Beast of Burden
Beast of Burden
R | 23 February 2018 (USA)
Beast of Burden Trailers

Sean Haggerty only has an hour to deliver his illegal cargo. An hour to reassure a drug cartel, a hitman, and the DEA that nothing is wrong. An hour to make sure his wife survives. And he must do it all from the cockpit of his Cessna.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
filmtravel101 This film is basically a low budget remake of Phone Booth in a cheap plane for almost the entire movie. Shocking that Daniel stars in this film as it is pretty pathetic story that is a One Act predictable dull movie. The worst part is that they could have written a decent ending but instead it is just the typical shoot out like all B movies since writer or producers could not afford anything else. Really one dimensional. 3 stars only because Daniel is a good actor but only so much he can do.If you are really bored and want to watch 1 hour of him piloting a plane then go for it.. otherwise it is pretty stupid.
Michael Ledo Why do they keep making films of one guy talking on the phone?Sean (Daniel Radcliffe) is transporting drugs in a small aircraft in a storm to get his wife medicine. The drug runner is the protagonist. He has issues with his wife and the dealers as we watch him chat inside his flight simulator. The boring scenes are interrupted by occasional flashbacks and later by on the ground scenes. Pretty boring stuff. Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
Chum griffin The plot is simplistic, the dialogue is the same, the acting just so so.. Whoever convinced Daniel that sitting in a cockpit of a plane for most of a movie would be riveting viewing should be fired. It was boring , silly, and the end of the movie just hammered the final nail into this utterly disappointing attempt at a thriller. Do not waste your time even out of curiosity.
samanthastrongheart This did not have depth to the plot in any way, shape or form. It was badly directed and frankly, badly acted. Without giving spoilers other than one which is revealed at the start anyway, there was a thin and vague back story which the film took you back to throughout story, but what you was taken back to was so rubbish and uninteresting, and repetitive, combined with not actually explaining anything besides his wife was ill, that it really was a bit pointless. The lead actor could not carry the film with the focus being of him in the cockpit, his reactions to the situation were one dimensional and unrealistic, as were his wife's. There was no explanation about how each player came into the 'plot', and the vague pointers to it were uninteretsing and did not make sense and there was no conclusion. It was as though someone scribbled the very basics for a movie on the back of small napkin, but forgot to finish it and then the director assumed it was finished and just said, read your lines, it's Ok, I don't think I'll direct today, I'm having a cuppa instead.. Annoyed I wasted my time. I think Radcliffe may do better when he has others to bounce off and maybe some direction and plot.With so many talented writers and directors out there, I don't understand why so much rubbish has money thrown at it or is given airtime.