NC-17 | 08 December 2014 (USA)
Blind Trailers

Having recently lost her sight, Ingrid retreats to the safety of her home—a place where she can feel in control, alone with her husband and her thoughts. After a while, Ingrid starts to feel the presence of her husband in the flat when he is supposed to be at work. At the same time, her lonely neighbor who has grown tired of even the most extreme pornography shifts his attention to a woman across the street. Ingrid knows about this but her real problems lie within, not beyond the walls of her apartment, and her deepest fears and repressed fantasies soon take over.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Andres-Camara I do not know, I have felt the whole movie lost and when I have found, I have felt, because I think not.Spoiler:It is necessary to explain well Why being a good movie, I have not approved it? Because I think a good movie to be a good movie, not only the actors have to be great, as is the case. The rest has to be at the level and from my point of view it is not. I've been throwing half a movie thinking, does it upset a relationship so much that one of the people is blind? Above all, I attribute everything to sex, when I think that if it were that she, for example, has no members, she would understand it, since it should always be the one who commands, but because she is blind? Until finally I think I understood that the whole movie is the book she writes, but is it really everything? I think he has a lot of script mistakes. Nor did he understand, if there had been an attack at any given moment or what happened. Besides, the photograph seems very ugly, it is becoming fashionable to make a film without a photograph or with a very video camera and that is not, from my point of view. Let's not say the camera, as always so many directors, do not know how to use it to tell a story. The costumes and makeup, as it is normal, including the end that is so rare. I do not know I have felt the whole movie lost and when I have found, I have felt, I think not.
magnuslhad A blind woman, Ingrid, lives life trapped in her apartment, afraid to go outside. Married when she could see, she worries that her disability has caused her husband to stop loving her. She starts to imagine her husband is cheating on her, and those thoughts grow into a longer, more convoluted narrative with two characters, a lonely, porn-addicted man and a mousey woman lacking in self-esteem. The boundaries between real life and Ingrid's imagination start to blur, and the film proceeds as a series of reveals of Ingrid's husbands actions as either real of part of Ingrid's narrative. As Ingrid starts to live more in her imaginary world and give up on the real world, her husband's invitation to a party forces a crisis. Ingrid must learn to live again, or slip completely into her inner world. A clever, involving screenplay that keeps you on your toes.
kgs-void so you know there are some films that make you want to make an account just to write a review; this is one of them.. also i just couldn't bare the norwegian propaganda guy. I've seen some positives review here as well, but they were too long and i didn't want to read them so i'll keep it short as well*the cinematography is good, especially in the begging of the film; I especially liked the first few scene's camera position and angles *in some places the use of sound is outstanding, which has to be a requirement for a blind person movie *the main actress is hot *The "dream sequences" are nice, I am a fan of surreal movies, and this hits the mark despite stating too plainly what is going onthe main negative i can think of is that protagonist is not a really good writer, though it kinda makes the film more believable so i\d recommend it
aaskillz69 I remember this premiering at the Sundance Film Festival at the beginning of the year, it was there and at Berlin that it made a little splash. I remember looking on some reviews about this picture at the time and they were regarding it really highly, and i guess because of that the title stuck with me. Now nine months have gone by and little more about it was seen during these months, but my curiosity had yet to fade so i decided to take a look at this one.Blind is Directed by Eskil Vogt and it stars Ellen Dorrit Petersen, Vera Vitali, Henrik Rafaelsen and Marius Kolbenstvedt. I was hoping to get surprised going into this picture but i got to say that i did not anticipate Blind to be as good as it actually was. 2014 is building up to become the year of independent films. Last year we had our good share of indie features but this year, i feel as though the grand majority of the best pictures of the year so far, are indies. For now Blind stands aside pictures like Starred Up, A Most Wanted Man, The One I Love, Blue Ruin, Under the Skin among many others as the years best work.Going in, i didn't even know this was directed by the same guy who collaborated with Joachim Trier, and made Oslo, 31. August which i absolutely hold as one of the best pictures made in the last decade or so. So Eskil Vogt had already proved in the past to be a talented young writer but this didn't exactly mean that he had the skills to pay the bills when it came to directing. Fortunately though, albeit I wasn't as moved as I was with the tour de force that is Oslo, 31. August, I will say that this is a far more ambitious and creative picture.So the film starts with a blind woman narrating on how difficult or how easy it is to remember objects, first a tree, then dogs, then an apartment. It doesn't matter whether or not you remember it right, as long as you have a picture of what you remember. Our narrator whose name is Ingrid, let's her imagination fill in the blanks of her past and memories but also the blanks of what she can not see in the present. We learn that Ingrid is married and that she got blind after she married her husband Morten. Then from the middle of nowhere, Ingrid starts narrating the life's of other two people, it's weird because although she can't see her life and isn't sure about anything around, she seems to know everything about these two people. These two are Einar, a lonely man who may not ever have had sex but one things is clear, he hasn't been intimate with anyone as of late. He's a little bit of a creep as he masturbates five times a day and gets his kicks out of seeing woman in the streets. The other is Elin, just as lonely of a woman as Einar is of a man. She's a divorced single mother whose only company is her daughter.Soon enough we realize that these two people are characters created by Ingrid, as she seems to be writing some sort of novel or screenplay around these two characters. These two characters though start to get mixed with reality as Ingrid's husband Morten rapidly starts appearing in these day dreams, in this stories that she's creating. It gets to a point where you start wondering how much of what you see is reality and how much is Ingrid's imagination. We are never too sure of what's real or not, are these people or just characters, or both. Is Ingrid's husband really cheating on her? Her day dreams and stories mirror the way the feels inside. She feels lonely, depressed, she's afraid of being a burden and she fears her husband's loyalty.Everything comes into a very powerful and by the way beautifully constructed climax, that's super original, meaningful and witty. Ingrid ultimately destroys the fears that she has in the real world by crashing them in her dream and imaginations. Ultimately Ingrid faces her demons and problems through those day dreams and through the invented stories and because of that she's able to overcome the melancholic perspective of things and starts seeing things in a more hopeful way.It's a case where Eskil has to be applauded by his magnificent complex and imaginative screenplay, plus the direction that completes the screenplay's vision with just as much aspiration and boldness. Eskil's screenplay is marvelous with the invention and vision of a master like Charlie Kaufman as the film often reminded me of Adaptation. Eskil shows here to be a talent to be reckoned with, not only with writer skills but he also knew out to put this piece together. The visions and reality become tangled, inter- connected beautifully, never leaving the audience hopelessly confused but rather intrigued and fascinated by it all.The acting also helps, though no familiar faces are seen in the picture, all actors do deliver great performances. Ellen Dorrit Petersen is obviously the name that first comes to mind as the lead of the movie but really all the supporting cast that features Vera Vitali, Henrik Rafaelsen and Marius Kolbenstvedt are just as good.Bilnd is a very, very nice surprise. Much better than what I could have expected. It combines the powerful performances with a weird but imaginative and super captivating story that translates into the screen beautifully through the hands of a writer/director that is surely extremely talented. Rating:B+