Bangkok Love Story
Bangkok Love Story
| 15 September 2007 (USA)
Bangkok Love Story Trailers

A story of two men who love each other but their love can never be fulfilled. This love should have never happened. But when it flourishes, there is nothing to hold back.

MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Movie Critic This movie is so amateurish and melodramatic by our standards. It is also ends up being very boring. I watched it out of curiosity and the one Thai actor is quite hot looking other than it is a waste 2 hours.Sometimes really bad movies can be funny...this one might work that way if you were stoned but otherwise forget it.This thing was geared towards gay audiences....they flushed out the handsomest young Thai actors gave them a macho gangster flair for sexiness but good grief! is so silly maudlin and drags.Also after all the effort to put gays in macho non stereotyped roles why have one of the lovers shot in the end. What a depressing deflation... I wish they would put gay people in normal roles where they just happen to be gay. A gay James Bond with upbeat endings instead of the mother hanging herself etc...This script may conform to some sort of Thai typical gangster plot? Also the excessive melodrama maudlin sentimentality may sell there. Did any of you notice how terrible the acting of the gangsters tries to do a facial tick but it is so obviously forced..The cinematography is to show that Thailand (Bangkok) has arrived at the dystopia future big city life. I have been to Bangkok several times it does not resemble this movie...except maybe the grid locked traffic and a constant 99 degree and 100% humidity weather.DO NOT RECOMMEND
yduric After my first viewing of 'Bangkok Love Story', I was so disappointed by the melodramatic overload at the end of the film, that my first reaction was to write a very hateful comment about it, and I even wanted to smash my DVD against the wall, literally! However, something prevented me from doing so, and I think I figured out what it is. I was actually extremely moved by the story, and I think that I somehow just couldn't stomach its sad outcome, but after re-thinking about it, I finally realized that what I loved in it actually exceeded by far all the rest. Apart from the beautiful cinematography and the first rate acting, that the other reviewers here have already examined, I think that it is above all the authenticity of the love between the two characters and its unquestionable nature that I found absolutely beautifully rendered. This is a love story between two handsome and masculine men from a completely different social background,who, by a series of very unusual circumstances, succumb to a mutual passion, even if the time and place for this passion are inappropriate. What I loved in the director's approach is that, contrarily to a typical Western approach, like for instance in 'Brokeback Mountain', where the characters are devastated by the realization of the fact that they love a person of the same sex,and struggle with a typically Western guilt, an approach that I find nauseating,at NO MOMENT in 'Bangkok Love Story' do the characters waste time by asking themselves the question 'Am I gay?' or try to deny their feelings. What makes this love story tragic is above all their FATE, which is above all determined by the circumstances of their first meeting,and this fate is also determined to a certain extent by their social background. The tragedy here comes from DESTINY, and NOT from the sexuality of the characters, If 'Bangkok Love Story' had been a straight love story it would also had made perfect sense.(I do not want to spoil this review, but those who have seen the film can easily figure it out by examining the plot, nothing would have been out of place if the story had involved a man and a woman). Another reviewer talked about, I think, something like 'clan-destined' lovers, and I think, he's actually got the point and the heart of the story very well. So I finally decided to forgive the over-melodramatic turn the director gave to the story, and to focus on the beauty that lies within instead, and my rating of the film jumped from an initial 1 to a final 10. But, after all, isn't love a feeling of extreme subjectivity?
gradyharp The cover of the DVD for this very fine film is misleading: the photograph of the two leads in a rather quiet and elegant setting is about as far from the content of the cinematic adventure as imaginable. Writer/Director Poj Amon has created a love story that is more from the underbelly of the poor section of Bangkok than it is from the expected physical beauty of that Thai city, and rather than focusing on the 'tourist view' of Thailand, he instead finds a different kind of beauty molded into a love story from a far different perspective. And it works very well. In the world of Thai organized crime there is a star assassin - Maek ((Rattanaballang Tohssawat) - who kills 'bad people' to satisfy his bosses but cannot kill 'good people'. He is the sole support of his mother and younger brother, both of whom suffer from AIDS - the source of their infection is the abusive live-in stepfather. Maek wants to provide a good home for his little family, somewhere away from the slums of Bangkok, so that his little brother will no longer have to ply the hustler role on the streets to help support his ailing mother. Maek is assigned a 'hit' and in stalking the young lawyer he is supposed to assassinate he finds an attraction to the obviously good, married, handsome Iht (Chaiwat Thongsaeng). When the moment comes to complete his grim duty, Maek cannot kill a 'good man' and in the setup Maek himself is shot. Iht is compassionate and rescues Maek from the streets, taking him to his shelter to nurse him back to health. The two men bond and eventually submit to their passion. Yet when Maek recovers, he cannot face the truth of his feelings and separates himself from Iht. Iht's wife is suspicious about Iht's distance, stalks him, and witnesses a secret moment of passion between Maek and Iht, and the discovery turns her into a potential assassin herself. Iht is now by himself, unable to regain Maek's commitment until a series of events leads to the ultimate arrest of Maek: from the imposed separation caused by Maek's incarceration, Iht remains faithful to his love. The ending could have been triumphant (and for moments it is, emotionally), but instead Poj Amon opts for tragedy, a writer's decision that makes the film even more powerful. The cast of actors is excellent and the chemistry between the two leads is undiluted by the forces that are meant to separate them. In the end, this is a love story between two classes of people whose discovery of a forbidden love emphasizes some universal truths. It is a well- made, beautifully photographed film (Tiwa Moeithaisong is the gifted cinematographer) that deserves a wider audience. Grady Harp
lia00027 I wonder whether this movie is the same movie that I'm going to talk to because it's written that this movie showed in Sinapore and as far as I know Singapore banned gay's movies. What i'm going to comment is about Bangkok love story (gay movie).The story is about an assassin who was ordered by his boss to kidnap this one guy and it turned out that this assassin just kills bad guys not good guy like this guy so the assassin saved this guy's life and hurt himself. This guy helped to healed his shot's wound and in process they fall in love, however the assassin knew that their lives still in danger so he chased him out of his place but this guy really couldn't get rid of the thought of missing the assassin. The assassin's family also complicated, his mother was blind and his little brother had aids because his little brother got raped buy his foster father who also had aids. Since then the assassin worked hard to find money to support his family. At the end the guy devoted himself for the assassin but still it is a tragic ending film.The directory did a good job and the film is really touching. The poverty and the traditional culture of how society looks an hiv carrier is shown in this film. The sadness and the emotion is perfectly shown, however i think the director should show more of the sex scene because there is no sex scene at all which make this movie less its good point. The sex scene should be the art way of showing the intimacy between the a lover.