Bimbo's Initiation
Bimbo's Initiation
| 24 July 1931 (USA)
Bimbo's Initiation Trailers

Bimbo finds himself surrounded by a mysterious group of robed figures who invite him to become a member of their secret organisation. When he refuses, they fling him through a nightmarish sequence of terror and torture devices. Will our hapless hero make it out alive?

Alicia I love this movie so much
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Married Baby Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Michael Cho Since I am limited to 1,000 words, I cannot do this picture justice from the start. Therefore, I will simply say: who's to say what it means? Should we each individually subscribe to any one interpretation and thereby join a group? (Wanna be a member?) I think that is the most important point if anything. At least Bimbo seems to think he has the right to walk, happy-go-lucky, through a neutral society (going in and out the window without actually ever going in or out as he whistles along) without falling into a trap set for him by Mickey Mouse or other corporate traps, lol. When he does fall into one, he has the right to say no, but when all groups are reduced to their least common denominator, male and female, he also has the right to say "YES!". It is unfortunate as it seems that Betty did not remain faithful and later turned into a real "Bimbo" in her other pictures, lol.I believe the least common denominator is arrived at by phi over pi (0.5150362148) indicating that Bimbo is only a little over half a person without his female companion. Together they would add up to a little over one 1 with the overage leading back through time to their origin. The leader of the secret society has a prop that seems to suggest their belief in the opposite, pi over phi which is 1.94161103873 and is nonsensical unless you say that a group is more than the sum of its parts and this perhaps somehow gives them more import or rights than an individual or married couple or any person who does not desire to be incorporated. I assume that Fleischer was a Jew and so had been instructed in the importance of male and female union and so this makes sense from that perspective.
theowinthrop Because of the way the Betty Boop cartoons were shown on television in the early 1960s, certain cartoons were not pushed too much. Those that showed her as she was originally drawn, with "dog" ears", and which hinted at more raw sex than the occasional lapses of later "domesticated" Betty Boop cartoons with her inventor "Gramps" and with her cute dog "Pudgy" were never shown. This, unfortunately, reduced the chances of seeing some of the early Boop supporting cast - Koko the Clown ("Out of the Inkwell") and the male dog Bimbo. Bimbo was Betty's boyfriend in some of the early cartoons - like this one.Here we see Bimbo strolling along, minding his own business, when he falls down a manhole - and immediately the manhole is shut with a heavy lock applied to it. Bimbo finds himself in an underground structure surrounded by about ten masked men who are the members of a society and offer him a chance to join. But he sees they have paddles, and he refuses. And then the surreal world of the Fleischer studio takes over: Bimbo is pushed from one room of the underground structure to another - and in each he is confronted by torture devices that are aiming to kill him. He is also confronted by corn ball jokes (he opens a door and sees a skeleton on a pay phone, telling his girlfriend, "I have a bone to pick with you!"). Every now and then he meets with the spokesman of the society, repeating the offer ("Do you want to be a member? Want to be a member?" And each time Bimbo refuses, and the process of torture begins again.Then Betty pops up to briefly rescue him. At the tail end of the cartoon Betty is there and goes into a dance, and she makes the offer - and now Bimbo accepts it. Then all the members remove their clothes, and they are revealed to be Betty Boop clones.As I said earlier there was more raw sex in these cartoons than in the later ones. Betty, to keep Bimbo's total fascination with her from flagging, whacks herself on the behind while dancing. At the tail end of the cartoon (no pun intended) as she and new member Bimbo are jointly dancing they both "playfully" whack each other's behind a bit. Done tastefully...of course! It was a more open era before the Hays Office Code and the Breen Office really got underway in Hollywood three years after this cartoon was made.
rbverhoef This is a very weird cartoon with Bimbo the dog who enters a house where he is asked by strange creatures if he "wanna be a member, wanna be a member?" His answer is no and every time he answers that again the house pulls some tricks on him. Near the end there is a short appearance of Betty Boop (with the voice of Mae Questel), only she has dog ears here.This cartoon is very weird and surreal in some ways. The house has some great surprises, all very well animated. It looks very original. The music fits the action perfectly and the appearance of Betty Boop, with the strange ears, is a nice one and it helps this cartoon with a nice ending. Recommended.
Robert Reynolds This is a BImbo cartoon and quite an odd one it is too. Betty Boop makes a relatively brief appearance towards the latter half of the short and at the end and her look is slighly different in this early short. Exceedingly strange things happen throughout to say the least! Great fun but definitely an acquired taste. In print and available. Well worth watching. Recommended.