PG | 16 November 1973 (USA)
Arnold Trailers

Karen marries Arnold at his funeral and continues to get his money as long as she stays by his coffin. Meanwhile, various oddball relatives after Arnold's wealth are being killed in a creative variety of ways.

MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Uriah43 Upon his death "Lord Arnold Dewellyn" (Norman Stuart) makes arrangements to be married to a woman by the name of "Karen" (Stella Stevens) even though he leaves behind a widow named "Lady Jocelyn Dewellyn" (Shani Wallis). As it turns out, the reason he does this is because he wishes to settle some old scores with everyone who supposedly loved him but were only interested in his money. Think of it as a kind of sick joke which he continues to play upon with the reading of the will in which he mandates certain instructions intended to cause even more problems for all concerned. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that I didn't particularly care for this movie that much due in large part to the absence of humor and the morbid circumstances surrounding everything. To be sure, there is some mystery here and there and Stella Stevens was definitely quite attractive. Even so, I found the overall plot to be somewhat distasteful and for that reason I have rated it accordingly. Below average.
TonyDood This is a pretty black little film, and I actually really like it. It makes you wonder how they got the money to put it together and got all the celebrities to be in it. Roddy McDowell and Stella Stevens were fresh off of "Poseidon Adventure." Was this a good career move? Who cares? They were both actors who were willing to work, even if it meant doing dumb movies.Stella Stevens plays a woman carrying out the wishes of her lover, that she marry him after he is dead. That's how the movie STARTS, and it keeps going from there! What follows is a combination of campy 70's sitcom humor, a "And Then There Were None"-style "whodunnit" mystery and some grisly, inventive death scenes.The pace is brisk as it moves to a surprise ending that is both satisfying and pretty disturbing for a "comedy." I respect a film that is willing to pretend to be all light and funny, then end so hatefully! The theme of this film is that everyone is money-grubbing, selfish and weak. Nasty, black-hearted, TRULY WEIRD (the opening song just kills me) and I love it! And Stella Stevens is gorgeous and amazing, as always.
Boodikka Ah, the brilliance of BCP films.....what can one say? At least this one is fun (just imagine a "Love American Style" episode if made by Hammer Films). Once again a mixture of has-been and never-were big and small-screen actors get bumped off in ways that will seem silly to veteran viewers of Brit-horror films such as TALES THAT WITNESS MADNESS and VAULT OF HORROR. It even has the obligatory crappy Shani Wallis song (poor talented-but-totally-misused Shani).
BaronBl00d Arnold is a film about a recently deceased wealthy man that kills off his heirs and company from the grave. It is a dark comedy, mixing gory thrills with low-brow comedy. This mix works well overall despite a somewhat lacking script. Most of the credit should go to the cast which is superb. Stella Stevens is ever beautiful, and buxom I might add, as Arnold's newly wed wife after his death. Elsa Lanchester, yes the Bride herself, is winsome as his dottering, cat-pawing sister. Roddy McDowell is as ever charming as his penniless, conniving younger brother. Good turns also are contributed from Patric Knowles, Farley Granger, John McGiver, and Jamie Farr. The best performance is given by British character actor Bernard Fox(known for his role of Dr. Bombay on Bewitched) as a dim-witted policeman that has little tact and sense. His lines are the best and he certainly is the funniest aspect of the film. The cast dies through many grisly deaths. One person is compacted in a garbage truck, another choked to death from a suit, another interred for life in a vault, another beheaded, and a couple pressed together between two walls. Shanni Wallis sings a rather very 70ish tune by the titular name that sets the mood of the film almost immediately as do some of the stylish sets and swirling fogs of the cemetery.