| 18 June 2015 (USA)
Audacity Trailers

Aspiring comedian Peter is encouraged by his friend Ben to perform at the local comedy club. But stage fright isn’t Peter’s only fear. When confronted with one of today’s most divisive issues, he feels compelled to speak, but can he? Challenged by his coworker Diana to defend his convictions about homosexuality and gay marriage, will he have the courage to stand for what he believes—even at the risk of losing a friendship?

TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
usafa93 I saw this guy, Roy Comfort, on Youtube, and decided to check out this film. He is an Evangelical street preacher, so I knew the movie was going to have a moral, and I knew that moral would include trusting in Jesus and repenting. I like the way he is able to think on his feet, and he can talk to people about difficult subjects in an unoffensive manner. The movie is only 1 hour, so it was an easy view. It's message is not complex, but it is a message worth considering.Now... Regarding all of these so-called "reviews" that are 1-star. I was a bit surprised by this, because the movie, while not great, is clearly not 1-star trash. They all claimed the movie was hateful, which doesn't make any sense. It is not.Here's what I noticed. All of these "reviewers" registered within a 3 day period on IMDB. All of them have done one review, and one review only. They all have ridiculous user names like John4597 or Betty7631. The reviewers all have the same message, i.e. the movie is homophobic (it isn't). In short: there was a negative, hate campaign staged here (using SEO clerks, likely from either Bangladesh or the Philippines). Please keep that in mind if you are considering viewing this. Someone paid someone else to attack this movie, so the reviews are skewed to the negative.
woodsidematt this kind and thoughtful film will help homosexuals live a life devoid of intimacy and human contact with the person they love. i know this is what Jesus wants for them. thank you ray and all the actors and actresses in the film. well, that really says it all, but IMDb wants me to complete 10 lines so: the actors and actresses are all pretty so i guess that makes it easier to like them? it is aimed at young people to offer them a way to argue that it's OK to sideline gay people forcing them to live a life without marriage or even a fulfilling relationship. acting is poor; script is very weak. points are easy to refute. generally, poorly made. don't think ray is going to win anyone over to his side with this movie.
Milo Nettle If you enjoy the comedy stylings and gross generalizations of Mein Kampf, black face, and Birth of a Nation, then you simply MUST make space in your library for this new Banana Man production, Audacity! This shameless vehicle to promote Ray Comfort's Youtube videos that apparently just weren't getting the sort of views he'd hoped for is fun for the whole family! That is, if by fun you mean spending an hour of your life watching in disbelief and wondering what horrible things future generations are going to be thinking about the people of today. Audacity is the story of a white heterosexual Christian man grappling with the sort of persecution that men in his position must face every day in America. Every time he tries to lovingly tell someone that they're going to burn in a lake of fire for the rest of forever and ever and ever, the fictitious and unrealistically characterized homosexual characters he is trying to save get a little bit upset at him! This movie is truly deserving of it's title. Interspersed within the main "plot", of course, are the chopped and edited street preacher videos of Ray Comfort himself, speaking to a number of homosexuals and making the perfect argument as to why the god in which they all so conveniently happen to believe in loves them, and is willing to condemn them to eternal damnation to prove that love if they refuse to stop loving in the sort of loving way that they love other beloved creations of his whom he also loves..... …...uh.....BUT! If you're thinking that this all sounds a little too heavy to withstand for one single hour of your life, do not fret! Are you hoping for a bit of a mood lifter? Are you also thinking how much you miss those movies where a caveman gets frozen in a block of ice and then gets unfrozen in the future and can't quite make heads or tails of anything? Well then you're in luck, because the side character Ben (Ben Price), as far as I can tell was a caveman comedian who got frozen in the 1980s when doing impressions was still an acceptable form of comedy and then unfrozen in modern times and thrown into this movie to bring you the occasional taste of side splitting distraction from the icky images of gay intercourse starting to permeate your thoughts. Now I will admit, this movie is not without it's flaws. For one, I would have liked to see Ray try changing the mind of one of the gays that weren't already bible believers, since that's what his entire argument hinges on. Also, I'm still trying to figure out if the funniest part of the movie, when Diana (Molly Ritter) says the line, "So, I was just reading the bible, and it really got me to thinking..." is intended as a joke or.........oh what am I doing, this movie makes me feel so superior, and yet so persecuted at the same time, which perfectly perpetuates my flawed world view, and I promise it can do the same for you as long as you fall into the right demographic!
Anthony Baker Unlike what many of the caustic haters claim, this is not a hateful gay-bashing film. All it does is try to bring balance and civility to the discussion that divides so many. It's only "over-handed" if you're one to get offended with anyone who ever disagrees with you. If you are a mature adult that is willing to hear a living presentation from the other side of the aisle, then you'll appreciate this production. Some will never have anything positive to say simply because they have a chip on their shoulder.Watch the movie and decide for yourself. Don't just bash it because it's not overtly pro-gay.