The Edukators
The Edukators
R | 25 November 2004 (USA)
The Edukators Trailers

Three activists cobble together a kidnapping plot after they encounter a businessman in his home.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
kylknght The Edukators is named after the Self Designated name of a group, by which three characters the film follows, created. Jan and Peter, whom are best friends, are the original team that make up The Edukators. They are renown for breaking into large villas in their town and rearranging the furniture to instill a fear into the wealthy homeowners that they are not safe. Instead of burglary as the end goal of their breaking and entering, they want to send a message to the upper class that they have more money then they need. Jules, Peter's girlfriend is a victim of an upperclassman named Hardenburg, who sued her for totaling his Mercedes a few years before the film. Jule had no insurance, and therefore was in over her head with debt. At the start of the film, Jule was not informed of the team her boyfriend and his friend had been a part of. A love drama begins around Jule and Jan, while Peter goes away to Barcelona. Jan tells Jule what him and Peter actually do at night while she's sleeping. Jule begins to fall in love with the idea of going against the upper class while at the same time falling for Jan. One evening, while Peter is still away, Jule spontaneously decides to break into Hardenburg's home with Jan and commit the usual acts of the group. During their act, Jule mistakenly leaves her cell phone behind. When they both go back the next night, Hardenburg comes home to catch the two red handed. Hardenburg also recognized Jule, so caught in this predicament, they decide to call Peter to come to the home and help kidnap him. The second half of the story than encircles the group in a vacation cabin in rural Germany, which Jule's uncle owns and seldom stays. While inhabiting the cabin and taking care of their prisoner, the four converse about the purpose of their group and Hardenburg's background. While this is happening the love triangle begins to unfold, and feelings get hurt. Surprisingly, the group finds out that Hardenburg was once part of a similar team in the '60s called the Socialist German Student Union. In my opinion, the second half of the movie is dry and very slow. It seems to turn from a political led action flick to a love story where friendship is tested. I agree with one of the reviews here that the movie could have been much bolder with the ending but instead chose to be didactic. I hope you find this useful and would love to talk to anyone who wants to discuss the movie more!
roxychampion My class and i studied this film as our A-level focus film for our exam and we all loved it. all the girls thought the guys were really hot and the story line was amazing. we decided to read some reviews before posting our own and by the looks of things most people feel the same way as we do!this has been a very interesting film to study, however the ending shouldn't of been changed for us English viewers. we have come away form the Edukators with completely different morals then the rest of the world. can't wait to see what the exam question will ask about this film but believe me i won't be able to stop writing!
mulquemi This movie was recommended by a friend who liked Jan in Goodbye Lenin. I was doubtful at first, based solely on the blurbs on the case containing the DVD, but the movie has wonderful acting, camera work, directing,great tension, great plot switches, excellent use of scenery. A surprise and I loved it. Jan is perfectly caste as is the young woman,and the business executive could not be better. The director has done it again. The writing is flawless.How much more can I saw to indicate how much I liked this movie. They three friends are right. Did besten Ideen uberleben and Manche Menschen andern sich nie. Maybe this movie will change the last judgment.
claudecat I give this film a lot of credit for even approaching some of the issues the characters discuss-- when was the last time you saw a Hollywood film that even acknowledged the huge gulf between rich and poor in our world? But unfortunately, the screenwriter could have done a much better job exploring these issues. I found the pacing of the movie unbearably slow, and the characters' talk about their political beliefs superficial and repetitive. The main players are not very well fleshed out by the dialogue, so your interest in them is entirely dependent on how well you like the actors. The foreshadowing was extremely heavy, so it's easy to predict what's about to happen as the story goes along, though the final ending did surprise me.I got the impression that German viewers would get more out of the movie than Americans: there are a number of quick references to political movements I had never heard of, that must have more resonance in Germany.
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