I Love You, I Love You Not
I Love You, I Love You Not
NR | 31 October 1997 (USA)
I Love You, I Love You Not Trailers

A school student and her European-born grandmother share sad stories of their lives.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
HeadlinesExotic Boring
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
claytonchurch1 I didn't expect a lot from this film, but I thought it would be worth a try. There were about two points during the first 35 minutes in which I was going to turn it off. It wasn't that interesting, and it was slow-moving. But, I have liked some things Clare Danes has been in, especially Temple Grandin, so I stuck with it. About the time that Daisy starts to see some fruit in her teenage crush, it really picked up and I was glad I had kept watching. Soon after that, though, it continued to be disappointing. Jude Law's character is not consistent; sometimes he's nice, and sometimes his character is just dull. I don't think that was really in the acting of Jude, but more in the writing. This was the absolute worst acting I've ever seen Claire Danes. I bet she's embarrassed about this film now. She went from being, at times, a mature young lady to other times seeming like a nine-year-old, emotionally. Her acting reminded me of an 11-year-old in a school play thinking that she was acting, so she had to be dramatic. Claire has wild swings of being skittishly excited and kind of queer (in the "immature" sense of that term). Her voice fluctuations were hard to take. Oh, and then there's the plot. Lots of dream sequences that don't really fully connect and an attempt in the writing to connect two separate themes and three separate locations that just came off disjointed. There were scenes that just seemed to be bad editing, that didn't follow. Don't waste your time; see another Claire Danes film.
Jessie S (Jessie_Enchanted) This movie actually ( in my opinion was not to bad) I just wish that there had been a better ending. Jude Law was brought to my attention for the first time in this movie. Id rate him a good B .Id give the movie a B-
ouais81 I must say, I was unimpressed and confused with "I Love You, I Love You Not." The story, which deals with a young Jewish girl coming to terms with her identity in the world, seems to take confusing and bizarre turns in the whole of the movie. It is mistakenly described as a love story, when in reality it tells more of the hardships of youth. I did like all of the actor's performances, but unfortunately the movie itself was quite confusing. Had it been separated into two different movies, its message would have been stated more clearly.
VLeung It's also slow, dull, and unrewarding. Jude Law plays the boy Danes falls in love with - but we have no idea WHY she falls in love with him. He's the creepiest f*** since Anthony Perkins in Psycho, and is constantly telling her to say things to him. 'SAY IT!', he insists, the way dreamy boys really are not wont to do.Oh, and the five-head king Dawson Leary shows up as an evil anti-semitic posh boy. I couldn't even find enough energy to be amused by the over-the-top clichéd crap they made him say.Possibly because it makes me wince to imagine the director will have been at the side yelling: 'SAY IT!!!!'