Armour of God
Armour of God
| 16 August 1986 (USA)
Armour of God Trailers

Jackie Chan stars as Asian Hawk, an Indiana Jones-style adventurer looking to make a fortune in exotic antiquities. After Hawk discovers a mysterious sword in Africa, a band of Satan-worshipping monks kidnap his ex-girlfriend Lorelei, demanding the sword as ransom as well as other pieces of the legendary Armour of God - a magical outfit dating back to the Crusades.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
a_baron Jackie Chan specialises in playing the likeable idiot. Here he plays the straight man, for a bit, but is soon in it up to his neck. In fact he is in trouble from the very beginning, and an old friend who turns up like the proverbial bad penny doesn't help. A cult of evil and totally ruthless monks are out to conquer the world or some such, when they are not having it off with local prostitutes. There is the little matter of the armour he has been tasked to retrieve, and other stuff that may go above your head, but forget the silly plot, this is Chan at his vintage best with ridiculous over-the-top comic book fight scenes and breathtaking stunts galore.
leonblackwood Review: When this movie was released, I remember it being a big deal, and it really did make Jackie Chan an international star but it seemed a bit dated for today's cinema. The awful music throughout the movie, along with the terrible storyline, became unbearable after a while but the epic fight at the end, against the 4, extremely large black women, saved the day. The outrageous stunt near the end, when he jumped onto an air balloon, was way over the top and the terrible acting from the rest of the cast, did make me wonder why this movie was so good back in the day. Like a lot of Jackie Chan movies, the comedic script was badly written and really not funny and his useless sidekick, got on my nerves after a while. The storyline was pretty simple! Basically, Jackie Chans best friends girlfriend is kidnapped by a cult because they want Jackie Chan to steal this mysterious artifact. He decides to ask the rich millionaire, who owns the treasure, if be can borrow the priceless item so he can use it to get the girl back. The millionaire gives them the treasure but his daughter has to tag along with them, on there crazy mission to save the girl. Not the best storyline but at that time, it seemed like a Kung Fu Indiana Jones. Anyway, it's one to have if your a Jackie Chan fan but it's definitely not one of his best. Disappointing but watchable for the end!Round-Up: This movie was written and directed by Jackie Chan, so he really did give this movie his all. Whilst filming the stunt, we're he leaps from a wall onto a tree, the branch broke and he hit his head on a rock, which nearly killed him. Since then, he has a permanent thimble sized hole on the right side of his head and he became hard of hearing in one ear, which proves that Chan is willing to go the whole 9 yards when it comes to making a scene realistic for his audience. With that aside, I still found the movie pretty bad, mainly because of the silly storyline which takes some time to get going but I did watch the end fight a couple of times. Budget: N/A Worldwide Gross: HK$35millionI recommend this movie to people who are into their action/adventure/comedies starring Jackie Chan, Alan Tam, Rosamund Kwan, Lola Forner and Ken Boyle. 3/10
Guardia "Armour of God" sees Chan as a kind of freelance treasure-hunter. This film was set in it's day (1987), (and already, Chan enthusiasts may already know what I'm hinting at here). We are quickly told (well, after some awkward flashbacks) that an old friend of Jackie's and Alan's (his annoying side-kick for nearly the whole film), Laura, has been kidnapped.After some fairly drawn-out and redundant sequences, we follow these guys (with another girl May) on their rescue mission. This film plot is fairly questionable to me, and the performances vary continually throughout the film.Jackie's typical comedy and impeccable action sequences are present in this film, but just to a much lesser degree than normal. I felt that the character of Alan crowded Jackie's abilities, and we are often shown Alan goofing off (quite unfunnily) while Jackie is presented as the sensible and honorable one.It's not until very late in the last reel do Chan fans get what they've been waiting for. The final fight-sequences are top-notch, but disappointingly over to soon, (there's no 30min "Young Master"-type finale here). Also, Jackie's usual extreme stunt inclusions are sub-standard in this film. The last stunt, while impressive logistically, feels quite tacked-on to the end of the film. This film, although quite patchy, is worth watching. Just be prepared for some dated comedy and a long wait for your action fix.
Andrei Pavlov To me this movie remains the very first with Mr Jackie Chan chronologically. It has some pure magic of adventure and style. Being a child, could not believe my eyes when "Asian Hawk" was fighting a load of cult members and then - black women in close-fitting outfit. The movie has not become outdated. It's still alive and kicking.One day "Operation Condor" was shown on our TV. Good, but nowhere near the original "Armour".Being back on track, just want to add that "The Armour of God" is one solid outstanding piece of cinema with a few incredible highlights. Nothing like this can be found in any other film on this planet. Here they are.1. Jackie fighting off a tribe of aboriginals and ruining their "sacrifice ceremony" (an insane riding down the green hills upon the shield included).2. Cult members in black Arabian clothing with our good old kalashnikovs in their hands performing a kidnapping mission and shooting a reporter in the eye (right through the glasses). It all is backed up by some dance-pop and looks like a music video. Does it sound politically correct? 3. Jackie and his friend escaping the deadly car attack by driving off in a smart Mitsubishi gadget on wheels leaving a vast explosion behind.4. Jackie starting an unforgettable fight with the evil monks in a spacious refectory. To me this scene is an absolute caprice. It just goes "bang!", "clank!", "dong!", "Aaaargh!", "sweeesh!", etc. The Jackie's kick that sends one of the cult leaders back in space on the knees and then still roundabout back on the floor in slow-mo is a touch of platinum.5. Jackie communicating with some women that look like black acrobatic witches and sound like sirens. The communication goes with the help of fists, feet, knees, and high heels. To say that these women are queer is to say nothing.6. Jackie talking some nihilistic trash about money and spitting out a chewing gum at the end of his fundamental speech.7. Jackie blowing the whole in-rock "monastery" to pieces and flying from a cliff down onto a balloon (it looks so ridiculous and phoney but that's all right).8. Music playing throughout the whole film and adding a special flavour: some hot rock tunes are in play during the chase scenes, some dance-pop goes off during the notorious kidnapping, a sweet melodramatic song sounds when the trio are travelling, and a highly energetic song ends it all with an optimistic touch.This movie must be in top 10 among the best adventure/action flicks. Every single minute of this movie is hot and bombastic. It's a pity that Mr Jackie Chan was injured during the production and, suppose, could not unleash even more hysterical acts upon us.10 out of 10. Thank you for attention.