Around the Bend
Around the Bend
R | 08 October 2004 (USA)
Around the Bend Trailers

A tale of four generations of men, all of whom have had their offspring at a young age: a great-grandfather, a grandfather, a father in his twenties and a son who is about 7 years old. When the oldest member passes away, the trio heads out on the road together in the Southwest to search out an old family secret that connects to their past.

ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Console best movie i've ever seen.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
marcus_stokes2000 *SPOILERS around here* Jason Lair (Josh Lucas, 'Poseidon'), who works in a bank, lives with his ailing grandfather Henry (Michael Caine, 'Beyond The Poseidon Adventure', 'Alfie'), Henry's nurse Katrina (Glenne Headly, 'ER') and his own son, Zachary (Jonah Bobo, 'Zathura').One day, Jason's father Turner (Christopher Walken, 'The Deer Hunter', 'The Dead Zone') darkens his doorstep after having abandoned him when he was 2 years old and his mother had died in a car accident with him in the car (or was he?), leaving him with a bum leg.Jason is obviously none too pleased, but Henry is; Turner is his son, after all.Sadly, though, Henry dies that very night, but not before having left very precise instructions on where to disperse his (and his beloved dog's) ashes.So, Turner, Zachary, and a very reluctant Jason are on their way to a very special journey, which hopefully will get Jason and Turner's father-son relationship back on track...But Turner is keeping some secrets, and they hurt...Director Jordan Roberts scores 10/10 on my ratings for this film in which everything seems appropriate, from music to scenery, the actors really shine (especially Lucas, Bobo and the endearing Headly, however small her part may be) and a story that touches a nerve with everyone who has been a son, because even if our father didn't disappear for years, we all hold some kind of resentment towards him, sometimes even for no reason at all, like the famous song 'Father & Son' clearly shows.Around The Bend is a great movie, not to miss.
roaddreamin Father-son movies can quickly turn into sappy soap operas. Grandfather-father-son-grandson movies can drown you in cheap syrup. You gotta watch 'em. Around The Bend, though, keeps it grit and its soul right to the bitter-sweet end. The actors - Michael Caine, Christopher Walken, John Lucas and Jonah Bobo - are completely at home in their rolls. The writing is intelligent and real. If you've traveled the American West, the people and places along the road to hopeful redemption are familiar. Unless you were born of angels, so are the main characters. Take a good story, weave a perfect rock and roll soundtrack through it and stuff it into a Kentucky Fried Chicken sack. Now load it into a junkie old VW bus and sprinkle it very lightly with magic dust. What you got is a trip to someplace worth going. I love this movie!
booeythang I accidentally came across this film and am so glad i did. The only reason i watched it in the first place was because Christopher Walken was in it and i usually end up enjoying movies with in. This one was no exception. Still, this was much better than I could have ever expected and I'm glad I took the chance. Josh Lucas gave yet another outstanding performance and Michael Cain was Legendary as always. This movie takes you on a joyride of more human emotions then i though existed. It journeys into human relationships and focuses on the unbreakable bond between family. Family is family whether you like it or not! It's deep and moving and yet there were times when i found myself laughing out loud! A must see!
pnitschke1 Everything about this movie is perfect. I cared about each character as soon as I was introduced to them. The scenes flow masterfully. Each nuance (Henry's drumming; Jason's echoing Henry's drumming; Jason's sigh when Henry starts drumming again before he even gets settled in bed) seems magically real and believably natural. I felt I knew them intimately.The only time I usually watch a movie a 2nd time is for clarity. This movie I watched 6 times. Unprecedented for me. It was just such a pleasure to observe these people interacting; all puns intended.Bravo!