Big Bully
Big Bully
PG | 26 January 1996 (USA)
Big Bully Trailers

A writer returns to his hometown where he faces the childhood nemesis whose life he ultimately ruined, only the bully wants to relive their painful past by torturing him once again.

Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Matthew McNaughton If I wanted to want grown men fight like school children, society would deem that there is something wrong with me. And yet, somehow this movie was made. I have nothing against the two lead actors, but they suck something awful in this suckfest of a film. Terrible plot, terrible dialogue, and just an all-around depressing atmosphere.I can't delve into too many details lest I spoil this "film" but at one point David orders a beer at a bar and there's a record scratch, and everybody shuts up and looks at him. One guy even hits a pool ball off the table. That's pretty much how I feel about the movie. The pool ball is the point, and the movie is the pocket. This movie is about as table scratched as one could be.
imasniperbang-1 I would compare this movie with such classics as Gone With The Wind. It puts a true story like Schindlers List to shame. I laughed, and I cried. I also urinated about a tablespoon from laughing. If I were to make a sequel to this classic, I would title it "Big Bully 2: Secret of the Oze." This movie has inspired me to go out and purchase an Evil Kanevil action figure. What really surprises me is the movie is based on a true story. It touched my heart like "Passion of the Christ." If Jesus was resurrected they would crucify him in this movie. Words cannot describe the natural Euphoria this movie makes me feel when I sit down to view it. Can a story get any better? Can humankind continue to create such beautiful things? Movies like this channel the human spirit onto the big screen. This movie should be dubbed as a national treasure so future generations can view the bountyful story of a tale of 2 men, who are at odds with one another, until they learn that they were meant for each other.
releasehappybutterpants So, okay ElizabethBennett, it isn't the greatest movie in the world. Calling childhood bullies rapists is going a little too far to the extreme don't ya think? Actually, your argument is completely void and holds no truth so I won't even comment any further.Silly and playful it was. Assuming you aren't a tight-butt who takes everything too dang seriously. IT'S A MOVIE MADE TO MAKE YOU LAUGH, PEOPLE, NOTHING ELSE. I doubt Tom Arnold is a rapist or is representing one either. That is insane. Talk about psychopaths.No, I am not an ex bully. I actually never got the privilege of meeting one either. But I am sure, that some (maybe some) aren't ex-cons and may have a home and family that they take well care of. Seeing as how someone below, "Doesn't take this lightly.', maybe you should jut lighten up a bit and laugh. Have some unharbored resentments towards a classmate, then it's probably not the movie for you. Otherwise, watch it and laugh. It made me laugh. Along with my husband and nephews and nieces. My grandmother even liked it. (She must be a psychopath for liking the bully movie.) LOL! Have fun!
fdg This movie was one of the worst i have seen. It was on at 4 AM and i had a choice of watching Pappy Drewit's PappyLand or Big Bully. Frankly after watching Tom Arnold bully then chase Rick Moranis with various items and his no talent acting, I wish I would have chosen PappyLand.