Bloodbath at the House of Death
Bloodbath at the House of Death
R | 30 March 1984 (USA)
Bloodbath at the House of Death Trailers

Six scientists arrive at the creepy Headstone Manor to investigate a strange phenomena which was the site of a mysterious massacre years earlier where 18 guests were killed in one night. It turns out that the house is the place of a satanic cult lead by a sinister monk who plans to kill the scientists who are inhabiting this house of Satan.

Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
David Love Kenny Everett was a zany comic who started out as a DJ in the 1960s before fronting a prime time TV comedy show in the 1980s. This 1984 film is his only attempt at a big screen offering. Kenny died of AIDS-related illness in 1995, aged 50.The film is a Hammer horror spoof, though many other films and genres are spoofed along the way. It is written by Barry Cryer, who appears in the title sequence. Eight scientists (including Kenny and, more plausibly, Dr Pamela Stephenson) investigate an old house where, 18 years earlier, 18 people were killed there in one night. The others are played by John Fortune, Sheila Steafel, Don (Rising Damp) Warrington, Gareth (coffee ads) Hunt, Cleo Rocos and John Stephen Hill. All were well known 80s British personalities but not entirely convincing as scientists! The best known actor here is Vincent Price, though he only appears in a few scenes, as the 'sinister man'. Pat Ashton's appearance as the murdered barmaid marked her last appearance in a run of 20 years of British comedy shows before she disappeared, which is a shame as she was always good fun. It pretty much also marked the end of John Stephen Hill's acting career though he is better mapped as he went on to immerse himself in his Jesuit faith.The film is a bit hit and miss, like Everett's TV shows - lots of scenes that don't really work, interspersed with occasional moments of genius. It is the only opportunity to see Everett on the big screen, and it represents a peak of sorts in early 80s British comedy. I don't want to judge it too harshly.
Joxerlives Always been a Kenny fan and to have him in the same film as Vincent Price and Not the Nine O'clock News' Pamela Stephenson had such great potential. Sadly it never lived up to it but still glad to watch it.The Good; Love the gag of the stalker being hit in the face with the brier and the Headstone Manor hall for 'Tired businessmen/Teenage Girls Summer Camp'. Vincent Price's stuff is great. Pamela Stephenson is just as gorgeous naked as we always thought she'd be (surprisingly Cleo Rocos who was always the cheesecake in Kenny's shows keeps her clothes on?). Adore the pub singalong, Don Warrington and Gareth Hunt make a very funny gay couple and the surgery scene is funny. The parodies are also pretty good, especially the Carrie one. The Bad; Lots I'm afraid, the plot makes no sense, the direction is leaden and the story just doesn't hang together. It doesn't work as a horror film or a zany comedy and some of the gags just aren't funny and go on for far too long (to my shame I missed the 'Do you like my mole?' joke until I'd watched it for the second time. Still wasn't funny)The Other; did you notice there was a story about AIDS on the cover of the gay magazine Stephen and Elliot read? Kenny Everett was a closet homosexual and would sadly later die of the disease, I wonder if this was put in deliberately? The scene where Don Warrington's character is killed by a blade emerging from a phone receiver is very similar to 'Dr Phibes Rises Again' also starring Vincent Price. All told I think it's something of a wasted opportunity
Paul Andrews Bloodbath at the House of Death is set in rural Endland where a team of scientists arrive at Headstone House to investigate strange radioactive paranormal activity. In charge is Dr. Lukas Mandeville (Kenny Everett) aided by his young assistant Dr. Barbara Coyle (Pamela Stephenson), after an awkward encounter with the locals in a nearby village Mandeville & Coyle arrive at Headstone House & find the rest of the team waiting there. As the night passes the scientists start to experience strange phenomenon, eventually they are killed off one by one & replaced by replica Devil worshipping aliens.This British production was co-written, co-produced & directed by Ray Cameron & is generally disliked as an unfunny horror comedy spoof with zero plot & who am I to disagree with such an accurate appraisal? Made at the time when both horror & leading man Kenny Ecerett were popular it probably seemed like a good idea at the time to combine the two, quite why Everett agreed to be in this crap is a mystery to be honest. With virtually no story to speak of it's left to the loosely connected little comedy sketches that try to spoof & mock various horror films including The Haunting (1963), Carrie (1976), Alien (1979), The Shining (1980), An Emerican Werewolf in London (1981), The Entity (1982), E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (1982), all the teen slashers that were big business back then & even references Star Wars (1977) with little success is has to be said. The main problem for me was that Bloodbath at the House of Death is just painfully unfunny, sure it comes down to personal preference but I thought the humour, jokes & gags were just lame. At just under 90 minutes long there is very little story here & none of it makes sense one bit as things happening for no apparent reason with no apparent consequence. Why is Everett given a false leg? Why not kill the scientists rather than try to scare them away?Bloodbath at the House of Death really does feel like a five minute comedy show sketch drawn out to feature film length, not one of British horror's finest moments.The film is reasonably well made & spoofs various scenes in films like the pub scene in An American Werewolf in London, the chest-burster scene in Alien, the rape scene in The Entity & even has a character decapitated by a Stars Wars style Light Saber. The special effects are variable, the E.T. spoof at the end looks awful for instance. There's some blood splatter & a couple of decapitations but not much gore.Filmed in Hertfordshire here in the UK I suspect this had a fairly low budget & again I don't really understand why TV comedian & radio DJ Kenny Everett agreed to do it, surely he didn't think it would be his big break in films? The acting is all over the place with some terrible performances & other's who just go for it. Horror legend Vincent Price is wasted in what turned out to be his last British horror film.Bloodbath at the House of Death make the Scary Movie series seem like classics, I'm sorry but I just didn't find any of it funny & it ended up disappointing as both a horror film & a comedy. A waste of some good talent & a waste of potential.
Scarecrow-88 Mediocre spoof of Horror and sci-fi features Vincent Price in a minor role as a Satanic Warlock who gathers up his town of worshipers to disrupt an obnoxious group of paranormal researchers visiting a supposed haunted house where a series of bloody murders took place. At times Monty Python-ish parodying prevails..if only the gags and one-liners were as funny as the filmmakers wanted them to be. They try really hard, but I have to say I laboured through it instead of enjoying the film from start to finish. Bizarre gore murders such as a man being pulled into a toilet, a woman's throat being attacked by a monster which emerges from the mold on a colleague's arm, a victim stabbed by a teddy bear(!), a female victim getting "raped"(..blissfully, in this case, unlike THE ENTITY)by a ghost, and one woman getting beheaded by a sword( glows like a Star Wars light saber, an obvious poke at the George Lucas flicks). There's a poke at Carrie where a punished girl(..she kissed her boyfriend)causes her deeply fanatically religious mom's beheading. A lot of paranormal activity where objects fly across rooms and break, along with blood coming out faucets and walls. Dopplegangers from hell killing off their human counterparts in the Headstone Manor is quite an unusual touch, I must admit.The film is a good-natured spoof, but I found the humor itself rather lacking in quality. I'm sure this film, though, will have a fervent following if it were to get a DVD release. Perhaps there's a reason why it hasn't, though. I guess the film's best gore gag would be a badly orchestrated surgical procedure where our lead paranormal scientist loses his monocle inside the body of a patient as his aids laugh hysterically. I'm sure Vincent Price fans will have a good time seeing him swear, gleefully theatrical, parodying his image. I wish there was more of him and less of everybody else. I admit, I was incredibly excited(..maybe, TOO excited)when I found a rare VHS copy of this at a local rental store going out of business, so a degree of disappointment was too be expected. The cast take great pride lampooning the British kind of stage acting, quite animated in their expressions, really letting it hang out unrestrained, but I didn't particularly find very much really gut-bustingly funny..maybe, I'm not part of that crowd targeted. There are lots of sex jokes and gags, even some homosexual humor. I think the film's biggest misstep is not featuring Price as the central character, even though Kenny Everett has some shining moments. The ET gag with Pamela Stephenson's body being sexually ravaged by the ghost who molested her the first time, her silhouette flying across the image of the moon is certainly a strange moment towards the end. The version I watched suffered from poor picture quality and sound so I would perhaps respond better to a remastered edition.