PG | 16 February 1997 (USA)
Asteroid Trailers

With the discovery of an incoming asteroid, the government of America formulate a plan to destroy it. When the plan fails, all the world can do is wait. The main impact zone is revealed to be Dallas, Texas. Generally, the plot follows the lives and reactions of several characters: an astronomer, her father, her son, two firefighters from Kansas, two young doctors in Dallas and the heads of the government agency in charge of the situation.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
magicfunnyman I am a little embarrassed by the strong negative reviews of this movie because I worked in this movie as a background actor. I am also surprised by the fact that the movie was nominated for 4 awards and won an Emmy for Outstanding Special Visual Effects, yet all but a hand few of viewers on this web site agreed with the Academy of Arts and Sciences in their movie review. Personally I enjoyed the movie. It wasn't the greatest movie I've seen but it certainly wasn't the worst. Of course when I first started watching the movie I was more interested in picking out my ugly mug out of the sea of faces. (you can actually see me standing just behind Anne Marie Johnson. We were watching a news vid at the Kansas City Evacuation site. (We were watching the actual news vid that was filmed earlier and later used in the movie, not a blank TV screen.)One of my favorite scenes was when Fema worker Adam Marquez (played by Carlos Gomez) got shot, I thought it was very well done. I liked the actor who played the gunman, he did an excellent job! I actually worked in that scene as one of the extras in the crowd of upset evacuees. An interesting bit of trivia is that while we were doing that scene, one of the other extras in the crowd fell over and had convulsions. Someone called out for a "real" medic, then the man was carried out on a stretcher. (The man was alright and I believe he was there for the re-shoot the following evening.)I also enjoyed the suspense created in the scene when Jack Wallach (played by Michael Biehl) saved the boy named Elliot off of a slab of concrete just before it crashes into the center of a crater formed by the Asteroid hit.I am a little puzzled by those who think they saw mountains in the movie. The evacuation scenes were filmed at Buckley Air National Guard base several miles out east from Denver. (That's away from the mountains, for those of you geographically challenged.) It was far enough away to make it nearly impossible to see any mountains. Most of the other scenes that were filmed within the city limits were filmed at night making it difficult to see the mountains if they did happen to get in the shot. I have also watched the movie many times myself and have never seen any mountains in any of the scenes. (I guess I will have to watch it again to see of I can see them.) Not a bad movie. Had I not worked in the movie it would be hard to say if I would have enjoyed it more or less. If you like a good disaster movies than I would recommend this one.
tuikie Well, this is actually bad beyond the telling of it.One would think that, with ending series as Firefly, SciFi would take a good hard look at anything they would spend money on. But really, after watching only 15 or 20 minutes of it, it's kind of obvious that this is really, really BAD. The fact that there's actually businesses that have payed for (some) of this cr*pfest, is a shock.I'm really glad that I don't usually nitpick on movies; the amount of factual errors and goofs is beyond belief.This movie deserves its 1 (out of ten), and that's actually pretty generous.
Asteri-Atypical This film has gained a certain infamy for stupidity. It's discussed as a laughing stock for the complete mutilation of science and even basic logic.It's not a matter of a low budget. It's not that we are just being picky and expect it to be "too" accurate. I can accept a certain level of inaccuracy. This film goes way beyond that level into the absurd. It has about the scientific realism of spilling a bucket of water and having all the houses on the block carried away in the resulting flood.There's no defending or rationalizing this level of stupidity. Even the "human drama" elements were mediocre at best and downright simplistic and boring for most of the film. The last half of the film dragged. There's no reason a film should be made this poorly just because it's made for TV. It's not poor by comparison to other flicks or big budget movies; it's just poor. Even the good performances of some of the actors couldn't save this one.
moviegal-6 Okay, so this is not the greatest "disaster movie" ever made. It's made for tv so it doesn't have the budget as Armageddon or Deep Impact did. Also, one must realize as someone pointed out was made a good year before the others. It was really one of the first to broach this type of topic and I feel it did quite well. All movies have inaccuracies and many other movies have numerous more problems then this one. Implausable, perhaps; corny dialog, not the fault of the actors. The point that must be remembered is that it is a movie!!! Sure, the FEMA director probably wouldn't ever leave the office- perhaps he or she should! Sure, modern observatories are more computer run than anything (hello, then it wouldn't be a human interest movie), and the actors in it really do well with the story that they have. Michael Biehn and Annabelle Sciorra, screen actors, usually in supporting or secondary rolls are contending with lead rolls. Don Franklin, Jensen Daggett, and the others are all television actors in a story that had the scope to be a big screen film. Anthony Zerbe is the seasoned actor here, having done both film and tv, but he was cast in a minor roll and did pretty good with it. Comparing this to big budget large screen films is unfair. It is also unfair to judge actors based on weak script writing. They do what they can with what they're given. What this is is a movie that makes you feel good about being human and gives you hope that we can come together if there ever would be a major disaster.