Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2
PG-13 | 03 January 2013 (USA)
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 Trailers

Batman has stopped the reign of terror that The Mutants had cast upon his city. Now an old foe wants a reunion and the government wants The Man of Steel to put a stop to Batman.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Eric Stevenson Who says that direct to video movies can't be great? Seriously, why isn't this in the Top 250 here? Well, there's probably some rule that says direct to video movies aren't allowed there. Well, I think they are allowed in the Bottom 100, but that's different. Anyway, this movie concludes the adaptation of Frank Miller's comic of the same name. I feel so bad for not having read most of these comics beforehand. I think I'm at least familiar with the art design and wow, this movie has it down to a T! It looks just like what I've seen from the comic.Well, we finally get to see the Joker die but it's actually on his own terms. He intentionally breaks his own neck (somehow?) hoping Batman will take the blame for his death and he does. I love how he just goes around and randomly kills people, doing what he does best. We also get to see Batman and Superman fight and it's way better than the "Batman Vs. Superman" movie. We get a much better understanding of why the fight's occurring and it's far more creative. My only complaint is that, yeah, it was still too short! People don't seem to like "Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox" as much as this, but I'm allowed to disagree. ***1/2
ironbat-85417 I don't know how they have managed to show all this in 75 minutes .. but i thought i was watching a 2 hour movie and the thrill never went down . NOT EVEN FOR A MINUTEThe first part was in itself great, but the second part really breaks the boundary of excellence. Not being familiar to the graphic novel origins of the story, what happens in second part really blows my mind. Not only does Batman have the Joker to contend with, but put Superman together in the mix, and you get another level of awesomeness.This is one of the darkest portrayals of the Batman universe and it makes me wonder how the hell did they get away from an R rating. Never has been an animated movie been so thrilling and so serious for me like these. The whole story and some of the fight scenes are just epic. While face-offs with Harvey Dent & the Mutant Leader in Part 1 was great, battles with the Joker & Superman in Part 2 takes animation movies to a whole new level. Some might be disappointed not to hear Kevin Conroy & Mark Hamill's familiar voices, I'd say the chosen actors to play the older counterparts was a right decision. Some subplots might be mildly uninteresting, but that is irrelevant when most of the package is stuffed with such greatness.Easily the most powerful conclusion and the finest animated production from Warner Premiere, the whole thing looks superb. Animation is of the highest quality, rivaling that of big budget anime movies. Fight scenes are in full motion, bristling with a kinetic sense of energy and without a single short cut. All of it set to a unique score by composer Christopher Drake which combines blockbuster orchestral tunes with a futuristic tune inspired synthesizer sounds. Again, the main complaint is more with the art than the animation. Frank Miller's art is faithfully replicated but in certain scenes, the quality of the art takes a nose dive. One such scene involves superman taking on a naval fleet; the way the ships are drawn look pathetically cheap compared to the rest of the movie.These are Batman movies which almost shake my soul some of the familiar experiences are Batman Under the Red hood and The Dark Knight.But I recommend a new comer to watch in this order1)Batman Under the red hood 2)Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1 3)Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 Final marks A++
tankace In the second part we follow as Batman has now to face two new threat from his old days. The first is the Joker who after being in a stage of potato for years his now active and he is terrifying as f**k and great voice work by Michael Emerson from Lost and Person of Interest. The other threat well is written in the title(!) the Man of Steel, this one fight that in Batman versus Superman everyone wanted to be like the one from the comics and this movie. Unfortunately this didn't happen ,but the fight between those to titans is climatic,intense and epic!!!As for the animation and voice work just lie with the first part,flawless and it is a really fast pasted story with little to no time to get relaxed. The great part is that this doesn't bother me for it is done fine and that is also other theme of the story, time is running low for Bats as his campaign is get noticed by the Government ,which isn't happy with his vigilante ways, so they can be only two ways this ends ,either they stop or Batman stops and so release the dogs of war!!At this point I have nothing more to write about this flick. Crazy, this one of the few times of my life that I am unable to add something more to what I am saying or in this case writing, for I already gave praise to this part of Batman Mythology in the first part of the Returns ans feel free to check my review out.To summaries the best way to watch this two part movie is to watch one after the other or find the DVD version which has them combine. Have a great time!
Kevin Lea Davies DC's 'comic book to film' adaptations are usually single title releases. They are one offs, usually telling a larger story overall with lose connections between films. That's where 'The Dark Knight Returns' excels above previous Batman animation titles. It's more than just one small part of the main story. DC animation presents the whole of Frank Miller's "Dark Knight Returns" series in two parts, as the second half somehow excels amazingly above the first.The second half takes place only a short time after the end of the first. Gotham has been liberated from the grip of fear delivered from the threat of the Mutant Gang. Their leader beaten, their members left faithless and most trying to take up violence in the name of Batman himself. Things are not as simple as they once were. The world has changed since the Bat and his allies waged war against crime and injustice. Now, the United States is willing to go to war with Russia, allies have picked sides and become enemies, and Bruce Wayne is now remembering why he picked up the mantle of the Bat in the first place. On top of all of this new world order, history begins to repeats itself. Old enemies resurface from Batman's past, to take up old grudges in what will inevitably become a battle between righteousness and immorality.In many ways, Wayne is the best of us. Of all of us. He is a man of great physical and mental ability, with the body and agility of a Olympian, and an intelligence only rivaled by his own willpower fight for justice against evil men. He represents what happens to a man who loses all that is dear to him. A man who uncompromisingly wages war against those who represent the criminal element that has haunted him his whole life. This does not make him a good man, but perhaps the best man to fight against evil has to represent something worse. I think the second part of this series does a fantastic job of showing that side of Bruce Wayne. He has a drive like no other, and his is inflexible in his fight against injustice. So much so that he wages war even upon those he protects if they are willing to cross a certain line. I believe that is the main theme in so many of the modern renditions of Batman, and this film certainly shows it well.There are very few flaws throughout the second half, which is an amazing feat in itself. The first part is a fantastic movie, and DC Animation did a wonderful job of building these stories back to back, one resting upon the shoulders of the other. They build upon the story at a steady pace although possibly it is a bit rushed within the last 30 minutes of the movie, between 2 epic battles in such a short period of time. The two films are like twin brothers, but the second gets slightly better grades. I think the most important role goes to Michael Emerson as the Joker, who is slightly more effeminate than I expected in tone of voice, but does a good job of showing his mental instability. The jokes fall flat, but the humour is in the sickness of his actions. There are some moments of shocking violence in this movie, but that is the point of the Joker's character, and how far he is willing to delve into chaos, to taunt and insult the Batman until the evil, bitter end.This film should not be watched without the predecessor however, nor without reading the Frank Miller comic from which it is based, but is a beautiful story to watch. This is easily one of the top films (in both parts) that DC animation has produced so far.8/10