Three Colors: White
Three Colors: White
R | 10 June 1994 (USA)
Three Colors: White Trailers

Polish immigrant Karol Karol finds himself out of a marriage, a job and a country when his French wife, Dominique, divorces him after six months due to his impotence. Forced to leave France after losing the business they jointly owned, Karol enlists fellow Polish expatriate Mikołaj to smuggle him back to their homeland.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
michaellaney15 Karol, a hairdresser copes with his ex-wife divorcing him whilst taking all his money. He ends up amassing a greater fortune than he had before through what I can only glimpse to be Machiavellian tactics. He then takes revenge on his ex-wife Dominique by framing her for his faked death. Karol isn't exactly the cold hearted type. When he visits Dominique in an institution (which I'm a little confused about how he's able to do considering he's supposed to be dead), he has an emotional reaction. I'm still confused what compelled him to care after he'd avenged himself; but maybe that's the point Kieslowski is trying to make. Karol also seems more sympathetic for the pain he caused her as opposed to Dominique's indifference to Karol's suffering. One might say that Karol felt he was doing what was just even if his methods were exploitative. 'White' has a strong theme but it's components are so mundane that the film never transcends them. It's not bad just forgettable.
disinterested_spectator Karol is a real loser. It is not just that he is impotent, for which reason his wife, Dominique, divorces him. He acts like a worm. Because he keeps stalking Dominique, she finally has to drive him out of France.Back in Poland, he inexplicably changes from being a loser into an entrepreneur, and becomes quite rich. But he is still small in spirit, because he still holds a grudge against his ex-wife. He leaves everything to her in his will, fakes his death, and fakes evidence to make it look as though she murdered him, resulting in her being sent to prison. But just before the police come to arrest her, he shows up in her bed, and they have sex. It must have been pretty good sex too, because when he goes to the prison and looks at her with binoculars behind the bars, she signals that she still loves him and wishes they were still married. And then he cries.And people wonder why so many Americans hate foreign films!
Naomi Yuen White is the purest color and seems like nothing harmful in there, peaceful. That's my first impression of this movie and I changed my thoughts.The movie can be summarized as a word:'revenge'. It was totally different with white color. The whole movie is full of plain color like black white grey, and they mean the life of Karol. However there are sharp colors such as orange and red when Dominique appears. She has strong desire of sex and love.So it is obvious that there is a contrast between Them and may be they are in different world.The most unforgettable part is the ending. Because Karol visited Dominique in the prison but they are in different emotions. Karol was crying and looking at her but Dominique smiled and did sign language. She said the Karol must wait her back and have sex with her(or marry again?). To me, They are in different stage of love. Karol did the revenge and still in love with Dominique. On the other side, Dominique was satisfied with the power she got in the relationship so she just want to enjoy that again but may be not related to her love to Karol.Overall, the color was the main feature of the movie and brought out the relationship between this couple. Krzysztof Kieślowski told us White should be pure and equal but not in love.
athena24 The story was nice but lacks a tight grip and feels unbelievable at times. The weakest point however, in my opinion, is the characters. Karol was nice but I couldn't understand his motives completely and couldn't sympathize with him. As for Dominique, there was not enough character development to understand better who she is. White felt less arty. It does have the camera concentration on object and the returning motive of recycling tin, but not as noticeable. Instead it had a richer plot and slightly more characters. White was never boring, but I didn't have any excitement watching it. The ending left me puzzled as to what Karol wanted to achieve.In summary: above average, but not exciting. When comparing to the other two, it looks like an estranged sibling.