Asteroid: Final Impact
Asteroid: Final Impact
| 19 September 2015 (USA)
Asteroid: Final Impact Trailers

A deadly meteor storm has been labeled a one-time celestial occurrence, but astrophysicist Steve Thomas believes something worse is yet to come. After discovering his asteroid tracking satellite is secretly being used for military surveillance, Steve leaks the truth to the press, and it costs him his reputation, his job, and his friends. With the backlash of being a whistle-blower, the pressure threatens to tear his family apart, just when Steve discovers a threat to the entire planet: a giant dark asteroid invisible to current detection systems will soon strike the Earth. Barred from using his own satellite to prove the asteroid's existence, Steve is forced to work in the shadows in a desperate attempt to save humanity.

Micransix Crappy film
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
mikeldurango The special effects are quite poor knowing it's a film from 2015. The story line sometimes its messy, and some situations are not very realistic. For example, when the old guy is knocked during a fight with the some robbers, he seems to be bad. During the next 30 min of the film, there are moments when he recovers, then goes feels bad again, then recovers, then he seems a bit confused, and when all finishes, he's doing great. Even that, I recommend it to families, it's a good film to see.
midge56 The Audio, video, editing & actors all did a great job on this disaster film. However, the screenplay character behavior needed work. Clearly, a third rate scriptwriter. The story was good but the behaviors had these good actors running around & breaking into gov't facilities to save the world as the clueless FBI agents & gov't minions chase after them with guns. Once again, the roving gang of bullies tries to trash another Scifi film... just for the fun of it. These worst movie critics are juveniles & crazies trying to get attention & attacking any film too smart for the peebrain or getting revenge on their parents generation by trashing decent movies.A high school grade C script on character behaviors. But still a pleasant film to watch. No battles, blood or violence. Just meteors wreaking havoc upon the earth & the whistleblower trying to stay ahead of the authorities & disasters. His family doesn't understand him. Their shallow needs are paramount. A standard disaster story, so you can watch it with your family. Similar to the movie Earthquake in the 70's.I recommend this movie for viewers over 40 who are not looking for violence or factual scientific realism.
mustang5201 I don't know why the ratings for this movie are so low. It's honestly not a bad TV disaster movie. The graphics are actually quite good for a TV movie, despite other reviews. I mean what are you expecting? Big budget graphics? No way. But this movie does well. I've seen every disaster movie ever made and the CGI in this movie is far superior to most other TV disaster movies. Some were just laughable, but not here. The plot is a tad recycled, but a bit new. The acting was also good. I've seen bad acting, and this movie doesn't come close to bad acting. Great? No. Bad? No. Give it a try acting and decide for yourself. Anyone who likes disaster movies should appreciate it. Though I would have liked to see a bit more disaster scenes, I'm quite pleased with this movie.
Leofwine_draca There really isn't very much to say about this film. I feel like I've reviewed it already in one of my reviews of at least a dozen other cheesy low budget disaster movies. Take, for example, the other films of director Jason Bourque, including STONADOS, DOOMSDAY PROPHECY, and SEATTLE SUPERSTORM. Those three and this one are so similar that it's as if Bourque is spending his life remaking the same movie.Anyway, you know the score by now and if you don't, well, my recommendation is to avoid like the plague. Meteorites are striking Earth and laying waste to various global landmarks, and only a renegade scientist has the knowledge or know-how to stop the attacks. There's a whole lot of running around, some scientific mumbo-jumbo talk, and lots of cheesy CGI scenes of meteorite strikes.The first thing that becomes apparent is that ASTEROID: FINAL IMPACT has little to do with asteroids, and the original title, METEOR ASSAULT, was a much better fit. The second thing is that this is a Canadian movie, so perhaps even cheaper than its contemporaries. The third is that there are no 'guest name' actors here, unless you include Lochlyn Munro (UNFORGIVEN), and I don't. It's not worth bothering with, anyway.