Bending The Rules
Bending The Rules
PG-13 | 09 March 2012 (USA)
Bending The Rules Trailers

Detective Nick Blades is a New Orleans cop on trial for corruption. Assistant District Attorney Theo Gold is the man in charge of putting him behind bars. When these two unlikely partners from opposite sides of the law stumble onto a criminal plot, they’ll need to rely on luck – and patience – to take down a dangerous killer without killing each other first.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Gino Cox "Bending the Rules" is a low-budget action-comedy-bromance that offers a sufficiently pleasant diversion. On the positive side, Copeland delivers a consistently interesting performance as a slacker detective with his thumb on the pulse of the seedier side of New Orleans, who isn't above bending the rules, but is essentially an honest, dependable cop. Whereas Copeland's character is instantly likable, Kennedy's character is annoying, sanctimonious, inflexible, neurotic and instantly unlikeable. Many of the supporting roles are robust, multi-dimensional and well performed. Unlike many low-budget productions, the movie is refreshingly free of annoying and distracting jiggly- cam shots. It is easy to point out faults. The script relies on a lot of coincidences and leaves several loose ends untied. For a WWE production, there aren't many fight scenes and the fight choreography isn't particularly imaginative. One scene in which Copeland faces off against a couple of dozen opponents is particularly disappointing. It doesn't really have a car chase and there are no explosions. The one big gunfight is staged at night and it's not clear who is who and it's not up to current standards. While the glass seems half empty in some regards, the part that's half full is a pleasant viewing experience.
Tss5078 WWE Superstars aren't seen as actors, but in fact make some of the best action heroes on the big screen. They may be athletes showing off impossible moves in the ring, but they are also actors, who portray characters and memorize lines on a weekly basis. They are tailor made action stars, who even do their own stunts. That's why I was looking forward to Bending The Rules, It's star Edge is one of the most charismatic superstars in WWE history and he certainly didn't disappoint, unlike the script. The story follows a by the book District Attorney, who turns to an unconventional cop to help him, when his late father's prized possession is stolen. In order to score points with the man who is out to get him, the officer agrees, having no idea the case would take him into something much bigger. As I said Edge was great, the stunts were terrific, he was funny, and had great chemistry with Jamie Kennedy. This comedic duo could have made a great film together, if they didn't get stuck with a script that made little sense and was all over the place. This film randomly jumps between scenes without any context and without completing the scene before it, A lot of it just doesn't make sense. The whole premise is a bit ridiculous to begin with, a D.A. turning to the cop he's trying to bust to help him get back a stolen car, which leads to an international conspiracy, involving the police, the D.A., the FBI, gangsters, drug dealers, gang-bangers, and everyone else they could throw in there. Honestly, I continued to watch this film for it's humor and it's exemplary choreographed action sequences, beyond that, Bending The Rules is a pretty forgettable film.
helpme-488-305631 Wow. I've seen better student films. Where to start?Oh the woeful script. A comedy? Not even a snicker of laughs in it. OH the wooden delivery. Who directed this rubbish. Can you not listen to an actor delivering their lines and not go "Oh! That doesn't sound right and make them do it again... properly?" Oh the music. I mean wow. It is so bad. Totally destroys any chance for the watcher to get into it. Worst ever.How on earth is it a 5.1 star movie?No redeeming features about this movie, I gave up after 20 minutes and instead went to Youtube to watch cats being stupid videos to try and wipe this rubbish from my brain.
chrichtonsworld The trailer made the movie seem funnier. But like most trailers they picked out the best scenes. So what is left. Well,the main characters make a nice duo. Not really that much interesting interaction between them though.But it wasn't bad. Jamie Kennedy was out of his game somehow. He played a far too serious character and it did not work for him. They put him in all kinds of situations.And you would expect a character to freak out or something. But his reaction to those events was so under played that it did made you think why he was in the movie in the first place.Nice is good but a buddy movie,yes, that is what it supposed to be, requires great chemistry and fireworks.Or at least something that would put both characters on edge (no pun intended). Not being familiar with wrestling I don't really know the people involved. But I thought that the main character who played Nick Blades was very decent and extremely charming. And his charm and laid back character is extremely effective in otherwise a barely eventful movie. Decent enough for a rainy Sunday.
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