Grow Your Own
Grow Your Own
| 15 June 2007 (USA)
Grow Your Own Trailers

A refugee family are given an allotment plot and are met with suspicion by the people who have worked the gardens for years

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
paulnbrowne I had never heard of this film and so didn't know what to expect. I was very pleasantly surprised. Well written, well filmed and with some great performances. Amusing, idiosyncratic with typical Allotment politics throughout. Hardly a Citizen Kane or a Casablanca, but there are worse ways to spend an hour and a half. You feel pleasantly refreshed after watching it.
Paul Evans Sometimes you just know after 5 minutes of watching a film whether it's going to be good or not. I bought it on the strength of John Henshaw being in it, he seems to do no wrong. In truth if i gave this film a 10 star rating it would not do enough justice for it. Ridiculously fabulous film that relies on story, acting, cranked up with a fair amount of emotional turmoil. Please see this film, it's a very undervalued classic. Im hyper critical of films, but this is perfection. When it comes to action/horror I generally think US films cannot be beaten, when it comes to a drama, i think its one area the Brits are way out ahead, there is a realism about this film that is quite unnerving. The humour very subtle and well placed. It's given me such a good feeling after watching it.
Hen Detective I saw a preview of this and absolutely loved it. It was very funny (the scene where the cranky old men test out the ring tones for instance is a classic) and touching. I loved the fact that it had none of the usual faces that you see in Britcoms. I didn't recognise anyone in it apart from Benny Wong - who was amazing in this - and the very funny girl from Hot Fuzz, who was just as funny in this. I love the fact that it keeps about ten different stories rolling along. I also loved all the gardening stuff. It reminded me of The Secret Garden and it gave the whole thing a bit of poetry and beauty that you just don't see in films about working class people normally.
nevadascout I recently saw this movie and thought it was charming and funny. The comedy was subtle in places, laugh-out-loud in others, but always well-placed. I would disagree with the notion that some of the characters are superfluous or under- developed... I thought they were subtle, well-played and a great collection of people. I didn't find it hard to imagine them digging away somewhere on an allotment!I do agree with the comment about Benedict Wong, this was a great performance, I also really liked Eddie Marsan and Philip Jackson's characters. As for the name, I rather like "Grow Your Own" as a title!