BKO: Bangkok Knockout
BKO: Bangkok Knockout
R | 01 January 2012 (USA)
BKO: Bangkok Knockout Trailers

A group of martial arts students are enjoying a reunion party when a bomb goes off in the building. When they wake up, some of their friends have been kidnapped and they soon find a group of assassins coming after them. The only way to survive is to fight their way out.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Ninza Fury This movie doesn't deserve 10 but I gave it 10/10 to increase its IMDb rating.(IDK if it works) Because I wasn't seeing this movie only because of rating and reviews. --------------------------------For first half an hour, No one would complain for bad acting. Actually I had no problem with acting. ---------------------------------I didn't find any actor's wikipedia's page but actress. And I guess, all of them were either Athlete or stuntman. Because level of action was not less than Tony jaa's Tom-Yum-Goong and ONG-BAK. ---------------------------------If they make another movie with these actors(Stunt man). I would watch that movie for sure. ---------------------------------According to me, Movie is 6/10. (Actually I am little tightwad, when It comes to scoring, So Don't see rating, see movie.) ---------------------------------
Leofwine_draca Another all-action martial arts offering from Panna Rittikrai, the guy who's kept Thai action cinema alive for the past thirty years or so. Unfortunately, KNOCKOUT(they dropped the BANGKOK for the British release) is one of his lesser offerings. For those who complained about the paucity of the storyline in WARRIOR KING, you ain't seen nothing yet: the surrounding storyline in this film is amateurish in the extreme, a kind of riff on THE CONDEMNED which sees a bunch of characters thrown together in an old abandoned warehouse and forced to fight for their lives.The film it's closest to in terms of scope is Rittikrai's original BORN TO FIGHT, made back in the '80s. All the requisite elements of Thai action cinema are present: masked, ninja-style assassins, goons on motorbikes flying through the air, scenery being broken and destroyed, people thrown from great heights. The fight scenes are enjoyable, although they lack the kind of finesse of the classic Tony Jaa outings: there seems to be no distinct beginning, middle and end to them, the film just depicts an ongoing melee situation and the bad guys are faceless and dull.The use of multiple characters for the heroes was a bad idea. It worked in the BORN TO FIGHT remake, where each member of the athletics team had their own special skill clearly delineated. Here, though, the use of different styles wasn't clear; I didn't even realise they were being used until I watched the short making-of documentary afterwards. Mostly, the fights just consist of people running up walls, jumping and kicking people in the head. It's fun, but highly derivative.The cast are pretty rubbish – these are the kinds of guys who make a good stunt team, but who are hopeless as characters we're supposed to get behind and root for. The melodrama scenes are overstated and, even worse, there's an obnoxious comic relief character we're stuck with for a long, long time. While there are a few familiar faces in minor parts, the only actor I really recognised was Rittikrai himself, playing another merciless fighter with a twist – this time, he's got asthma. You can guess the outcome.
Paul Magne Haakonsen "Bangkok Knockout" is action from the start to the very end. And you would think that to fill a plot out like this with something meaningful to make it interesting, but that wasn't to be. There is a very weak storyline to this movie. Actually the story is so ridiculous that it is almost painful to witness. However, the lack of story is more than made up for in sheer action, well-choreographed fighting scenes and violence.The story is about a group of friends being drugged and forced into a twisted game of survival sports to entertain a handful of rich gamblers. And that is basically it. Oh, and there is a little attempt at spicing up the story by someone being kidnapped and held hostage! "Bangkok Knockout" has a lot of really nice fighting scenes, and the Thai really do make nice movies in the fighting-action genre. The scenes are well-choreographed and you often see how the hands, feet, knees and elbows connect with the targets, so you sit there in sympathy pain, wondering just how bad that had to hurt the guy (or girl) getting hit.Three things did amuse me in this movie. The first thing was how did that white guy, Mr. Snead, manage to make that video montage that was showing behind him on the screens? I mean, he drugged these people to get them into the game, but then how did he make them all walk on one line, looking happy about it? And how did he manage to get portraits of each competitor and show it on the screen as the random fights were starting? That was just lame.The second thing that had me amused was the way the black car crumbled as people were punched and kicked against its surface. Come on, was the car made from cardboard? I have never seen metal buckle and cave that easily, especially not on a car made for stock-car racing. That was just epic fail!And thirdly, the sheer amount of beating each person took in this movie was just beyond mortal comprehension. No one would be able to get on their feet after such a thrashing. The beating these people took put even Jean Claude Van Damme to shame. So seeing them walk or limp away from beating upon severe beating was a bit too much in the end."Bangkok Knockout" is the type of movie you would watch on a day where you have bad hang-overs, and just want to lay on the couch doing. There is nothing to think about in this movie at all, it is all just one big fight scene. "Bangkok Knockout" is well worth watching a single time for the action and fighting scenes itself, but I doubt that anyone will be making a second trip back to watching this movie.
Simon Booth A group of fighters are selected, via competition, to go to Hollywood for a project... or that's what they believe. In fact, after winning they are drugged and kidnapped, and forced to fight for their lives in a contest staged for the benefit of some extremely wealthy gamblers.Bangkok Knockout is a terrible film by most standards - i.e. the story is dumb and the acting is terrible. It does, however, have some of the most extraordinary action scenes ever filmed. The cast are mostly stuntmen and fighters, and the film showcases a range of different styles and techniques going head to head. The level of physical virtuosity on display is amazing, and the scenes are brutal - fights are full contact, and stunts are outrageously dangerous.For lovers of action cinema it's a must-see... everybody else should probably skip it.