| 06 May 1997 (USA)
Bloodletting Trailers

Serena Stalin wanted to learn from the best. So she tracked down Butch Harlow, one of the world’s most notorious serial killers, and blackmailed him into teaching her the fine art of murder. Now, as the lessons begin, teacher and bloodthirsty student unleash an unspeakable passion that forces them to kill over and over again, leaving a trail of horribly mutilated victims in their wake...

Sexylocher Masterful Movie
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Leofwine_draca BLOODLETTING is a very cheap and uneventful indie horror flick from 1997. That means it was shot on video and feels very dated, more so than Hollywood fare from the same era. The plot is about a maladjusted young woman who tracks down a notorious serial killer and becomes his apprentice, but don't go in expecting lots of gore and frightening incident; this cheapie is all about the chit chat and little else. The film tries for quickfire dialogue a la Quentin Tarantino but the writer isn't adept enough to carry it off and although the acting isn't the worst, it's not enough to make this remotely good.
trashgang blah blah blah. Already boring but hey, the opening credits contains some really nice moments. It's better then the movie. A lot of talking, stupid conversations. An unbelievable serial killer. Again some talking, boredom arises. Some stabbing.Nothing happens except....talking Almost over, one nice scene, the guy loosing his mascularity. And then again a lot of talking. Ahaaa, the end of the movie, you wouldn't believe it, stabbing while they are...talking.End credits Don't waist your time on this turkey, a waist of time and money. Better watch "man bites dog" a Belgian movie
yojimbo999 The film, though interesting, is marred by some initially bad acting by the female lead (who does eventually get better, though). The script is sometimes too wordy for its own good, and after a while you wonder why these people are still talking and not doing anything. The whole serial killer angle is rather silly. The film suffer badly from lame direction; the film's cinematography ranges from poor to just incompetent. Yes, it's a low budget movie, but that really doesn't excuse the filmmakers from making a film that has some LIFE.
SUTTER CANE This movie got great acting and a great story with quite a few surprises. It´s about a girl (Ariuanna Albright), who blackmails a serial killer into teaching her how to kill. A very dark (and funny) movie, but not for everyone. Produced by J.R. Bookwalter and starring Tina Krause from W.A.V.E.-Productions, this is must for all b-movie lovers. Be sure to watch after the end credits. I give it 9 out of 10