Bite Marks
Bite Marks
R | 17 June 2011 (USA)
Bite Marks Trailers

Truck-driver Brewster takes over his missing brother's delivery of a load of coffins to a funeral home. He picks up hitchhiking gay couple Cary and Vogel whose relationship is in trouble to help him stay awake but when his GPS leads them into a deserted junkyard, his truck breaks down, stranding them. Night falls, and the coffins reveal blood-thirty vampires. Now the mismatched trio must barricade themselves in the cab of the truck and try to survive until dawn...

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
dreamneophyte-227-165081 I found this film to be amusing. The one-liners are better then the jokes made in most "comedies". The vampires look like actual vampires unlike the sparkling fairies of "twlight" and they do some damage. It uses some of the lesser known aspects of vampires that are found in the mythology. For example the in classic vampire mythology vampires are capable of manipulating what and how a person thinks they are also able to read people's minds. The only criticisms I have for it is that the special affects are kinda cheap but the vampires do look really good though. The other criticism would be the storyline doesn't really go anywhere, but considering it is a cross between a comedy and a horror the story line doesn't really need to go anywhere. I would say by the end it made me laugh and kinda freaked me out.
napfn20 For a low budget movie, director Mark Bessenger does a lot to entertain you. Benjamin Lutz is great in his roll as Brewster and pairs well with the other two main characters (played by David Alanson and Wyndham Beacham), making for a great ride. The effects were fun, if a bit cheesy. And the movie never takes itself too seriously, which makes it much easier to forgive some of the effects of having no budget. (That and the fact that there's so much eye candy in this film (thank you for David Alanson:-)) Definitely recommend watching this one. Not sure if it would be as good watching it at home but it was great at a theater. Try catching it as it makes the festival circuit, you wont be disappointed.
pattamus-1 Since no one reviewed this, I decided I would since I made the first thread and a few people are at least talking about this, so might as well review it.First off, this is a genre movie that targets a certain demographic (See above if you don't know what i'm getting at. It's a rare "gay" horror comedy. When I first watched this, I didn't know that.Knowing what it is about, and not taking it too seriously, this could be OK for people into this kind of thing.The movie was on a shoestring budget, with only about 2 locations, and a few actors. One of them is the guy who played "Evil Ed" in Fright Night, which i'm sure will attract some to this.Basically, there's a gay couple and an in the closet "straight guy" in a truck with coffins in the back. Of course we all know what comes out of the coffins. They did do some creative things with the vamps, at least I will give them that.Most of the jokes fall flat and it's totally schlocky, but that is what it is aiming for I guess. It wasn't for me, and if you don't like things of this type, i'd suggest you miss it.The director or anyone representing this is missing, but I have a feeling one of them posted on the boards.. This probably won't even be picked up for distribution.I gave this a 4/10 because I did watch it all the way through, because of what they did with the vamps, and a few of the jokes were OK, but most fell flat.At first when I didn't know what this was supposed to be, I rated it lower. But if you want a silly movie to watch with some throwback references and homages, this might pass some time for you one night.
atinder I am not big fan of vamps movies, however this movie was horror/comedy!The movies about two gays guys, who are on a trip and they get a ride with the trucker, who carrying coffins in the truck.The movie takes a while for anything to real happen and the first half hour of the movie, the first scene in the movie, we see Trucker and his girlfriends and soon later. about other 20 Min's the guys having sex in toilet, when tucker stops for some lunch!With that out the way, the movie really get started after 30mins mark,then they found out there are some creatures, the couple makes some comments about Dawn of the dead both! old and remake, they find out that are they vampires.This movie makes it's own rules long the way, which l liked!Really liked the fact that your Urine could kill a vampire, which I found really funny and never seen before, they are some really funny moments and they are some silly moments, which are little too baby-ish something that you will see in kids TV show.Acting was okay but the vampires were not scary at all, but I never found vampires scary anyway (Expect for the Boy at the window in Salem's lot ) make up effect were really poor for the vampires.It's was a fun movie 5 out of 10, it's not avoid movie at all but don't rush it out to see either, as it's just another An average horror movie.