Badges of Fury
Badges of Fury
| 18 June 2013 (USA)
Badges of Fury Trailers

When a series of eerie murders erupts across Hong Kong, grizzled veteran Huang and his reckless younger partner Wang, are assigned to track down the killer.

Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
hengqingzhu Badges of Fury is a fun movie, even it mark as "action" and has the name of "detective" in it. This should be seen as a purely comedy film, with over the top tone and style of old 80/90's comedy films. If you didn't like those films, you won't like this one! One of the major selling point of this Movie other then it's old comedy style, is the fact this movie have a huge cast of famous (mostly)chinese stars! Most just on screen as cameo. And there is quite few funny easter eggs and references to other movies. But as with it's star cast, most of these target are Asian pop culture. If you don't follow Asian pop culture, you woun't get most of the jokes and sarcastic lines/remarks. The main cast is very good. The lady's are main source of real acting in this movie, two main male lead is more and less just there to have fun and making jokes(some land and quite few missed).Plot is actually good for this type of movie. Well, it was better then I hoped. Just remember don't take this movie too seriously, you will enjoy it just fine.
Paul Magne Haakonsen "Badge of Fury" (aka "Bu er shen tan") has one of the most misleading DVD covers ever. It shows Jet Li looming over central Hong Kong engulfed in flames. First of all, the movie is nowhere near as explosive as the cover makes it out to be. Secondly, Jet Li is not even the main star in the movie.The movie is a comedy action of sorts, which I didn't know, so I was a bit surprised when finding out. So does the comedy work? Sure, most of the time, but at times it was awfully forced and scripted. But if you do enjoy silly action comedy movies, then you will get some enjoyment out of the movie.The characters were colorful and the dialogue was oddly quirky enough to match the characters. But the movie was somehow lacking a deeper storyline and meaning, giving the movie a somewhat irrelevant sensation to it.It should be said that the actors were doing good jobs all round. I just wonder why Jet Li actually agreed to be in this movie, because it is really way off from his normal arena. And this is definitely not what you would expect from a Jet Li movie.One thing that puzzled me senseless was why the movie was in Mandarin language when it was filmed and set to take place in Hong Kong. It was just so stupid. It should have been Cantonese.All in all a mediocre movie that was nothing at all what the DVD cover presented it to be.
Finfrosk86 To sum up this movie in one word: Silly.I watched it because it stars Jet Li, and because Corey Yuen is the action director. I knew of the super low score, but I thought, since Corey Yuen is involved, it at least has to have some decent fighting..? And it does. Sort of. Corey Yuen has worked with Jet Li and Jason Statham several times, (directed the first Transporter-movie) he is excellent, so I wanted to check this out.Anyhow. The movie is a comedy, think Kung Fu Hustle, only not funny. Basically it's like a cartoon. With cartoony sound effects, very weird "physics", and so on. It's just silly, like one time: someone is punched way up in the clouds by a tiny woman, and everybody laughs. Weird.The best thing about the movie though, is still the fights. Doesn't have that much fighting, but the fights are entertaining. Full of silliness, but still fun to watch. A little heavy on stupid looking wire-work, though.Also there's a lot of good, fake-looking mostly, but good use of CGI. Windows breaking, dents in cars, cracks and bullet-holes in walls, that sort of thing, and it actually really adds to the action. Destruction is always good in action-movies. But, even with some decent fighting, and big use of CGI, it is still not very good. The story is, well, I didn't really catch the story, as I watched minutes at a time, because let me tell ya, when it's no action going on, it's pretty boring. And it's stupid.
dworldeater I bought this expecting a badass cop movie starring Jet Li. Instead, Jet Li's role is more like a cameo appearance and the film really is a bad comedy with occasional kung fu fight sequences thrown in. I did enjoy the few fight scenes contained here, but as a whole the film is awful.The story is inept, uninteresting and stupid. The humorous aspects of the film rely on crude jokes, slapstick comedy, over the top, ridiculous moments, as well as references to Jet Li's career (officer Huang Fei Huang). That said it might have been fine, except those responsible forgot to make it funny. This movie makes the most crude, lowbrow work of producer/director Wong Jing look like highly intellectual art. Jet Li has proved with his previous films he is a very capable actor that can carry all sorts of stuff. Even though he only had a cameo appearance, Badges Of Fury is a waste of Jet Li's talents and not a good project. Hopefully, Jet Li will be given more than five minutes screen time in the next Expendables installment, one would hope.