The Science of Sleep
The Science of Sleep
R | 22 September 2006 (USA)
The Science of Sleep Trailers

A man entranced by his dreams and imagination is lovestruck with a French woman and feels he can show her his world.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
jackweatherbe This film was different than anything I've ever seen, for the most part. Was it amazing? No, but it was original and it worked which is hard to pull off. It didn't come off as overdone or too out there, the film did what it what it was meant to do and the concept was portrayed successfully. That aside, the story was lacking and unsatisfying just like the ending. I would say this films strengths reside in the shots and the ideas, and it makes it worth watching and recommending. The blending of real life and stop motion in the dream world was great. That was the most intriguing things that the science of sleep pulled off. Good movie with a bland story.
David Dreyer The science of sleep is an interesting movie to say the least. Mixing dream with reality, the story pulls us into the head of Stéphane as he journeys through a relationship with Stéphanie. This film has many creative shots. It includes stop motion in many parts which makes the scenes pop. The film, at times, captures the audiences emotions. The quirky and awkward style of the movie brought humour and uniqueness to the table. Its been a while since I've seen a movie in this style and it was a nice change from the everyday violent films. But in no way a replacement. To conclude, I enjoyed this film and would recommend it. Some people may find it boring, but for those with an open mind, The Science of Sleep is for you.
Marc Israel A wildly original film tells you all the plot you need to really know in the early minutes. Our protagonist is a immature underachiever who finds himself amongst those of the same ilk. they are a society of people who accept mediocrity as a passing phase where our young man/boy has his fulfillment and adventure in his dreams. His apartment is transformed into a late night TV set where his confidence and communication skills are highlighted where in real life he can be equally creepy and charming. The language changes are abundant and often cause an audience reaction to wonder if this is a dream or reality. This fantasy is short on Hollywood satisfaction but endless in dreaming non-sense. IFinding this as interesting without being clearly meaningful is difficult but peeked my interest none the less and I'm glad I finally got my hands on the DVD
Joe Maguire Tried watching this last night and gave up after forty minutes, which I don't do often. Although Gondry has done some beautiful work here with stop-motion animation thats a feast for the eye, the story plays like an exhausted hallucination, disjointed and frustrating, much of it owing to the lack of chemistry between the characters and the sheer confusion of the dialogue.It's hard to put into words the train wreck this film is. It was all too much. Too much scenery, too much thought, too much into every scene to try and get what was going on.Not for me.