Bang, Boom, Bang
Bang, Boom, Bang
| 26 August 1999 (USA)
Bang, Boom, Bang Trailers

Bank robber Kalle Grabowski escapes from prison while his unemployed smalltime crook buddy is sitting around doing nothing after he just lost all their money. A fast paced comedy from German director Peter Thorwarth.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
ShangLuda Admirable film.
blumdeluxe "Bang Boom Bang" on first sight seems to be yet another movie about stereotypical working class people in the Ruhr area of Germany. And in a way it is. The characters depicted are exaggerated into absurdity, all the clichés about them are woven into the film. But by giving it a serious chance and just accept this, you soon notice that actually a lot of love was put into it and that this is more than just mocking a certain group of people.Through various characters and motivations, the events start to become more and more intermingled, confusing and absurd, everything makes perfect sense, nonetheless chaos has it all. This guarantees an entertaining plot that keeps you watching and doesn't let boredom stand a chance. More so, the actors seem to feel their characters and bring life into the dull stereotypes they are to play.I wouldn't say that this is a superb movie, it is still largely based on prejudices and doesn't carry any message. But it is brave enough to not just follow a classic film scheme and take even the a bit ridiculous characters serious.All in all I really enjoyed the film. It is surely one of the better German movies of that time.
Horst in Translation ( "Bang Boom Bang - Ein todsicheres Ding" is a German film from over 15 years ago that runs for 110 minutes and was written and directed by Peter Thorwarth. He was still pretty young at this point and considered one of Germany's rising stars in terms of filmmaking. However, he has not really delivered great work since then and I actually have to say I am not too impressed by his early efforts either. And this includes this one. Maybe you wonder what "klamauk" means, the word I used in the title to describe this movie. If you do not speak German, you probably have never heard of it. It basically stands for something that is loud and annoying while offering nothing of value. And this fits the film pretty nicely.Most of this is due to the script, but it also needs to be said that the cast here is very limited in terms of range. All the people here who have several minutes screen time are actors that have a career because of their charisma and recognition value, but none of these are particularly talented besides that. Korittke is probably still better than most of the others, even if I have to say I am positively surprised by Martin Semmelrogge who was hardly recognizable in here and played a clearly different character than he usually does. Thorwarth himself also appears as an actor, but is as forgettable as Richter, Neldel, Knüfken and Kahrmann. Til Schweiger has a very small part too. And this is the last work of Diether Krebs, a very talented German actor. Sucks to see him go out on a low note like this movie.So my overall verdict for this film is obviously negative. It has a couple okay moments, but in the end, it simply does not deliver in terms of drama or comedy despite trying really hard on several occasions. People who see this and not much else probably have not the highest opinion of German cinema as this film is far more popular than it deserves to be. The awards recognition is undeserved and the rating here on IMDb is far too high. I give a thumbs down and do not recommend watching it.
bigmaracasa The good thing in the best traditions of such movies as "Lock, Stock @ Two Smoking Barrels", "Run, Lola, Run" and others. The spectacle with larceny of the safe is matchless. The dialogues elaborated with great accuracy. 9/10!!!
gfs-3 At first I was very sceptical about that movie. I thought it would just be another "Pulp Fiction" gangster movie rip-off. But then friends who had seen it told me to go the movie theater and watch it. And believe me: I didn´t regret it! The movie has an original plot with many interesting characters and the best thing about it: It has hilarious, mostly black humor, which is very uncommon for most German comedies. The various cameo appearences of (at least in Germany) famous actors are very cool, too. I can only recommend this film. I gave it 9 out of 10 points!