Arthur and the Invisibles
Arthur and the Invisibles
PG | 12 January 2007 (USA)
Arthur and the Invisibles Trailers

Arthur is a spirited ten-year old whose parents are away looking for work, whose eccentric grandfather has been missing for several years, and who lives with his grandmother in a country house that, in two days, will be repossessed, torn down, and turned into a block of flats unless Arthur's grandfather returns to sign some papers and pay off the family debt. Arthur discovers that the key to success lies in his own descent into the land of the Minimoys, creatures no larger than a tooth, whom his grandfather helped relocate to their garden. Somewhere among them is hidden a pile of rubies, too. Can Arthur be of stout heart and save the day? Romance beckons as well, and a villain lurks.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
epgbeverly this movie is reminiscent of an old American cartoon called the littles. this movie is slow at the start, set in the united states, when it should have ben set in the English country side, all in all the best I can give it is, it's nice, nothing spectacular but nice, worth a watch at least once.
Cody Konior I kind of liked Highmore until I saw this snore fest, Jesus, his acting was completely overdone and unbelievably bad, almost like he was trying to tank the film on purpose. We made it to the 40 minute mark before skipping ahead to the end, seeing it got better, and going back to finish it properly. Hence the addition of 2 marks to the 1 it would have otherwise gotten. I feel like giving it a 4 would be too generous. The characters are ugly and regarding the plot every single set piece is ruined seconds before it happens. "Oh I hope X doesn't happen." Well it's going to happen right now. "If you see someone..." Well they will see someone right now. Great writing...Filled with sexual innuendo and a guest appearance by Snoop Dog playing the exact same fake and sleazy character he does in every single movie, this movie is a real turd. Avoid.
TheLittleSongbird That is personal opinion of course. There are things to admire about Arthur and the Invisibles but the flaws that are brought up by those who didn't like the film are valid. The best thing is the animation, which is great, with lots of beautiful colours(bright and colourful as well as dark and foreboding) and detail. The music fits very well too, the fantasy elements sparkle and the adventure ones rouse while it is also in a style accessible to the target audience(family). The action sequences are reasonably fun, exciting and well and inventively animated, if a few too many, the film's lessons and messages are good and don't feel preachy, and there are a few amusing and sweet moments, the grandfather's journal was a beautiful touch. Most of the voice acting/acting is commendable, faring best are a very likable Freddie Highmore and a sinister yet suave David Bowie. Chazz Palminteri and Jason Bateman shine in bit roles, and Snoop Dog is hilarious. In the live action parts Mia Farrow is appropriately kindly and compassionate. Robert De Niro is quite good also though deserving of more to do. Not all the acting is entirely successful, Jimmy Fallon is annoying and Madonna trying to sound younger than she actually is takes some getting used to. Harvey Keitel is pretty wasted in an underwritten role that does nothing for his talents. The live action parts are rather awkwardly written and staged, and the narration feels out of place and not really that unnecessary. David Suchet though does do a nice job admittedly. The dialogue has its moments, but can feel trite and under baked, while the story can have a tendency to move too fast. With more room to breathe it could have been developed more and elaborated more on some its ideas, which were good ones that were at times somewhat of a convoluted muddle. The characters are likable but not much more. Overall, Arthur and the Invisibles' good points were great but with a stronger story and writing it could have been more. 5/10 Bethany Cox
hony-4 I have seen a lot of children's movies out there that have used CGI animation and other techniques to make a film more attractive to an audience, of both kids and adults. When I was going to watch this movie with my little sister, I thought it would be an OK kids movie. I was wrongThe main thing that bugged me about this movie was the acting and the actors that they choose. I mean you can have a musical guest star in a film every once in a while, but nearly every main character in the movie was a stinking movie artist. You had Madonna, Snoop Dogg, and David Bowie, and other voices including Jimmy Fallon and Robert De Niro. Now when you put all of these actors together, you get a bad cast. There is nothing new in this film, just a bunch of the same actors and artist that you have know for around 20 years. You can tell that the people who made this movie spent all their money on acting jobs, which sucked. They could have actually have searched through the archive and grab someone who was a little better at the job, actually take some times to take a look at the newbies or even those that have been around for a while, but have not been in a big roll on a Motion Picture. The only good actor in this movie i though was David Bowie. The story line was OK, but there were times where I was confused on what the heck was going on. The film really had a weird ending as well. The animation was good, but half the time I was freaked out by how the Minimoys looked from start to finish. Mix Lord of the Rings with Cabbage Patch kids and it still wouldn't be as bad as this.I think that they could have made this film so much better. It looks like they ran out of money as soon as they started production on this cursed film. Don't waste your time, its not good as all! Effects were good, and animation was great, but don't let that deceive you. Its the story that really matters, and trust me, these people need to go back to English class.