| 15 October 2010 (USA)
Atrocious Trailers

Quintanilla family was found dead in their country side house. Police reported the existence of 37 hours of recorded evidence. The family traveled to their old farm house, where they investigated about the Legend of the Girl in the Garraf woods. They used to record whatever they did. Atrocious shows the last five days of this family, and the strange situations that they lived in those moments and which remain unexplained.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
blaineyuan0204 Spain has proved its aptitude for found footage films with magnum opus such as the REC franchise. This time it didn't disappoint, either.Atrocious is centered on a pair of siblings who are bent on uncovering the secrets behind the weird happenings around their family's vacation home. Admittedly it lacks the gore factors and intense action sequences representative of the REC franchise, and instead focuses on a more mundane approach. Yet, the end result is arguably as hair-raising as, if not more thrilling than, its precursor. The location of the vacation house is so well-chosen that its creepiness and isolatedness add to the scare factors of this movie. Those two actors playing the siblings gave believable performances as a real-life brother and sister duo whose curiosities may get way out of hand. And to top it all off, the most outstanding selling point of Atrocious lies within its final reveal, which I'm fairly sure is nearly impossible for most viewers to figure out beforehand, and which I guarantee will scramble most viewers' minds on a spiritual level.As to the grivance that the woods scenes stretch too long, I would say different strokes for different folks. For me it was right up my alley. I was practially at the edge of my seat as those sequences unfolded, biting my nails worrying about anything sinister should jump out at any moment. Plus they definitely add to the "realness" of those "found footages".In a nutshell, Atrocious is another found footage masterpiece put together by talented Spanish filmmakers and I recommend anyone interested in this sub-genre give it a try.
Todd Staruch I am a fan of found footage films because if they are done right, they can be very scary. "Atrocious" definitely has some tense, scary moments but basically you're always waiting for something that never happens. Tension is one thing, but you need a payoff at some point.My main problem with this film is that it falls victim to the same problem that many other found footage films have. Which is, why in the world would you be holding on to a camera at that particular moment? You're running, likely for your life, and you're actually thinking about capturing the moment? I am willing to let a lot of things go when I watch a movie, but this just bothers me every time.Secondly, it seems that the writers and director were unsure as to what to do with the plot. Is this the story of a terrifying urban legend, or is it something else? Overall, I think it's worth a look, mainly because you're only investing a little over an hour of your time, but don't expect anything amazing.
gavin6942 The Quintanilla family was found dead and recorded evidence was discovered by the police. Then, a production company acquires the confidential material and edits it into a horror movie.Obviously, this is a "Blair Witch Project" knockoff. Kids investigating an urban legend in the woods after interviewing a local who knows something about it. I should not even have to say it, but I feel like not saying it would be letting them off the hook for their derivative story.However, unlike the Blair Witch, there is pretty much no way anyone would believe this was really a pair of kids with cameras. We have to ask, why do they always have cameras? Even when just sitting around, the cameras are on. When they are being chased, and probably have better things to do than worry about filming, the cameras are on. And the quality of the filming just looks too good.I will give them credit for a really clever original twist (which I shall not reveal). This could have been just another ghost story with hand-held cameras, but they made it something more. Maybe they should not have... but it works, in my opinion.
nofrigginlife Where to start..As far as a "lost footage" film goes, this isn't much different then others in the genre. The film itself is only 73 minutes (99% sure) long, which is why I gave it a 6 instead of a lower grade. There are less "jump" then "Oh my God"/"What the Hell" scenes in the film, the dead family dog and the daughter strung up in a ritualistic pose come to mind. The big problem I had with the movie was part of the lost footage, there's almost a three minute segment where it's nothing but camera juggling while Christian (one of the two main characters) was getting chased through the labyrinth almost to the point of motion sickness if you watch to closely. Almost at the end of the movie everything is summed up after 71 minutes of shock value. Atrocius is not a bad watch but this is a rent at best, only if you're a horror fan of the genre.
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