Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot
Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot
PG-13 | 21 February 1992 (USA)
Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot Trailers

A tough police sergeant's mother comes to visit him, and promptly starts trying to fix up his life, much to his embarrassment. For his birthday she buys him a machine gun out of the back of a van, and begins to further interfere with his job and love life, eventually helping him with a case he's on.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
widsith-58602 IMDb averaging 4/10? No way! This is great fun. Sly is a tough but fair cop living a bachelor lifestyle whose minuscule mother comes to stay with him. In no time she's trying to 'improve' him with motherly advice, improve his diet and get him back together with his lady love. It never dips into sentimentality or become too serious, and is a quality, well-paced production in general.Happening to catch this on TV recently, I'd long forgotten that Sly can not only act when he wants to, but has excellent comic timing. (He really should have not spent so much time trying to be an action hero, but explored his dramatic and comic abilities). There are some really good moments, such as when his mom squares up to a sly villain threatening her son and comes out with a catchphrase of Sly's real-life rival Arnie Schwartzenegger.The only criticism I'd give is that toward the end a slightly laborious car chase is thrown in, but thankfully the comedy returns as his interfering mom steps in again. Good entertainment, and it really, really deserves at least a couple of stars more on the IMDb rating.
OllieSuave-007 Sylvester Stallone is an iconic action star and Estelle Getty was a hilarious, sarcastic and witty Golden Girl. Put the two together and you'll get yourself one charming action-comedy, where tough Los Angeles cop Sgt. Joe Bomowski (Stallone) gets a visit from his nurturing, feisty and fearless mother Tutti (Getty), who beings to meddle in Joe's life affairs, interfering with his police work and love life.There are some very oddball and corny humor with some campy dialog in the movie, at mostly the expense of Stallone and Getty. The supporting actors were given the back burner and the villains were unforgettable. And yet, while the plot goes at a very steady-pace with limited action, I've found the comedic chemistry between Stallone and Getty, which make up most of the movie, to be pretty entertaining and fun to watch and is, at times, heartwarming. Getty's obsessive behavior to be very baby-nurturing to Stallone as he responds in his frustrated way is itself classic. And, it's not everyday you see a petite, motherly, 68 year-old lady brandish a gun and deal with gangsters! While not an action flick that would blow you out of your seats, you will get several laughs out of this movie.Grade B-
Maziun I'm definitely not a fan of this movie , yet I have to defend it a little bit . I've seen worse movies. Worse comedies . Comedies that made my heart hurt . Comedies that almost made me commit suicide. For example "Freedy got fingered". Or some of Adam Sandler movies. This ? This is just a lame comedy . The jokes are incredibly forced and you can see a punch line coming from miles away. Also , the action scenes suck. But all in all this is definitely NOT one of the worst movies I've seen . I actually think that Estelle Getty gave good performance as Sly's mother , except popular opinion. The idea itself isn't bad . I wonder if it wouldn't be much better , if Stallone would write the screenplay for himself ? He's obviously got a sense of humor and I'm pretty sure that the movie would at least be watchable thanks to some of Sly's lovely silly dialogue.Overall , it's a forgettable movie , but not necessarily one that makes you scream in pain. I give it 1/10.
mtankgunner13 Somehow I've missed this one over the years; didn't even know about it I guess, but watched it just now on NetFlix & glad I saw it. It was a lot of fun. The chemistry between Stallone & Getty was great & I love some of the one liners...many of which are not played up but there as little treats. Two supporting actors have played in Jurrasic Park (1 & 2). Stallone is said to have hated this little gem but I'm sorry he feels that way; after 'Cobra', the Rockies & John Rambo flicks, it was a treat to see him do comedy, of which he did very well.*** SPOILERS *** When Getty (as the mother) trains a gun on a bad guy she says "I'll be back" to which Stallone rolls his eyes and says "Mom, don't say 'I'll be Back'; cops don't say I'll be back', Terminators say that." There's a lot of that sort of fun in the movie.Cheesy? sure; fun? Yes, a lot.