Lemora: A Child's Tale of the Supernatural
Lemora: A Child's Tale of the Supernatural
PG | 01 May 1973 (USA)
Lemora: A Child's Tale of the Supernatural Trailers

A notorious bank robber kills his wife and flees the police, only to be captured by a mysterious group of figures in an abandoned town. His beautiful daughter, Lila Lee, receives a letter stating that her father is near death and that he needs to see her. Sneaking away at night from her minister guardian, Lila embarks on a terrifying journey...

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
GL84 Returning to her hometown to tend to her father's death, a young woman finds the area overrun by a vampiric cult of witchcraft practitioners and their zombified slaves and forcing her to find a way out of town alive.This turned out to be an interesting if severely flawed effort that has some good stuff going for it but is ultimately overrun by it's flaws. One of it's biggest flaws is the absolutely irritating inability to understand what's going on through it all since the entire film's dream-like atmosphere and pacing make it impossible to know if we're in a dream world or reality, and as nothing really prescribes to an established set of rules or preconceptions it makes for a hard time getting into this one, especially since there's a lot of time spent where nothing happens and we follow her around doing absolutely nothing. This makes it pretty hard to understand the villains motives and purposes since they never really explain them, and as a whole it's pretty hard to make anything out in here. That said, the positives are really good, as the dream-like atmosphere here is perfectly played and creates a rather haunting quality that makes this imminently watchable. Also, the sheer creativeness of it all, incorporating a virgin-like heroine with vampires, witches and zombies in a decrepit town makes for a real blast, and overall it's generally good parts are found when those are being utilized, especially the climax where the vampires appear as hallucinogenic fragments of her imagination and begin launching a vicious attack on her that makes for a really rousing time. Still, though, they're not enough to make this overcome it's flaws.Rated R: Violence, Language and Brief Nudity.
goods116 Seems to me a bit overrated on IMDb based on the reviews I have read. I did not get around to seeing this movie until recently, even though I am a veteran movie buff who has seen many hundreds of 70s films and most of the horror ones. Lemora has some OK atmosphere and lots of things jumping out of the screen, but it will ultimately have little impact on today's modern movie viewer. The action and the scenes become quite redundant after about 20 minutes, and the ending is obvious and inevitable. I did like some of the "70s horror atmosphere" and the curiosity/cultish feel to the whole thing, but again, unless this alone can carry a film for you, which for me it increasingly does not, I would skip it or watch it while doing something else. 5 out of 10 rating means below average to average.
christopher-underwood This is an unusual and enjoyable film that may have ambitions beyond it's means but is nevertheless a very brave attempt to do something just that little bit different. We begin with Cheryl Smith as the angelic, purer than pure, Lila Lee, star of the local church and living under the protection of her minister in the absence of her gangster father. Both here and later in the scenes with the magnificent lesbian vampire, Lemora, played by Lesley Taplin (Gilb) there are unmistakable hints that these older 'guardians' have more than the interests of the virgin child at heart. The opening scenes in the church and the later ones in Lemora's residence are colourful and rather grandly shot but it is the sequence depicting the young girl's seeming trip to find her father that is most astounding. From the moment she leaves the protection of the minister, she seems not only most vulnerable but the sets seem flimsy and almost laughable, but I'm guessing that this was deliberate and that even the bumpy creaky bus with the unbelievable driver are all designed to let us know that maybe not all is how it seems here. After this great sequence we meet the impressive Lemora and various zombies but despite a rather creepy bath scene there is just a little too much, running about. Still, unusual and well worth seeing.
Falconeer Cult starlet Cheryl Smith is absolutely mesmerizing in her role as the young and sheltered daughter of the town minister, who runs away from home in search of her lost father. 'Lemora' has all the qualities necessary for it to be the cult classic that it is; It is surreal, strange, and perversely erotic. And it is one of Cheryl Smith's earliest screen appearances. If you have seen "Caged Heat" than you are familiar with this actress. And while not being the greatest actress ever, Smith possesses an undeniable and powerful screen presence, which is recognizable here. As "Lila" travels through the dark, foreboding forest after receiving a strange letter, stating that her criminal father is ill and needs to see her, she encounters and endless stream of sinister men, and later, some zombie-like children in one terrifying sequence. Lila doesn't yet realize that she has been summoned by Lemora, a sinister woman who lives in a great old house, that is filled with strange children. Laced with erotic symbolism "Lemora" is inevitably about the loss of innocence. Hypnotic, dreamlike, and filled with beautiful Gothic imagery, and appears as a kind of fairytale for adults, as I imagine children would be absolutely terrified by this! This unique film would be perfect but for a couple of sequences near the end, the first when Lila escapes her captor and is running through the woods, and than through a creepy, abandoned building. These scenes of Smith walking around in the shadows really are dragged out for too long. Also the "Battle sequence" at the films climax is very sloppy, and some tedious slow motion effects don't work. This is sad because the film is so hypnotic, really trance-inducing, until you get to these sloppy scenes, and the illusion is temporarily interrupted. I believe with just a little re-editing of those scenes this film could be truly exquisite. Fortunately it all redeems itself at the end, when the Reverand finds his much-changed daughter. Anyway do not let this slight imperfection dissuade you from seeing this wonderful, beautiful cult film. The restoration that Synapse has done for the new DVD is pristine, and this is well worth the price. Not much here for the gore hounds, but for fans of classic, Gothic horror, "Lemora" is essential viewing.