| 11 September 1998 (USA)
Bishonen Trailers

Jet is a gay hustler who one night spots a young man walking with a woman, and falls for him instantly. He does some research, and discovers that the man is called Sam, and is an apparently straight policeman.

Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
lia00027 This Gay movie is not really good so I won't suggest any of you to watch it. The story seems lost and the plot is too blur to be understood you can get confused somehow if you don't really focus on this movie, however the actors already tried their best to do their best in this movie. I heard from my sister that the story is based from Japanese yaoi manga, but still why I think that the manga may be better than the movie. I watched this movie just because I was curious at Daniel and Stephen acted together as a gay couple and they looked younger compare to now and their acting skill is not as good as now. Again the ending is quite disappointment but they follow the original story so it's OK even though I really don't like it.If you curious of this movie you can try to look a fan made music video of "Bishonen" in
lim elaine i watched the movie because there's daniel wu, but i was really impressed by the story( i didn't know it's a gay movie). really touching towards the end. the director skillfully captured the beautiful moments of the actors. all actors are remarkably glamorous. if you're looking for story, this is up to standard. if you're looking for cute hunks, this is more than what you can ever want. if you're looking for skillful acting, it's quite disappointing since all are young actors, but they're still pleasure to eyes. eventually, one will learn to understand homosexuals more, which is the best lesson after watching the movie. definitely worth the time and money!
res07lla I rented this movie at my local video store that carries unique and hard to find video's. I had no idea particuliarly what it was about other than the cover discription. But I was in one of those moods to see a foreign film, something with subtitles so I rented it. First of all, I was taken with the opening sequence which showed the main character strut like a beautiful panther down the street and sat mezmerized through out the rest of the movie. The actors are beautiful and stunning, eye candy of course, but with good solid acting behind the pretty faces. Being beautiful is often a curse. People often cannot see beyond the beauty to see the substance. There is substance behind the characters as they were written, and substance behind the actors performances. The story is a sweet and beautifully filmed love story with a wonderfully appropiate score. If you were once beautiful or if you have ever been truly in love you will really love this movie. For me, it was bittersweet.
elmwood Daniel Wu's performance is brilliant. It is hard to believe that this is only his first movie role. He seems to have everything to become the next Keanu Reeves. I predict that a "star was born" in San Francisco in 1974.