values they share. That sounds rather high falutin' for such a tough, fast, violent flick, but these guys are really knights in disguise. And the twist in this film is that the superficial differences that keep the dialogue tense and quick underscore that they both just want the same thing - their kids, a job & someone to smile at.I loved the hockey angle, and while I'm sure many of the Canadian jokes sailed right over my American head, the twisted, subtle and clever patter smoothed that right over. Lots of jokes, visual, verbal, situational and character-driven. The French-speaking police chief is a priceless buffoon, and there are many excellent bit parts.A lot of women may not like this one for its intense violence & sweat-soaked action. Not me - I say, get a 6-pack of your favorite beer & get ready to have a great time.Director & actors: Sequel PLEASE!