Blood of Dracula's Castle
Blood of Dracula's Castle
NR | 05 October 1969 (USA)
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Count Dracula and his wife capture beautiful young women and chain them in their dungeon, to be used when they need to satisfy their thirst for blood.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
a_baron There are castles in the United States, but not many, and even fewer that are homes to vampires, in this case The Vampire himself. There is a bit of a twist here because Count Dracula - who is using a different name - has a wife. They are living happily undead forever after until they experience a major glitch; they don't actually own their castle, and when the elderly owner dies, he leaves it to his nephew, a photographer whose future wife insists on living there, and that in spite of the isolation, apart from the bats in the attic and the rats in the cellar.There are also three mortal bad guys in the shape of the faithful butler, the servant, and an escaped psychopath who murders no fewer than three people on his way to the castle to meet up with the undead who had promised him eternal life. Then there is the little matter of the shackled damsels keeping the rats company in the cellar. Oh yeah, and vampires worship the Moon.There were snatches of humour early on, and the film would have played out better as a black comedy, but if you don't take it too seriously, there are worse things to do on a Tuesday night, like watching UK soap operas.
Michael O'Keefe Very low-budget horror film directed by Al Adamson. This familiar story revolves around a playboy photographer Glen Cannon(Gene O'Shane),who inherits a castle in the middle of a California desert. When he and his photogenic fiancée Liz(Barbara Bishop)travel to claim the property, they find the current residents are Count Charles Townsend(Alexander D'Arcy), alias Count Dracula and his vampire bride(Paula Raymond). As Glen and Liz spend the night they realize something is amiss...abducted teenage girls chained in the dungeon in order to provide sustenance for the Count and Countess. Veteran actor John Carradine plays George the butler. A bit eerie. but very little gore or scares. Also in the cast: Robert Dix, Ray Young and Vicki Volante.
TheExpatriate700 Blood of Dracula's Castle is best seen as a comedy rather than a horror movie. It is not particularly violent and has no real scares, but it definitely has a lot of laughs, many of them intentional. The film follows a young couple who inherit a castle with some rather interesting tenants.Alexander D'Arcy and Paula Raymond, who play the Count and Countess Dracula, make this movie. They make the vampires utterly charming, so much so that we end up rooting for them rather than the protagonists. Other than the occasional human sacrifice, what's not to like? John Carradine is also good as the couple's butler.The film is by no means perfect. The first half is rather meandering, and the characterization is basically non-existent. However, this is still good for a boring Sunday afternoon.
Aaron1375 This film is on a set of movies I bought for five dollars and the set is called Gorehouse Greats. Well I have watched nearly everyone of them so far and have to say the name of this package is a misnomer. None of the films have been particularly gory, though they have been entertaining to some degree. This one is not gory and is just a slow plodding movie that at times seems like it almost wants to be a comedy. The date on this movie says 1969 and the trivia says it is 1966, but the film looks like something out of the 50's. The cut they used is terrible, blue lines through almost the entire film. That could be forgiven if the film were not so boring. The highlight was the scenes at the sea park where you see a walrus and some dolphins and a really cool lift that elevates above the park and you can ride outside of it. Yeah, that was really cool and it out did the rest of this movie. The plot has a count and countess living in a castle that does not belong to them, but they lease. Well this dude has just inherited from his uncle and for reasons unknown he and his fiancé want to kick out the old couple who are more than willing to buy the place outright. Which if they had done so it would have most certainly saved them a lot of grief as the two in the castle have a secret. They also have the great John Carradine as a butler, a large hulking caretaker, and another dude who seems to go crazy when the moon is full though why this is even said is beyond me as they never really show it happening. Seriously, this film is only a bit better than "Manos the Hands of Fate". That movie was at least transferred better than this one as it had a good picture, heck if not for the sea world scenes and one female in a bikini I would say Manos was the better film. Just nothing here, not really a horror the count and his wife are so lame that it undercuts any terror and John Carridine adds nothing when his presence can usually help a movie at least a little. Here he only adds to the boredom.
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